B.2 Chapter Fourteen

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"Can you excuse me for a moment?" I call out to the younger ladies around me.
I wave over at Riddle, walking around the crowd towards him.
"Where do you wanna go?" Riddle asks.
"Just the powder room, I want to freshen up."
"Alright." Riddle nods, discreetly signalling to Cethin and Jax.
They slightly nod, leaving the banquet hall ahead of us.

"So even though you're working, are you having fun?" I ask, walking beside him.
"Hm, yeah. It's super fun being around noble ladies who try to talk to us all the time, even if we tell them to go away." Riddle sarcastically speaks, rolling his eyes.
I giggle, glancing at Riddle.
His red hair styled formally, his jaw chiselled and gives a 'manly' muscular vibe.
"What?" He asks, looking back at me.
"Nothing, I was thinking that you're quite attractive." I shrug.
"Where'd that come from?"
"Because you're wondering why noble ladies are talking to you guys, but it's obvious."
"Have you ever had a relationship with anyone?" I ask, dumbfounded.
"Nope, I mean there's no point in settling down if we were always on the move."
"Well, you're attractive. I just think if you wanted to, you could marry a pretty noble. Even the others could if they wanted to."
"Ha, did you drink too much? You're being awfully honest."
"I didn't, I just want to see you guys happy."
"How sappy."
"It's true though. You're all attractive, and it makes sense why those ladies were trying to flirt."
"Flirt?" Riddle's eyebrow raises, confused.
"Yes, did you not know?"
"How would a lady talking to me be flirting?"
I giggle, shaking my head.
We turn the corner heading for the powder room.
"You guys stand so intimidatingly, but you're not as scary as Cabel so they approached you. Did you talk back to them?"
"To tell them to buzz off."
"And did they leave?"
"No, they just giggled and kept trying to talk to us."
"Because they liked you. It's obvious."
"Not so obvious then." Riddle shrugs, "Anyways I'm not interested in them."
"Then what kind of girl are you interested in?"
"Hm... Older. Someone easy to talk to."
"That's good, anything else?"
Riddle pauses, he looks away thinking before looking back at me.
"She's gotta be a beauty. I want someone with a sexy body." Riddle grins, pleased as he flashes a cocky smile.
"You're a pig." I roll my eyes, giggling.
"What? You're the one who wants to pry into my personal life." Riddle shrugs.
"I'll be careful of prying then." I smile, placing my hand on the bathroom door.
I turn to face the door to notice small red markings on the door frame.

Instantly, a hand emerges.

The hand sticks out through the door, holding a cloth as it's pressed against my nose and mouth.
A sour, bitter scent enters my lungs.
The other hand emerges to grab me as I try to pull away.
Neon green sparks fly off the door frame, as the markings light up.
"Luna!" I hear Riddle shout.
I fight the sensation of closing my eyes as I turn to him.
The arm pulls me in, turning me as the cloth is tightly held against my mouth and nose.
I watch as Riddle tries grabbing me, but is soon stopped.
My eyes widen as I watch a silver dagger plunge into his chest. Attempting to call out, I feel my body grow heavy, the scent from the cloth enters my system.
I can't help but grow weak at the scent.
I'm dragged back as I drowsily watch royal guards run down the hallway, along with Cethin and Jax.
Riddle collapses to the ground, thick blood pooling around him.
The guards voices, and Cethin's voice echo as my vision fades.
The last thing I see is Cethin whipping throwing stars in my direction as the surroundings around me change.


Emperor Cabel stands in the hallway staring at the powder room door, impaled with Cethin's throwing stars along with splatters of Riddle's blood sprayed all over.
"What happened?" Emperor Cabel calls out.
The ground rumbles slightly as he clenches his fist, his aura growing manic.
"I heard her scream. I ran down the hall to see arms sticking out of the door. Someone was holding her, and pulled her through." Cethin bows his head.
"Pulled her through? There's no exit in there."
"The door wasn't open. It was like the arms were coming through the door. I believe a portal was made, there were sparks flying off the door like crazy."
Emperor Cabel's eyes scan the door, until noticing burnt smudges on the door frame.
He stares at smudges, the scorched marks in the shape of a symbol.
Emperor Cabel's aura runs wild as the heavy aura flies off his body.
"Your highness-" Marquess Simone calls out.
"Summon every wizard in the empire to the palace. Anyone who fails to come by sunrise will be punished." Emperor Cabel's eyes glow intensely as his pupils dilate sharply.
"Yes, your highness." Marquess Simone bows.

Everyone turns to see Marchioness Adara running down the hallway.
Lord Christopher and Lady Dulcie following her, trying to hold her back.
"Marchioness Adara, this section is under investigation, we can't allow anyone-" A royal guard speaks up, but is interrupted.
"Who's estate do you think this is? This may be an investigation, but this is my home." Lady Adara's voice authoritatively thunders.
"M-Mother, please be calm!" Lady Dulcie exclaims.
They pass the guards, walking up to the marquess.
"Is this true? Lady Luna was kidnapped?" Lady Adara questions her husband.
"Yes... I need to send out the knights to gather all wizards in the empire." Marquess Simone speaks, "Christopher, send out word to the captain. All wizards who don't come will be executed."
"Understood, father." Lord Christopher bows, briskly walking away.
"Executed?" Lady Adara exclaims, "But why?-"
"My future empress is kidnapped, and there are traces of a spell. If you think I'm acting harshly, I suggest you place a formal complaint to the palace, Marchioness Adara." Emperor Cabel cuts her off, his tone calm yet threatening.
Marchioness Adara freezes, averting her eyes.
"That's enough, your highness. Dear, take Dulcie upstairs. I'll come speak with you afterwards." Marquess Simone speaks up, holding Lady Adara by the waist.
"I-I understand. May glory of Helios rest upon you, your highness." Lady Adara curtsies, slightly trembling.
Marchioness Adara and Lady Dulcie leave down the hall, escorted by guards.
Marquess Simone and Emperor Cabel stand in front of the door, guards closing the hallway and preventing maids and butlers from passing.

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