Unconditional love

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*This is going to be sad people*

"Okay dad, I'm leaving" Gabriella yells through the house. Archie drops whatever he was holding in his hands and runs to the front door. "Wait! Where are you going?"

Gabriella sighs "dad I told you I'm going to my friend's tonight"

"No you didn't" Archie says and crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"Okay maybe I forgot. I can go though?"

"Well no, I planned a father daughter movie night"

Gabriella groans "Come on dad, we can do that tomorrow"

"No I'm busy tomorrow"

"Then we do it another time. Can I please go?"

"No! You're 16. I'm your father and you do as I say"

Gabriella crosses her arms too. Her face turns red from the anger which is building up inside her. She takes a step backwards, away from her dad.

"I will never talk to you ever again if you don't let me go"

A little smile grows on Archie's face which eases the tension between him and his daughter a little "Your mom used to say the same thing to me"

"No dad, not the mom card. That's unfair"

"I'm just worried about you, I can't lose you too. You're everything I have left"

Gabriella sighs and drops her purse to the floor. She walks closer to Archie and wraps her arms around him. Her head rests against his chest. "I love you dad you know that but I was literally just going to have a sleepover"

"I can't lose you. I love you more than anything" He mumbles and kisses the crown of her head. His fingers trace up and down her back. "You look so much like her, it's unbelievable"

Gabriella smiles and buries her face deeper into her dad's chest.

"Please stay home tonight" Archie whispers. His grip around his daughter tightens and he feels a few tears forming in his eyes.

"Okay" she whispers back "let me just text my friend that I won't come. Can I go tomorrow though?"


"Dad, can we look at some pictures?"

"Sure" Archie smiles. He kisses his daughter's head again before he lets go of her.

Gabriella walks into the living room and grabs a photo book before she sits down on the couch. Archie sits down next to her.

The first picture she sees is a picture of her and Veronica. She sits in her high chair and has cake all over her face. She's wearing a light pink dress and a green party hat.

"This hat is horrible dad" Gabriella laughs "I still don't understand why you and mom let me wear it"

"You wanted to wear it. Mom did not like it at all but she didn't want you to cry so she tried to accept the fact that the hat will ruin your hair and outfit"

Gabriella laughs and runs her fingers over the picture.

~Gabriella's first birthday~

"Nooo Gabby, green and pink look horrible together" Veronica says.
Her little girl is in Archie's arms and tries to put on a green party hat.
"Your hair" she whines and tries to take the hat out of her Gabriella's hands.

"No no no" the little girl squeals and holds on to it tightly. Archie laughs. He fixes his daughter's hair and lightly bounces her up and down.

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