Chapter Fifty-Six

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Through the calm night, Emperor Cabel calls out.
Luna stirs in her sleep. She opens her eyes, glancing around the room to see Emperor Cabel by her bed.
"C-Cabel?" She sleepily calls out.
Luna sits up, confused.
"I didn't mean to wake you so late... I heard what had happened, and I wanted to make sure you were okay." He gently speaks.
"I'm okay. My powers healed me instantly so there was no harm done..."
Luna averts her eyes. Her heart aching as she faces Emperor Cabel.
He looks back at her, analyzing her expression.
"Were you scared?" He asks.
Luna nods, continuing to avert her eyes.
"Why is it that you refuse to look at me?"
Luna jumps, unsure of what to do. She slowly faces Emperor Cabel, his eyes piercing into her.
"Has something happened?" He speaks.
"Nothing... I just have some issues of my own to deal with..." She whispers.
"Issues?... You can simply ignore them."
Luna stares at Cabel confused.
"What do you mean?" She quietly asks.
"Sometimes to run away and ignore the problems until they disappear, helps."
Instantly, Luna sits, her mouth gaped open slightly as she processes his words. Words opposite of Duke Oslo's.
"U-Unfortunately, I can not ignore such things."
"How come? It pains you, does it not?"
"It does... But I need the pain." She explains in her exhausted voice.
"You need the pain?" Emperor Cabel's expression twists into a confused look.
"Yes. It will help me in a way. The pain I feel is not simple nor is it easy to ignore... Regardless, it will help me grow and move past it, if I acknowledge it." Luna stares at Emperor Cabel, her eyes piercing back at him.
"I see..."
An awkward silence falls between them.
Luna fiddles her fingers unsure of what to say. She glances around the room awkwardly as Emperor Cabel thinks on her words.
She stares at the moonlight, seeping in through her windows.
"What was the reason you came here again?" She asks.
"I wanted to know what had happened and who to punish. Jax has not woken up and I need your side of the story."
"Please do not punish him... It was an accident that his staff hit me."
"Yet, you were bleeding. Do you not realize your room reeks of the heavy iron scent I've grown used to?"
"I do know... I also know it was an accident." Luna looks at Emperor Cabel, reassuringly.
Emperor Cabel sighs and nods.
"Okay... I won't do anything rash."
"Thank you..." Luna whispers.
"You should go back to sleep, goodnight."
Emperor Cabel raises his upper body, leaning towards Luna. He gently kisses her forehead.
Luna jumps, her heart pounding loudly as she stares up at him. Emperor Cabel meets her eyes.
They lean into each other, their lips touching.
Luna sits up more, continuing the kiss longer, wrapping her arms around his neck.

'If I give him everything I am, would that make him love only me?'
Luna thinks to herself.
She holds on tightly to him. The room filled with sounds of their tongues intertwining with each other.
Emperor Cabel breaks away.
"How naughty." His deep voice whispers lowly.
"Please, kiss me more."
"I can't do that." He moves away.
Luna wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him back.
"Please! Let's continue." She exclaims.
Her expression twisting into a pained one.
She averts her eyes, her eyes glistening as they begin to tear up.
"Why should I?" He whispers in a low voice.
"Just a bit more! Please... I want you to feel me more..." Luna exclaims.
Her face beginning to grow a faint shade of red, from embarrassment and shame.
Emperor Cabel analyzes her expression.
His hands grab her hips, pulling her to the edge of the bed, making her fall onto her back. He swiftly moves on top of her.
Emperor Cabel's hand under her head, pulling her into him as he kisses her deeply. Luna's hands ball into fists as she rests them against his chest, her expression growing more pained by the second.

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