Chapter Eighteen

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Uncomfortable; one word to describe this situation would be purely, uncomfortable.

I sit and smile awkwardly, glancing towards Lance—who seems equally uncomfortable and confused.
My eyes shift over to Emperor Cabel who sits in front of me.
He sips his tea elegantly, looking over documents in his hand. Laid out on the table are fancy teacups, along with multiple plates of finger sandwiches, tarts, and cakes.

"Um, your highness, would you care for some strawberry cake?" I offer in a pathetic attempt to converse.
He looks up at me and down at the cake, contemplating to himself briefly.
"I suppose I'll have some." He speaks indifferently.

I place a slice on his plate as he takes a bite. His expression remains the same, except for a slight twitch in his brow as he chews.
I sip my tea unsure of what to do.

"Y-Your highness, is there a reason you called to meet me today?" I ask nervously.
He sips his tea and returns to his papers.
"No." He blankly replies.
Unable to handle the atmosphere, I look to Lance uncomfortably—yet he can only smile back confused.
I sigh, taking a sip of my tea.
The emperor's eyes quickly fall upon my face, my back straightening as I meet his stare. Placing the papers onto the table, he leans back into the sofa, continuing to stare.

I sit still, unsure of what to do as his eyes burn into me.
"Your highness... I-Is something wrong?" I ask.
"No." He bluntly replies again.

Back to square one.
I sit uneasy, taking another sip with Emperor Cabel's stare, continuing to analyze into me. Looking around his office, I admire the large oil paintings decorating the room. His dark oak desk, and crimson red and gold trimmed curtains.

"Your highness, I forgot there was an important letter I needed your stamp on." Lance speaks up.
I breathe a sigh of relief as Emperor Cabel's stare disappears.
He sighs until standing up.

I can't help but notice how defined his features are. He walks to his desk with Lance; his wide broad shoulders with his defined muscles—visible even through his shirt.
Surprised by my own thoughts, I quickly avert my eyes.

I begin eating some cake, awkwardly doing my best to not as so much make a sound as the fork cuts through the sponge cake.
Emperor Cabel and Lance whisper amongst themselves, quietly bickering, until they walk back to the table. His highness sits down flustered.
Glancing back at me and the cakes. He glares at Lance from the side, before looking back at me again.

I sit confused as I watch him, a small smile grow on my lips.
"Is the cake to your liking?" Emperor Cabel asks, his lips growing into a small awkward smile.
I can't help but giggle, slightly amused by his question.
"Yes, it's delicious. Is it to your liking?" I ask.
"It's..." He pauses, staring at the cake—almost scrutinizing every inch of it, "It's delicious."
I pause watching his expressions, and stare back at Lance.
His expression once firmly composed, soon trembles as I notice a dimple form on his cheek.
"Would you like to try this chocolate ganache cake as well?" I offer, "It's decadent and heavenly."
Emperor Cabel looks at me, taken aback.

"No. I'll finish this one for now." Emperor Cabel quickly takes a bite of the strawberry cake.
His expression remains composed except for a clench in his jaw and his nose scrunching slightly.
I peek to see Lance averting his face, his shoulders shaking from holding in his laughter.

Unable to stop, I giggle as I look back at Emperor Cabel.
"Your highness, it's clear to me you aren't fond of the cakes. I apologize for teasing you." I lightly laugh, watching him instantly sip his tea to wash the confection down.
"How are you so certain?"
"Well, you don't take sugar with your tea. It's only a guess, but it seems you're not big with sweets. I only meant it as a joke."
He stares at my expression as his lips slightly curling up.
"Playing tricks on the emperor? You're a brazen one."
"I suppose I could be, but I doubt pulling a small joke counts as being brazen."
"It seems we have different opinions on what being brazen is then." He chuckles, taking a sip of his drink.

We sit and enjoy our afternoon.
Emperor Cabel continues to read a document, the atmosphere more comfortable than what it initially started as.

The sun begins to set as I spend a few hours with his highness.
The daylight dimming as night approaches.

"Your highness, it's almost time for dinner." Lance speaks up.
Emperor Cabel looks up at the clock.
"Yes, I suppose so."
Emperor Cabel glances at me, his expression a bit conflicted.
"Shall I return to the golden palace then, your highness?" I ask, confused by his expression.
"Ah... Yes, I suppose you should." He agrees, slightly dejected, "Lance, ensure you accompany her back."
"Yes, your highness." Lance bows as he gestures, "Please come with me, my lady."
I stand up and curtsy to the emperor.
"Thank you for inviting me today, your highness. May glory of Helios rest upon you." I give a small smile as he lounges on the sofa.

Leaving the palace with Lance, we sit in a carriage—heading towards the golden palace.
"Please forgive his highness for today." Lance speaks up.
"Why? It was nice." I cock my head to the side.
"I'm sure it was confusing... His highness is just experimenting, I should say." Lance smiles awkwardly, lightly laughing.
"Oh, was it about anything bad?"
"No, no, not at all. I think he was only curious."
"I see, but no, I had fun today. Though it was a bit awkward, it was nice, thank you."
A relieved smile grows on Lances lips as he nods.
Giving my goodbyes to Lance, I enter the golden palace, making my way to my bedroom. Picking up a book, I begin reading before bed.
Except, occasionally distracted by the image of the emperor. Those dark red eyes of his that watched my every move.
My face grows warm as I place a hand on my cheek.

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