B.2 Chapter Sixteen

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"Y-Your highness!"
An older man shouts, fear taking over his face.

Lightening flashes outside, lighting up the office.
Emperor Cabel's hands glowing as thunderous static flies off him.
The objects on his desk flung across the room as Emperor Cabel swipes everything off. The glass figures and lamp smashing against the wall, leaving indents from the force.
Two wizards stand in the office, shocked as they watch on.
"I've given all of you time. Why is there no result?" Emperor Cabel glares down, his aura growing wild.
"Your highness!" Lance shouts.
Emperor Cabel glares back at Lance, his eyes glowing red with watchful sharp dilated pupils.
"Your highness, they're trying their best. Please contain yourself!" Lance shouts.
"All they have so far is the spell that was used. How does this tell me anything? It's been over a week. She could be dead by now, yet I'm being told to calm down?" Emperor Cabel's voice thunders.
"Your highness, you've sent multiple search parties to scour through every house, and building in the empire! The wizards are doing their best to help you!"
Emperor Cabel stares down at his hand and back at the wizards.
His face twisting in pain.
"Give me any useful evidence or information in two days." Emperor Cabel speaks, his fists tightening as his powers relax.
The wizards looks up at him.
"Your highness..." The man speaks up.
Emperor Cabel stares back at the man.
"We want the future empress to come home too. We're trying our best, even though finding the spell is a small piece of evidence, it will lead us to finding more evidence." The wizard bows his head.
Emperor Cabel stands silent until turning to leave his office.
He slams the door behind him, shaking the office.
"I apologize for his highness." Lance bows.
"No... I know what despair and worry can do to someone." The wizard responds.
"Please, continue helping his highness... He can't bring himself to say it, but he appreciates any help he can get to have Lady Luna's safe return." Lance bows deeper.
"We'll do our best, we wish for the future empress to come home safely too." The wizards bows back.

"Your highness."
A voice calls out to Emperor Cabel from behind.
Emperor Cabel continues to stare out at the garden from a gazebo. The clouds, dark and grey as light rain falls down.
Duke Oslo approaches, his expression pained.
"I'm not in the mood for your theatrics, duke." Emperor Cabel growls out.
Duke Oslo steps beside Emperor Cabel, staring out at the distance too.
"I know... Your highness, we're all working to bring her back home."
"Yes, but she was taken because..."
"Your highness... None of this is your fault." Duke Oslo speaks kindly.
"You're not at liberty to tell me that."
"I still wish to say it though. Lady Luna will return safely-"
"I'm growing rather pissed off. I suggest you disappear from my sight." Emperor Cabel clenches his fists, avoiding to look back at Duke Oslo.
"Your highness-"
Duke Oslo is cut off.
Thunder roars with crashing lightening.
In a swift instant, electrifying spears stick out from the ground pointing at Duke Oslo's neck.
Emperor Cabel's hand ferociously glowing as red sparks fly off. His aura growing crazed as his eyes glare into Duke Oslo.
Duke Oslo stares back at Emperor Cabel as he's pinned against the gazebo wall.
Emperor Cabel's other hand gripping Duke Oslo's jacket collar.
"Enough!" Emperor Cabel's voice thunders.
Duke Oslo stares on calmly. He takes a deep breath, sighing.
"Your highness, do you truly believe Lady Luna would approve of such a behaviour?" Duke Oslo calmly states.
Emperor Cabel grits his teeth.
"No, your highness. Lady Luna has expressed multiple times before, she does not approve of such behaviour to innocent people."
"How else do I react? My fiancée is missing, and all my worst fears could come true. Fears I never knew I had are happening in front of me, and everyone continues running their mouths about how it'll be okay, and she'll be found. Even if we find her, what if we only find her corpse? There's a chance she could be dead, and somehow I have to pretend that, that won't happen?" Emperor Cabel shouts, clenching his jaw tighter causing the veins to stick out of his neck.
"I'm not speaking from the point of your subject. I speak on behalf of a friend." Duke Oslo calmly speaks.
"A friend? Ha! Don't make me laugh." Emperor Cabel scoffs.
"I am your friend, your highness... I love Lady Luna." Duke Oslo sincerely stares back at Emperor Cabel.
"You better say something else before I rip that mouth of yours off."
"Your highness... I love and care for her, but even if these feelings I harbour for her are there, she is someone I truly care for and look at as a friend. I don't want her getting hurt either, the thought of her dying terrifies me, but as her future husband you owe it to her to hope for her safe return. I know the chance of her dying is high, but you need to keep faith in her staying alive, instead of allowing your rage to run wild over her death. We can't say whether she's alive or dead right now, so calm your thoughts from thinking the worst that could happen, and try to rely on those around you. Your pain, and your anger are all justified, but to consider hurting someone who's trying to help you, would cause the people to lose faith in you as a ruler. Not only that, Lady Luna would never be forgiving over it."
Emperor Cabel pauses.
His aura relaxes as his expression grows pained, his shadows fading until disappearing.
"For her sake, please keep faith that she'll stay alive until we find her. Lady Luna would not want you to allow your rage to get the best of you if she died. I'm saying this as a friend, please express your feelings to your subordinates. Please rely on us when sorrow, anxiousness, and despair overwhelms you. We care for Lady Luna, just as much as we care for you, so your highness please share your pain with us."
Emperor Cabel releases his grip from Duke Oslo's coat, taking a deep breath.
His legs tremble slightly as he places a hand against the railing to support himself up, his other hand holding his head.
"I just... I want to know if she's okay. I want to see her, and protect her. I want to save her, and to just have her by my side smiling." Emperor Cabel weakly speaks, his eyes watering.
"I know... I know, your highness." Duke Oslo places his hand on Emperor Cabel's back.
The rain beginning to heavily drizzle down, Emperor Cabel and Duke Oslo stand in silence.

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