B.2 Chapter Forty-Four

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Emperor Cabel sits in his office, growing tired as he reviews documents with the duke and marquess.
"Your highness, I've received word that an advisor urgently needs your signature, for a document you forgot to sign." Lance bows, whispering to Emperor Cabel.
"Okay, I'll be back in a moment." Emperor Cabel speaks up.
He stands, leaving the room with Lance.
Duke Oslo and Marquess Simone read the documents in their hands, sipping their whiskey.

The door lightly knocks.
Duke Oslo looks back, standing up.
"Come in." Duke Oslo calls out.
The door opens, and Luna enters.
Her dress and jewellery are excessive and slightly gaudy; different compared to her usual look.
She curtsies wearing a revealing gown with diamond accessories.
Duke Oslo's eyes widen slightly, his cheeks growing flushed as he looks at her exposed skin.
"Good evening your grace, my lord." Luna gently speaks.
"Lady Luna, good evening. What brings you here?" Marquess Simone asks.
"Forgive me, I was hoping to meet Emperor Cabel." She smiles.
"Emperor Cabel?..." Duke Oslo pauses, tilting his head as he thinks to himself, "He left to sign some documents. We can let him know you were looking for him, if you'd like?"
"Thank you. Tell him that I'm eagerly waiting to see him for dinner." Luna curtsies, leaving the room.
Duke Oslo nods, sitting back down.
"Those love birds can't seem to wait for their time away." Marquess Simone snickers, finishing his drink.
He stands, pouring himself another drink.
"Didn't Lady Luna seem off though?" Duke Oslo asks.
"Off? Hm... Her outfit was a bit too flamboyant."
"Not just that... Her wording seemed off in a way."
"She might just be ecstatic for dinner. After all, they haven't met this entire week."
Duke Oslo nods, continuing to look at his paperwork. He glances up, watching the marquess fill his glass.
Duke Oslo stares into the distance, thinking to himself.
"Emperor Cabel?... She never calls him his title..." Duke Oslo whispers under his breath, suspicious.
He slightly shakes his head, downing his drink as he dismisses his thought.

Emperor Cabel enters the dining room.
Esmerelda sits there waiting, dressed in a revealing purple gown.
She stands, curtsying.
"Good evening, Cabel." She calmly greets.
"Hm?" Emperor Cabel raises a brow, "Yes, good evening. Where's Luna?"
Esmerelda's eyes widen slightly.
"Oh... My sister said she would be late, something suddenly came up." Esmerelda smiles.
"I see... Sit, let's begin dinner then." Emperor Cabel grows uninterested, signalling to Lance.
Lance bows his head, calling for the chefs and maids. They set the table, placing trays with fine cuisine down.
Emperor Cabel sips his wine, waiting for dinner to be served.
Esmerelda's hand glows under the table, a neon green symbol appearing in her palm.
A butler takes away empty platters after finishing transferring the food.
He pauses.
He stares at Esmerelda, confused as he rapidly blinks. Another butler nudges him, signalling him to leave quickly.
They walk away, Esmerelda's eyes following the butlers as she thinks to herself.

"When did Lady Luna arrive?" The butler whispers.
"What? Lady Luna isn't here. Are you drinking again?" The other butler whispers, scoffing at his friend.
They bicker quietly under their breaths, yet their whispers reaching Esmerelda's ears.
"Why isn't it working?..." Esmerelda mumbles.
She bites her lip, thinking to herself as she stares at Emperor Cabel sipping his wine.
"He needs something stronger..." She grits her teeth, her eyes glowing a faint shade of green.

