Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(Trigger warning: Read at your own discretion.)

Sitting in the royal palace's library, I enjoy my time, taking a sip of my tea as I leisurely read.
Reading the pages of an ancient magic book, I freeze, reaching a section where various abilities are explained.

"Shadow manipulator: Ability to control shadows, manipulating them at their wills to take on physical forms of what the manipulator wishes." I quietly read out loud.
I remember the memory Cabel shared, shadows erupting from his feet, impaling the knights.
I look back at the page's drawing, a man pulling out a sword from the shadows of his feet.

"What are you reading?"
I jump, looking up to see Cabel walking towards me.
Quickly closing the book, I stand to my feet.
"Just a book on magic." I smile, looking up at him.
"Is there a reason why you chose that book?" He asks, his eyes glancing at the book cover.
"Not at all. I'm simply determined to read every book in the library!"
"I see." He smiles kindly, staring at my collection of books on the table.
"Are you taking a break?" I ask, leaning into his hand as he cups my cheek.
"Something like that. There's something I wanted to talk to you about."
"Oh? What is it?"
"The spring ball is in a few months. It's rather annoying to host these annually, but it's one of the largest events in the empire since it's the welcoming of spring. It'll surely be fun for you to experience it... Would you like to go?"
"Yes, I'd love to attend!" I smile, slightly excited.
Cabel looks down at me with kind eyes.
"Luna-" He calls out, but is interrupted.

"Your highness!"
Peering behind Cabel, I see Lance running up behind him.
"What is it?" Cabel sighs, annoyed.
"You ran off while finishing paperwork! You have a meeting with Duke Oslo soon, and you haven't completed the trades documents needed for today's meeting!" Lance sighs, exasperated.
Cabel looks back at me, slightly pouting.
"I suppose I'll have to go." He gently speaks.
Gently caressing my jaw with his fingers, he cups my cheek again.
"I'll see you tonight." Cabel whispers.
My cheeks feel warm as I nuzzle my cheek into his hand, giving a small nod.
"I'll be waiting then. Have a good day, Cabel!" I give him a bright smile.
Giggling lightly, I wave as I watch Cabel walk away sulking.

The day goes by as I roam around the palace.
I walk down an area of the palace where no maids or government officials are.
Down a small quiet hallway, are marble statues and gold framed oil paintings decorating the quiet hall.
I admire the detailing in the art and sculptures.
Noticing a small plain door in the hall, I open it.

I peek inside to see a small windowless dark room, filled with statues and frames all covered with sheets.
Letting some light in, I leave the door cracked open.
I glance at the statues before removing a dusty sheet off a large painting.
It reveals an oil portrait. The previous king, the queen, and three little boys. I look at the portrait, astonished and confused.

"Cabel's brothers... I thought his little brother passed away at a young age?" I whisper, remembering what Lance told me, "Cabel looks almost as old as he did in the memory transfer though..."
I look closer, trying to see the faces of the boys.

"Ha! Don't be silly!"

I jump, hearing laughter and steps coming closer towards the door.
Flinging the sheet back on top of the painting, I rush to hide behind a pile of boxes.

"Hm? Is someone in here?" A girl peeks in confused.
She opens the door more, staring in.
"Maybe it just wasn't closed properly. Come on, we need to get the sheets." Another girl giggles.

The door closes gently as they leave, I sigh a breath of relief.
The small dark room begins making me grow anxious as I look back at the creepy silhouettes of the statues. I quietly walk to the door.
I turn the handle, but it doesn't move.

Vigorously try turning the handle in multiple directions, I push and pull at the door.
"It's locked..." I whisper.
Anxiousness hits me as I attempt to force open the door.
"Hello? Is someone out there?" I yell out.
I pound on the door as I call out.
"Hello! Can someone let me out?"

Suddenly, an abrupt cold chill rushes down my spine.
Slowly, I turn around.
I look back at the statues, the darkness causing their features to appear more creepy.

My heart pounds loudly, feeling my blood go cold. I look around the dark room, overcome with fear.
Flashbacks of lying on the stone dungeon floor, chained up, crosses my mind. The memories of my blood dripping from my wrists, unable to move, with the only source of light entering from the cracks of the door.
I shake my head, attempting to calm myself from panicking.

A strange air fills the room, my eyes widening. Boxes in the back of the room, shift slightly.
I jump, noticing subtle movements in the back of the room. Behind the statue I notice the dark shadow grow.

"H-Hello?" I call out, feeling my heart beat a mile a minute.
I stare at the statue, holding my breath.

A deep raspy groan echoes through the small room. I begin hyperventilating, watching a figure step out from behind the statue.
My breath gets caught in my throat, my breathing stopped as I look back at the figure.

"Celeste... I suggest you stay still. It'll only hurt more if you fight it."
The familiar monotone voice I've heard before, calls out. The sound of his voice, taking my breath away.

I hold my breath, watching the figure take a step closer. His face slightly illuminated by the light coming from under the door.
My brother, Micheal, smiles coldly.

I scream, pounding on the door.
"Help! Help! Let me out!" I scream as tears drip down my face.
"I told you to stay still." Micheal speaks deeply.
His hand covers my mouth as he grabs me from behind.

'This isn't real, this is just a dream!'

I repeat to myself, my body shaking from adrenaline.
Holding onto the door knob as hard as I can, I continue to scream and shout into his hand.

Suddenly grabbing me by my hair, he pulls me away from the door until throwing me back.
A yelp escapes my throat as my back hits a statue. The statue shattering from the impact, the shards of marble fall on top of me.
Shocked by the pain, I'm unable to make a sound. Tears run down my cheeks as I clench my fists from the immense pain that throbs in my back.

"My dear sister. You should have had my child. We could have ruled a kingdom together." Micheal looks down at me with cold eyes.
He grabs my ankle, swiftly dragging me out from under the statue's pieces.
Jumping on top of me, he pins me down by the throat, choking me against the ground with one hand.
"Where were we before?" His voice coldly speaks.

'No... This isn't real, this isn't real!'
I think to myself.

I scratch at his arm, attempting to push him away. His other hand pushes up my dress skirt, ripping away the fabric.
Kicking my legs, my tears drip down my cheeks as I attempt to catch a breath.
"You have no idea Celeste... You were the only light in that darkness I had, so how could you refuse me? How could you neglect your duties?" Micheal coldly speaks.

I look back at him, his eyes lifeless, his grin twisted into a crazed smile.
"How could you take away the only future I was looking forward to having?" He shouts, his grip on my throat tightening.

Beginning to lose all of my strength. My mind grows light and numb as I struggle to take a single breath.
Soon, I begin to surrender to the silent darkness calling out to me. Unable to breathe, my limbs grow weak until falling to the ground.

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