Learnig how to trust

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It only took me 20 minutes to write this. It's very different to what I usually write. Let me know if you like it

Veronica, Archie and their 15 year old daughter Lola are all dressed up. They are invited to Jughead's and Betty's baby shower. Veronica is super excited. She can't wait to have her own baby shower one day, to be pregnant.
Lola is adopted. She has been living with Archie and Veronica for almost 1,5 years now. She became officially an Andrews a little over 1 years ago. It was always important to Veronica to help children who are already on this planet and don't have a family. She wanted to adopt before she had her own first baby. They didn't plan on adopting a teenager but when they met Lola, they connected within minutes. That's why they adopted her after not even 6 months. It usually takes a lot longer but Lola begged her social worker to make this happen as soon as possible. She needed on paper that Archie and Veronica are her forever family, that no one ever can take this away from her. The safety and the love.
Just a few weeks ago she started calling Veronica and Archie, mom and dad. She never wants to see her mom ever again but somehow it still felt wrong to call someone else mom. Especially because her mom, the person who should make you feel safe and loved and protected never gave her any of that. 'Mom' was something negative.
Veronica is so different. So kind and loving. She communicates with Lola, listens to what she has to say, accepts her no's, her thoughts and feelings. Everything Lola ever wanted. Right after the first day she knew she would never let Veronica and Archie go again.

"Are you guys ready? Veronica asks with a smile.

Suddenly a weird feeling overcomes Lola. She hates that feeling. Her hands begin to shake as she reaches for her shoes. She was excited. She loves Betty and Jug but now she doesn't want to go. The thought of leaving the house, her safe space. Makes her heart race. Tears form in her eyes.

"What's wrong honey?" Veronica asks.

But Lola doesn't answer. She jumps up and runs into her room. She slams the door shut, Veronica follows.
Lola is in her bed, with the blanket pulled over her head she's sobbing, shaking, hyperventilating. It breaks Veronica's heart. The girl seemed to be totally fine two minutes ago but she obviously wasn't. Veronica carefully takes a step closer to the bed. "Honey?"

"Leave me alone" Lola cries.

"Okay I'll go. Can I come talk to you in like 10 or 15 minutes?"

"Yeah" she says in between her sobs.

Veronica feels tears in her own eyes. It breaks her heart to see her daughter this way. This is not the first panic attack she had since she moved in. In the beginning they were a regular thing. Once a week probably but Archie and Veronica took classes and learned how to help Lola best in those situations. Now Lola often wants Veronica or Archie close to her. It makes her feel safer and helps her calm down but sometimes like right now, she wants to be alone so they give her the space she's asking for and once she calmed down they talk to her. Sometimes she needs help with calming down. Today might be one of those days. This one seems bad.

Veronica walks back to the living room to Archie. He immediately takes her into his arms. The tears escape Veronica's eyes. "I'll be okay baby. Just give her a couple minutes"

"I know but I breaks my heart to see her like that. She's our baby now"

Archie holds her closer "I know but she has so much trauma she needs to cope with. She knows we'll help her with it but she needs her space too. She knows she can talk to us. It breaks my heart too. She's just a kid and she went through so much. It's not fair"

Veronica nods. Her eyes are closed.

"I texted Jug to let him know we'll be late"

"Thank you" Veronica whispers. "Thank you for doing this with me, fostering and adopting. Thank you for being by my side while we give some kids a little bit of hope, a second chance in life"

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