Boy trouble

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No smut but definitely mature language

It's four in the afternoon when Archie sits on the couch with his feet on the coffee table. It's very hot outside. He wears a white shirt and his favorite grey sweatpants. He thought about taking his shirt off though. In his hands he holds a bag of chips.

"Archie stop eating so much junk food" Mary sighs as she pushes his feet off the table.

"I work out" he mumbles with a full mouth.

"That doesn't make it healthy"


Mary sighs. She massages her temples until she feels a hand on her back and a pair of soft lips on her cheek.
"Don't worry" Fred smiles and then turns to his son. "Archie you know your mom and I are gone for the weekend and since we can't really trust you, Veronica will stay here and make sure you don't throw a party or destroy the house"

"Are you serious?" Archie groans "I'm 18"

"And sadly we still can't trust you. You showed us last time" Mary says.

"Isn't Veronica your friend's boring, nerdy daughter?" he says as he grabs his phone.

"She is my friend's daughter yes. She will make sure you'll study for your finals next week"

A laugh leaves Archie's mouth. He looks up from his phone for a second but then looks back at the screen. "She can try"

"Archie Andrews I want you to study! And I swear if you are disrespectful to Veronica in any kind of way or do something you're not supposed to, I will take your phone away, your tv, your PlayStation and all kind of other things you desire. Are we clear?"

"Mhm" he mumbles and puts another chip into his mouth. Mary sighs. This is not the boy she raised anymore. This is not her sweet, caring Archie. He changed so much when he met that Greg guy in high school. He abandoned all his old friends. He hasn't talked to Betty or Jughead or Cheryl in years.

A knock on the door interrupts her thoughts. "Can you please get that Archie so your father and I get our bags"

Archie doesn't say anything. He rolls his eyes but gets up and walks to the front. He wipes his sticky fingers over his pants before he opens the door.
Veronica stands in front of him but she looks nothing like he remembers.
Her hair is a little longer and straight instead of curly. She's not wearing any glasses so for the first time he recognizes how brown her eyes are. A tight black top defines her curves and the short pastel yellow skirt lets Archie wish for a gust of wind.

"Can I come in or do you want to stare a little longer?" Veronica asks annoyed.

"You look hot Lodge. What happened to your glasses and the knee socks"

"Well" she says and pushes him aside so she can walk inside the house "if you knew me, you would know that I only wear my glasses in school. Same with my school uniform"

"Well I don't mind at all"

"Can you stop hitting on me? It's annoying"

"Why? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"None of your business"

"Then I see no reason to stop hitting on you" Archie smirks.
Veronica rolls her eyes but her expression changes quickly when Fred and Mary walk towards her.
They smile and especially Mary is happy to see the girl.

"Hi sweetheart" she grins. "I'm so happy you're here and that you're okay with 'watching' him'"

"Of course Mrs. Andrews, don't worry. He won't do anything but study"

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