Learning how to trust(3)

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"Cute puppy!" the little girl smiles as she points to a small brown dog on the page. Lola nods to show her little 2 year old sister that she agrees with her.
Lola and her little sister Alexandra are inseparable. They are best friends. Archie and Veronica are convinced that Lola is Alexandra's, they call her Lexi, favorite person in the world. Every morning when she wakes up, she crawls into her big sister's bed. Sometimes she just cuddles into Lola's side and falls back asleep but most of the time she wakes Lola up, just like today. Lexi brought a book with her. It's one of her favorites. It's a big book with no words. Just a lot of pictures and a lot to explore. Lola likes the book too. A) because it doesn't have any words so she doesn't have to read at 6:45 in the morning and B) because the book is really cute and has so many little details. Sometimes they stare at one page for multiple minutes and still see something new.

Lexi turns her head to face Lola. They both smile wide at each other. Lexi's hazel brown eyes shine. Her raven hair is wavy and all over the place in the morning but Lola loves it. It's adorable. It's a pain the butt to brush the little girl's hair but to Lola and also Veronica and Archie, she's the cutest baby in the world. She looks exactly like Veronica. The only thing she got from her dad, is her eye color.

Lola giggles. It makes Lexi giggle too. She drops the book and rolls on top of her big sister. She places a big sloppy kiss on her cheek. "Lexi and Lola, puppy!"

"I agree! We should get a puppy! Let's talk to mom and dad about that"

"Mommy" Lexi grins.

"I love her too"

The little girl rolls off of her sister and takes the book back into her hands. She flips the page, looks up to Lola for a second before she brings her attention back to the book. "Lola look"

There's a gentle knock on the door before Veronica and Archie both walk into the room. They both look like they just got out of bed and somehow Veronica still looks stunning. She's always so effortlessly beautiful. Lola smiles. She wishes she could be as pretty as Veronica. She knows her sister will be that pretty one day. She already is a beautiful little baby girl.
Archie is holding on to Veronica's hand. Their fingers are intertwined. He adores her so much. Lola wants someone who loves her as much as Archie loves Veronica. She won't settle for anything less.

"Good morning my cute little babies" Veronica says with a smile as she sits down on the bed. Archie lets go of her hand but sits down behind her and wraps his arms around her waist.

"Mommy!" Lexi squeals. She crawls over Lola's legs to get to her parents. She opens her arms widely and with a giggle, she lets herself fall into her mother's arms. "Mi amor" Veronica whispers as she holds her daughter close and places a bunch of little kisses on her cheek. "Did you sleep well?"

Lexi nods. She's facing her dad. The tips of their noses touch. "Dada" she whispers with a smile. "Gosh you're so cute" Archie laughs. He places a big kiss on Lexi's forehead. His arms are still wrapped around his wife.

Veronica gently brushes a strand of Lola's hair out of her face. "How about you amor, did you sleep well?"

Lola nods. "Yeah. You know I love my baby cuddles in the morning"

Veronica giggles. She adores the relationship the two girls have. She's happy her baby has a big sister and she's even happier that Lola adores her sister so much. All through her pregnancy, Veronica was worried that Lola might not feel as loved as Lexi or less part of the family but it's the opposite. Her daughters are inseparable and she is so grateful for that.

"Daddy, I hungry" Lexi says and brings Veronica back to reality.

"Let's go make breakfast" Archie says. He gets up, grabs Lexi's little body, throws her into the air before he holds her close to his chest.

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