Chapter Ninety-Two

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"Your highness! You can't be neglecting this!" Lance shouts, chasing after Emperor Cabel.
The sun barely risen, Lance furiously attempts to catch Emperor Cabel.
Emperor Cabel runs away from Lance, looking unamused.
He turns a corner stopping in his tracks before he bumps into Luna and Ming.
"C-Cabel?" Luna exclaims, surprised.
"My flower, I'd stay and chat but I need to be going." Emperor Cabel caresses her cheek, smiling.

"Go where?"
Lance calls out, standing behind Emperor Cabel with a passive aggressive smile, slightly out of breath.
Emperor Cabel sighs, rubbing his forehead.
"So you've caught me."
"Yes, it seems that way, your highness." Lance enunciates.
"What's going on?" Luna stares up at Emperor Cabel and Lance.
"His highness refuses to write back to the princesses who came to become candidates. One of them confessed their love before she left, begging him to allow her to be his concubine, and now she's threatening to start a war." Lance speaks.
"If I write back, she'll become attached. She shouldn't be so desperate." Emperor Cabel scoffs.
"Cabel! Write back to her! Explain you are not looking to have her be a concubine! A war right now is not what we need!" Luna scolds him.
Emperor Cabel sighs, rolling his eyes.
"I can't win with you."
"Of course not, did you ever?" Luna taps his nose, releasing a light amount of her powers to make his nose itch.
Emperor Cabel sniffles as his nose tickles momentarily.
"I need something else to pursue me then." Emperor Cabel grins.
Emperor Cabel leans down, turning his cheek to Luna.
Luna looks back at Ming and Lance who both look away, feigning ignorance.
She sighs, kissing his cheek lightly.
"There, go fulfill your duties, we don't have time for this today." Luna pushes him towards Lance, waving goodbye.
Emperor Cabel sighs, walking back with Lance.
"I'm sorry if that stressed you out." Luna turns to Ming.
"Not at all! It's sweet to see his highness acting like this."
"It's your wedding day though! He should really mind his manners." Luna sighs, exasperated.
"Yes, but he only refused to write back because he loves you dearly." Ming giggles, watching Luna's face turn red.
"I suppose... Oh! We have to hurry! You need to get ready!"
Luna and Ming walk down the hallway, chatting with each other.

In Luna's bedroom, Ming sits being pampered by beauticians.
Her hair is pinned into an elegant bun as her bangs are tucked back with a traditional gold hair piece. Pearls dangle off the sides of the headpiece.
Her makeup is done simple, with a muted coral lipstick applied. She stands behind a gold and white room separator as the maids dress her in a traditional red and gold, long-tailed wedding hanfu.
The beauticians fix out the wrinkles in her sleeves and bottom of the dress.
Luna sits in a chair having her makeup applied. Light pink and brown eyeshadow is blended onto her eyelids, her eyelashes curled up softly, with a pale red gloss applied. She sits in a pastel pink gown with off the shoulder sheer balloon sleeves.
The maids tighten the pale pink corset around her waist, pinning a small gold tiara behind her curled bangs. Her hair is pinned into a french twist bun with a gold ruby necklace placed on her neck.

Ming calls out from behind the separator.
"Yes?" Luna stands, "Is everything okay?"
Ming steps out from behind the separator, Luna's mouth drops astonished by the beautiful hanfu.
"Do I look okay?..." Ming asks.
"Yes! My goodness, you look stunning! Lady Canella will be thrilled!"
"Are you sure?..."
Luna stares at Ming's expression as she grows anxious.
"...Is something bothering you?" Luna asks.
"I-I'm afraid." Ming whispers.
"To marry Lady Canella?"
"No! I'm so happy to marry her... I'm only worried that I'll be judged for not wearing a white wedding dress... I loved my father dearly and it was his wish to see me marry someone from Xiao... I want to keep a part of him with me, but this dress will be judged by the guests."
"Ming... We accept your culture, your wedding dress is more beautiful now because you wish to bring a piece of your culture into the wedding. You shouldn't be afraid to show it."
"You're right... I suppose I'm only worried that Canella won't like it..."
"Lady Canella is going to rule over Xiao, the kingdom where this dress has come from. She's not someone who would judge one's culture, especially her bride's."
"You're right... My heart flutters thinking about ruling Xiao with her. It seems almost like yesterday we were teaching each other our languages..."
"Then remember that moment when you walk down the aisle. She went through the effort to learn your language, so your culture is nothing to be ashamed of." Luna smiles kindly as she holds Ming's hands.
"Yes... You're right. I'll do my best to remind myself that." Ming smiles, tearing up.
She laughs at herself lightly, nodding her head to regain her confidence.

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