Chapter Thirty

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(Trigger warning: Read at your own discretion.)

I do my best to stay awake, kicking, and attempting to push Micheal off.
I close my eyes as I cry, hoping for someone to help.

"Ack!" Micheal calls out.
His grip on my throat loosens as I open my eyes to look up at him.
His blood splatters on me as a giant spike penetrates through his shoulder.

The room door is smashed into pieces as Cabel runs in.
In an instant, he lunges his sword at Micheal's head. Micheal avoids the attack, releasing me from his grip.
He holds his shoulder from where he was stabbed.
I cough and gasp, turning over onto my stomach, attempting to catch my breath. Cabel lunges across the room at Micheal, who instantly disappears into a black fog.
Cabel stops, looking around the room.
"That bastard!" Cabel yells enraged, his eyes glowing bright red.

I feel my body begin to shake as the adrenaline wears off.
I sob as I begin hyperventilating. Cabel is quickly by my side as he looks down at me, concerned.
Lost in my panic attack, all I hear are the replaying sounds of Micheal's voice, the sounds and the feeling of shackles around my wrists.
Cabel's voice calls out to me, but is drowned out by Micheal's voice repeating the same sentence through my mind.

"It'll only hurt more if you fight it."
"It'll only hurt more if you fight it."
"It'll only hurt more."

I lose my consciousness as I listen to those words play through my mind, eating away at my sanity.

I open my eyes to see I'm on the floor.
The marble statue pieces scattered around me. I turn to see Cabel, sitting calmly beside me. He looks pained as he looks back at me.
"You passed out... I didn't want to touch you in case it would upset you..." Cabel gently speaks.
"H-He was still alive?"
Cabel nods slightly, looking away frustrated.
"When we got to your castle, we found your mother and father, but your brother and sister were seen running into the woods... We couldn't locate them anywhere."
I look at his expression as he leans back against the wall, his face seeming troubled and lost in thought.
I stare at my hands, blood splatters covering them; yet the blood is the darkest shade of black.
I move my arms, trying to push myself up. A sharp pain quickly shoots down my back, making me drop myself back down to the ground.
Cabel quickly moves close to me.
"Can I help you up?" He asks, worried.
I nod.
He takes my hand gently, effortlessly helping to bring me to my feet.
I wobble as I stand, tightly holding onto Cabel. He avoids touching me recklessly as he watches me balance myself.
The pain shoots down my spine again, effecting my lower back. I stumble, wincing in pain.
Cabel catches me, gently helping me stand back up.
"Can I carry you?" Cabel cautiously asks.
I nod.
He carefully picks me up, carrying me like a princess. I wrap my arms around him tightly as he walks through the halls.
My eyes water up as I stare down the hall, watching the door grow farther away.

"My lady, please have some medicine. This will relieve any pain you have for now." Lance holds out a saucer with three pills in it.
I sit up carefully as Lance helps me eat the medicine.
I lie back down, feeling my eyes water again.
"Has he always had powers?" Cabel asks, leaning on the window sill.
"N-No, I wouldn't know if he did though... I don't remember seeing him much, except once or twice a year..." I quietly speak, staring blankly at the ceiling.
Cabel sighs, standing up.
"Lance, inform Captain Arron we'll be doubling the night patrol, and ensure the day patrol will be tripled. Arrest and interrogate anyone without an invitation, and kill anyone who approaches Luna without identifying themselves." Cabel sharply speaks.
Lance nods and bows.
"Right away, your highness. My lady, I hope you rest well tonight. Please call me if you need any further assistance." Lance speaks gently.
"You may go rest once you've completed that, I'll be here." Cabel speaks as he walks closer to the bed.
"Yes, your highness. May glory of Helios rest upon you."

Lance leaves the room. I hear Cabel's gentle breaths as he thinks to himself.
I glance over at him as he leans against the nightstand, with an angered expression. His eyes begin glowing as he's lost in his thoughts.
"Cabel?" I gently call out.
His eyes dim back to normal as his head turns to me.
"What is it? Are you in pain?"
"Well, obviously yes... But will you come closer? I just want to distract myself from today." I give a weak faint smile.
His eyes look saddened as he nods, pulling a chair with him. He sits down beside my bed, leaning forward as he stares at his hands.
I stare back at him and giggle lightly to myself.
"What's so funny?" Cabel asks, glancing up.
"Nothing... I just thought of how different you were from when I first came..."
"How so?"
"You wouldn't have been there to save me if we never talked, and you would never be sitting by my bed like this... You just seem more approachable than before..."
Cabel smiles lightly as he thinks to himself. He gazes back at me fondly.
"You should sleep. I'll be here."
"Oh no, I couldn't possibly have you stay-"
"I said I would, so there's no need to object. Just rest." Cabel sits back as he looks at the fire.
I nod, closing my eyes. Feeling safe and protected by his presence, I soon fall asleep.

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