Emperor Cabel and Esmerelda begin eating, Emperor Cabel reading some documents.
He glances at the door every time maids enter and leave.
He sighs.
"Is dinner not to your liking, your highness? You keep working..." Esmerelda pouts.
He glances back at her, until turning his attention back at his papers.
"I'm too busy to stop working." Emperor Cabel responds, sipping his water as he glances back at her, "Isn't it too much?"
"What is?"
"Your attire."
"Oh, this?" Esmerelda smiles, her hand caressing the jewelled bodice as she admires it, "I just thought this part, was detailed so well."
Her fingers stroke the detailed jewels on the bust, until tracing her cleavage.
"It's pretty... Don't you think?" Her eyes look back at Emperor Cabel, her brows quickly furrowing as he pays no attention to her.
"'Pretty'? I'm sure whoever designed it, is proud. However, you haven't had your coming of age, yet you're dressed in something like that?" Emperor Cabel scoffs, his eyes continuing to scan his papers.
"W-Well, I just thought I should dress up for dinner." Esmerelda smiles innocently.
Emperor Cabel looks up, pausing before standing.
He walks over to Esmerelda.
"My fiancée would be mortified to see her eleven year old sister, dressed in such a way." Emperor Cabel removes his coat, hanging it over Esmerelda's shoulders.
He returns to his seat, going back to his papers.
"Ah... I-I just thought I looked more mature now and wanted to dress up. Does it look bad?" She asks, tilting her head.
Emperor Cabel remains quiet, his eyes continuing to scan the documents as he flips through his papers.
Esmerelda's finger taps against the table as she looks back at him, her expression turning cold.

Dinner is quickly finished.
Emperor Cabel stands, handing his documents to Lance.
"Bring this to my room and put it with the others. I'll return to my office." Emperor Cabel speaks.
"Yes, your highness." Lance bows his head, taking the documents.
"Oh, your highness?" Esmerelda calls out.
Emperor Cabel turns around to her.
"What is it?" He replies indifferently.
"May I come with you? I wanted to give my sister a gift, but didn't have the chance to earlier..." Esmerelda shyly asks.
Emperor Cabel slightly rolls his eyes, sighing quietly.
"Alright, come." He speaks up.
Lance bows his head as Emperor Cabel leaves the dining room.
Esmerelda stops before leaving.
"Oh, forgive me. May I ask you something?" Esmerelda whispers to Lance.
"What is it, my lady?" Lance asks.
"Could you bring some wine for his highness and my sister? I'm sure they'd love to enjoy a glass together when she arrives." Esmerelda kindly smiles.
"Of course." Lance smiles back.

Emperor Cabel enters his office with Esmerelda.
He walks to sit at his desk, beginning to work through his papers. Esmerelda sits on the couch looking around his office.
Moments pass until the door knocks.
"Allow me." She kindly speaks up, standing.
Emperor Cabel nods, uninterested.
Esmerelda cracks open the door slightly, whispering until closing the door.
She turns, holding a bottle of wine and glasses. She walks over, setting the glasses and wine on the coffee table.
"Wine?" Emperor Cabel asks, staring at her.
"Yes, your highness. I thought you and my sister would like to share a glass. Have I done something wrong?" Esmerelda pouts, growing saddened.
"It's fine." Emperor Cabel shrugs, scribbling his signature on documents.
Esmerelda smiles, sitting down on the sofa.
Her golden eyes begin glowing, changing to neon green.
She whispers under her breath a spell, watching Emperor Cabel focus on his work.
Her hand emits a neon green haze, her nails rapidly growing to form into long sharp claws. She cuts her palm with her nail, her blood a vibrant green colour as it pools in her cupped hand.
She looks down at the wine glasses, quickly hovering her hand over a glass. Her blood drips into the glass, radiating in the cup.
Her nails revert back to a short length as she opens the wine bottle, her cut instantly healed.
Esmerelda stands, pouring the wine into a glass.
She hesitates, walking over to Emperor Cabel with the full glass of wine.
"U-Um... Y-Your highness?" Esmerelda speaks up.
He glances at her as she holds the glass in her hands.
"I thought you'd like a glass of wine while we wait for my sister..." Esmerelda shyly looks away.
He looks at the glass and nods, holding his hand out.
"Thank you." He speaks, taking the wine from her.
She smiles, bowing her head until returning to her seat.
She watches him out of the corner of her eyes, her pupils dilating as she watches the wine glass sit in his hand.
He flips the papers, scanning through them.
Her eyes widen, anxiously watching as he lifts his hand, the glass approaching his lips.
His lips touch the glass, taking a sip of the wine.
Esmerelda's eyes glow vibrantly as her lips twist into a manic grin.
"Be the fool who falls asleep, be the one who'll bring me glory. Adormit." Esmerelda quickly mutters.
Instantly, Emperor Cabel's body freezes.
He stares at his desk, her body swaying until weakening. The glass slipping out of his hand, shattering on the ground.

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