The mindset of a broken girl (3)

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I don't know if I like this 😄

A scream leaves Veronica's mouth and tears run down her cheeks. She wraps her arms tightly around herself and takes a step back. Archie storms into their bedroom. He was just about to leave for work. He's already wearing shoes and his jacket.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Spider" she cries. She points to a little spider crawling up the wall next to the window.

Veronica is shaking. More tears run down her cheeks.
Archie frowns but he knows what Veronica wants. Before she even has the chance to say something he walks over to the little animal, takes it into his hands, open the window and lets it crawl outside.
He turns to Veronica who's still shaking.

"Baby" he mumbles. He walks over to her and takes her into his arms. She cries into his chest. Her tears damp the shirt he always wears for work.
Archie kisses the top of her head and slowly scratches her back. He'll be late for work now but he doesn't care. His wife is more important to him than anything else. She and their little, four year old son. He looks like an adorable, male version of Veronica. Deep brown eyes, olive skin, raven curls.

"What's wrong?" he whispers. She just cries and doesn't say a word. Her nails lightly dig into his back as her tears keep dropping onto his shirt.

"Baby I know you hate spiders but you're a little emotional right now. I mean I love being your hero and saving you from those terrible monsters but you never cried because of one. What else is going on honey?"

"I don't even know" she sniffs.

"Just all a litte too much?"

She nods her head against his chest and wraps her arms tighter around him.

"Oh my sweet, sweet Ronnie. I already noticed that you're having a bad day today. I'm sorry I have to go to work. I wish I could stay and tell you for hours how beautiful you are and how much I love you. I love you so so much"

"I love you too" she mumbles.

"Our little bean makes you really emotional, huh?" he asks while his thumb slowly stroke the side of her tiny baby bump. She just stared to show.

"I hate being hormonal" she mumbles.

Archie chuckles. He just holds her in his arms for a couple more minutes. He rests his head on hers and keeps stroking her side.

Veronica pulls back and wipes her tears away when she hears little feet walking towards them.

"Mommy?" Henry asks. He looks up to her. His eyes widen when he sees his mom's red and swollen eyes.

"Mommy" he gasps "why are you crying?"

"I'm not feeling so well, sweetheart" she smiles.

"Does your tummy hurt? Or your head?"

"No, it's more like .... like my heart. I'm a little sad"

"Why? Did daddy do something?"

Veronica giggles and shakes her head.

"Not everything is daddy's fault" Archie's chuckles. He ruffles his sons hair but the little boy doesn't seem happy. His bottom lip trembles and tears form in his eyes. He wraps his arms tightly around Veronica's leg and rests his head against her little baby bump. "I don't want you to be sad" he cries.

"Oh my sweet baby" Veronica says. "She lifts Henry into her arms and holds him tight. She softly kisses his cheek.

"Don't be sad" he says again.

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