Chapter One

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(Trigger Warning: Read at your own discretion.)

"Greetings your highnesses." I curtsy to my father and mother.
The smile upon their lips seeming kind and pleased at the sight of my form and manners.
Sitting on their thrones, royal guards, maids, and butlers stand lined along the throne room.

"Our dear Celeste, have you been well?" Mother asks.
"Yes, mother. I've been entranced by my studies, and I believe I've grown more wise."
"Yes, it seems our daughter is being raised properly." Father grins.
He rubs the top of his staff, gliding his thumb over the crystal ball on top.
"Shall we prepare Princess Celestia's gown for this evenings dinner?" Head maid Sylvan asks.
"No need, we're unable to hold a dinner. All the servants may leave. We wish to speak to our children privately." The king states.
The help all leave the throne room as I look back to father and mother.
"Brother's coming as well?" I question, uneasiness upon me yet feeling somewhat excited to reunite with Micheal again.
"Yes. Micheal, come out." Mother calls.

Micheal appears from behind the curtains lined behind the thrones.
Yet, his expression is empty, seeming more broken and dull than it was before.

"M-Micheal? Brother, how are you?" I stutter, taken aback.
Micheal appears much more worse than the last times I've seen him.
He emptily looks to me, before he looks back over to mother. Simply nodding, mother gestures for him to speak.

"I've been well. How are you, sister?" He speaks indifferently.

My heart breaks as his voice comes out with no emotions, no sincerity, and with no life.

"We wanted to speak with you both. We've decided it's best for your lessons to be taken together." Mother smiles delightedly.
"Really? Micheal and I can be together for lessons?" I smile, a glimmer of hope growing in me.

Each time I've met him, he always seems worse. Even so, I can't shake the small amount of hope I have, that he could potentially return back to himself. Our lessons being together, can also mean that I could help guide his true self out.

"Of course. How could we keep your future husband from spending time with you?" Mother speaks, grinning disturbingly.

Her words cause my heart to drop into my stomach.
"W-What do you mean?" I ask, dumbfounded by her words.
"Micheal?" Father snaps his fingers.

Micheal walks closer to me, taking my hand gently in his.

"Our dear Celeste, you're smart, but our throne must be left in the hands of our eldest son. Which is why, you both will sit here together. Isn't it excellent?" Father smiles.
"I don't quite understand what you're trying to say... Micheal's my brother, how could we sit together?" I question, my expression difficult to control as confused disgust shows in my eyes.
"He's your fiancé, Celeste. You both will have a life side by side, just as you've wanted. Isn't that what you've both wanted? To be with each other?" Mother speaks.

Unable to comprehend her words to be true, the sensation of feeling sick hits my stomach as I soon realize the serious expressions they wear.

"Mother, father... I know you know best, but aren't there kingdoms run by rulers, who are not siblings?-"
"Celestia Avri."
I jump at the sharpness in my father's voice.
"Are you questioning us?"
"N-No. Not at all. I apologize." My eyes glued to the polished floor, a chill rushes through my body.
"Celeste, listen well. Those kingdoms will fall to ruin if their bloodline dies, and we don't want that, now do we?"
I hesitantly shake my head.
"Than you must be a good daughter, and behave as an excellent supporter to Micheal. Both of you may leave." Father enunciates.
His expression gentle and pleased, yet his tone expressing his irritation.

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