B.2 Chapter Twenty-One

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Emperor Cabel sits at a table, reading through documents.
His eyes shift over to his bed, Luna sleeping soundly. He sighs, raking his hand through his hair.
The door knocks.
He stands, placing his documents down as he walks over to the door.
He opens it to see Cethin.

"Your highness..." Cethin mutters, his complexion slightly ill looking.
"What is it?" Emperor Cabel responds.
"Could I have a word with you in private?"
"Come." Emperor Cabel walks through his room.
Cethin quietly follows him, glancing at Luna.
They step on to the balcony, leaving the door open ajar behind them.
"I don't feel comfortable leaving her alone, so this is the best I can do for privacy." Emperor Cabel speaks, his expression pained.
"It's okay... I need to talk with you about what happened..." Cethin leans against the railing, looking out at the gloomy clouds.
"And?" Emperor Cabel stares out at the sky.
Cethin turns to face him. His expression growing concerned.
"I did not protect Luna." Cethin admits.
Emperor Cabel glances at him.
"Your highness... Luna protected me."
"What do you mean?"
Cethin bites his lip, furrowing his brows.
"There was a man... I presume he was the wizard who kidnapped her but... When I was younger, I was new to doing missions. We had another friend, he was kind and accepted me, even when the others were wary of me. His name was Cain... Cain allowed me to accompany him on missions, and one mission Riddle came with us... We got lost in a forest, and suddenly a man appeared. He attacked us, and used spells and cut up Riddle and Cain. He kept talking about how I would be a perfect offering and chased me. I remember tripping and he lunged at me with a knife. Suddenly Cain appeared and stopped him, he was protecting me... He yelled at Riddle and I to run, but I couldn't move..." Cethin pauses, he clenches his fists, his eyes filled with terror.
"What happened next?" Emperor Cabel asks, absorbing the story.
"Riddle grabbed me and ran. I looked back to see them fight and suddenly, the wizard ripped Cain's head from his body... The wizard who killed Cain was the same man who kidnapped Luna. I remember him after all these years... When I ran into the wizard again, I got ahead of myself. I tried killing him for vengeance, but he was too strong for me. I remember my head growing fuzzy, my life almost squeezed out of me, and out of no where, he was hit and thrown. I looked over to see Luna."
"Luna? How would she have saved you?" Emperor Cabel's eyes widen, confused.
"She can summon whips from her powers... She hasn't been able to use them except once at a practice, but suddenly she stood in the forest wielding them. What happened next... T-The wizard kept screaming in fear of her, and suddenly something grabbed him and picked him up." Cethin looks down at his hands, taking a deep breath, "I think she can use her powers to move physical objects."
"She's a healer, how would she be able to use those powers?"
"I'm not even sure myself, but she did. She... She ended up crushing him. Your highness, I did not protect her, she protected me. Once the wizard's blood flew everywhere though, it was like Luna had realized her actions. She didn't seem like herself at all, until the moment she saw his blood. She began crying and even looked at me, realizing I was there that entire time. I believe that's one reason why she might have been asleep for so long, she used her powers to take a life which caused her to fall unconscious."
"I see..."
"Your highness, please don't let her beat herself up over this."
"How would you know?"
"Because this is Luna... She never agreed on pointless killing, and somehow mercilessly killed a man. Who knows... Maybe she dissociated to hide from the truth of it..." Cethin looks back at the balcony doors, sighing.
Emperor Cabel glances back, deep in thought.
"She's here at least. It'll take time for her and I'll be patient until then. Even if she never speaks again, will you still stay by her side as a friend?"
Cethin stares back at him. His brows raising.
"I believe I gave you my ultimate loyalty. My loyalty to you, is just the same as Luna."
Emperor Cabel nods, staring back at the gloomy sky.
Luna lays on her back, her eyes open as they lack any light. Tears slowly drip down her face, listening to their conversation.

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