A place like home

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"Mommy!" Veronica's four year old son cries as he comes running to her. She sits in her office and tries to get some work done but today she was barely able to enjoy five minutes of piece and quiet. This morning the little boy threw a tantrum because Archie put his socks on wrong. When Archie took him to preschool, she had a little less than an hour but she was too tired to do much. When Archie got back home he was super affectionate. She doesn't even know why. It's not like they haven't seen each other in a while. He didn't leave her alone. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek over and over again until Veronica gave in and took a little break from doing nothing to kiss and cuddle her husband. They don't have much time for it anymore since they're parents. Their son goes nonstop and has way too much energy.
Before Archie left for work, Veronica made him a sandwich for his lunch break. Archie told her more than once that she doesn't have to do it but she insisted on it. When Archie was gone Veronica wanted to sit on the couch for just a few minutes longer but fell asleep and woke up an hour later.
She worked for an hour then and actually got a little bit work done until Freddie's preschool called. He didn't feel well and needed to be picked up but once they were home, he was all better. (a/n Yes I know their son is called Freddie in all my one shots but if I'm being honest that's the only name for their son that I accept)
Veronica put him in front of the tv even though she's not a huge fan of too much screen time for her son but she needs to keep him busy. Her plan worked for half an hour but now he climbs into her lap with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"What's wrong mi amor?" she asks as she wipes his tears away with her thumb and kisses the top of his head.

"There was a scary man" he sniffs. His hands hold on tight to the fabric of her shirt.


"On tv"

Veronica sighs relieved. Nothing weird has happened in Riverdale in years but she's not so sure that it will stay this quiet forever. She squeezes her son close, then runs her fingers up and down his arm. "It's okay, I'm here. You don't need to be scared. Mama will always protect you"

"I know" Freddie mumbles "that's why I love you so much mommy"

"I love you too honey" Veronica whispers. She holds her little boy close and just cuddles with him for a few minutes. To her, there is nothing better in this world than cuddles with her child even though cuddles with Archie get really close. A few more quiet sniffs leave Freddie but he's calm. Even though he's a mini version of Archie he's totally a mama's boy.

"You know what? Mommy didn't get much work done today but I'm good for now. It's Friday and I want to spend some time with you, since you're home early"

Freddie giggles. "Mommy I promise I wasn't feeling well in preschool. I don't know why I'm all better now"

"I believe you Freddie"

The little boy smiles. He squeezes Veronica close and nuzzles his head into her chest. "Can I stay here with you?"

"Do you want to cuddle here, in the office?" Veronica asks surprised "don't you want us to go to the living room?"

"No, this is comfy"

"Okay" Veronica whispers. She scratches her son's scalp and kisses his forehead. She always enjoys this. It's not often that Freddie sits still for longer than ten minutes. She soaks in all the baby Freddie cuddle time she can get because one day he will be too cool for cuddles with his mommy.

"Mi amor?"


"I know it's a little early for dinner but are you hungry? Should we go to Pop's? Daddy will be home soon. We could get dinner for all of us"

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