Boy trouble (2)

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Archie straights his shirt as he waits for the door to his girlfriend's apartment to open. He holds a rose in his hand. He changed a lot the past four months or actually he became who he used to be. A really sweet, caring young man. He respects his parents and apologized to his friends. It took them a while to trust Archie but now things are almost like before. Archie isn't friends with Greg anymore. He actually hasn't talked to him since the day he started dating Veronica. He doesn't want someone like him close to his girlfriend.

His heart beats a little faster as Hermione opens the door.

"Oh, hi Archie. Veronica is still asleep but come in" she smiles.

"I figured since she didn't answer any of my calls" he chuckles "I want to take her out on a lunch date"

"Oh that's such a sweet idea Archie. You can go into her room and wake her up"

Archie looks over to Hiram who sits on the couch with a cup of coffee in his hands. He stares at the red head.  "Goo— good morning Mr. Lodge"

"Morning" he mumbles.

"May I take Veronica out on a date today Sir?"

"Mhm" he nods "but keep your hands to yourself"

"Yes Sir" he nods and then slowly walks to Veronica's room. He smiles when he sees her cuddle into the sheets with her phone in her hands. Her hair is into a messy bun. Her cheeks are still a little red.

"Archiekins" she giggles and puts her phone aside. He lies the rose down on her desk, then lies down on top of her and wraps his arms around her waist to hold her close.

"Good morning beautiful" he smirks and kisses her cheek. It makes her giggle. She wraps her arms around his neck and holds him close. "Good morning cutie. Who let you in?"

"Your mom. I think your dad is still not a big fan of me"

"Give him time" she giggles as she runs her fingers through his hair. It makes him smile. He loves when she does that.

"We're dating for almost four months. How much more time does he need?" Archie mumbles annoyed. He holds her a little closer and snuggles his head into the crook of her neck.

"More" Veronica laughs before she kisses the top of his head. "He let you into my room. That's a step in the right direction"


"What are you even doing here?" she asks to change the subject.

"It's Saturday. I want to spend the weekend with my baby. It's 11:30 and you're still in bed"

"Because it's comfy"

"You have 10 more minutes. I talked to Betty and Jug and they want to meet you. So we will meet them at Pop's at 1 for lunch. Cheryl wants to meet you too but she's busy today"

"Your friends want to meet me?"

"Of course baby. Now that my friend forgave me and things kinda went back to the way they were, they want to meet you. Probably because I talk about you all the time"

"You do?" she giggles.

"Ronnie, you're the prettiest girl in the world. I wanna show you off"

Veronica smirks. She wraps her legs around his waist and her arms tighter around his neck. "You're so cute. I love you"

"I love you too" he chuckles. He lifts his head, cups her cheeks and kisses her lips. "And that's why I'm actually sorry for this" he says. He flips them around so she lies on top of him and then gets up with her. She keeps her legs around his waist and lies her head on his shoulder. "I don't want to get up Archie" she whines.

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