Chapter Three

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My head against the cold stone floor, all my energy gone as I lean into the inevitable death approaching.
Suddenly, the shackles vibrate.
Through my groggy, exhausted state, the rattling of the chains causes me to awaken. My body too heavy and numb to even move a muscle, only my hearing returns. The sounds of shouting from the other side of the door, until a loud pounding against the metal door fills the room.

A loud crash hits the ground causing a breeze of wind to blast through the room.

I gather all the strength I have to open my eyes. Through my blurred vision, I'm faced by knights dressed in beige uniforms, a distinctive crest on their capes I can't seem to make out.

A ringing in my head as a tall man with shining dark blue hair, approaches me.
He kneels down, a gentle fresh scent wafting from him, almost soothing me. Trying to catch a glimpse of the man's face, he gently places his fingers against my neck.
He speaks, but I'm unable to make out his words.
My head pounding intensely and all my energy exhausted, I close my eyes, dragged back into unconsciousness.

My body jostled, I wake up briefly; realizing I'm being carried through the castle.
Opening my eyes, everything in first sight—drenched in the colour red.
Blood on the walls, furniture, paintings, and steps of the stairs.
In front of the castle a large fire. A pile of deceased bodies being thrown in; a sour bitter scent surrounding the area. The clearest, most vivid sight of all—King Weslium and Queen Leveanne's bodies hung on the gates.

I gasp, opening my eyes to a room lit from the sunset.
My body breaking into a cold sweat from the memories; each image vividly clear. I look at the ceiling, tinted from the sunset's beautiful colours of red-orange hues.

The sensation of the shackles returns. My confusion grows, realizing I'm no longer locked in the cell. The bed warm and soft, the light bright and comforting—my wrists and ankles freed from the heavy weight.
I wince in pain, slowly sitting up.

"My lady, please don't move!"

I look at the door to see a man, frantically rushing to me.
He appears to be in his twenties, his platinum grey hair neatly swept back.
Gently taking my hand, he adjusts the pillows to support my back.

"W-Who are you?" I ask warily.
"Forgive me for frightening you. My name is Lance, I'm the personal butler for his highness, Emperor Cabel." He bows with his right hand on his heart.
"Emperor Cabel?" His name runs through my mind, "Am I in the Cypheler Empire?"
Lance pauses, remaining silent as he gives a simple nod.
"Yes. I would ask for your name, but ladies taken into his highness' harem are given new names."
I smile, lightly scoffing.
"I see... So just like pets, he names us?" I glance around the room, reality hitting me as I realize that my kingdom has fallen.
"I don't believe his highness has thought of it in such a way." An airy chuckle escapes Lance's chest, "He's given notice and has named you Celeste."
Lance wears a small smile as he speaks the name.

Memories of the past all come back to me, the sound of the name instantly causing a wave of fear to hit me—each injury I've ever had and endured, seeming to ache at once.
The image of King Weslium calling my name—through his sinister grin—comes to mind.

"N-No... Not Celeste." I weakly speak.
"Pardon? I'm afraid his highness has given you the name himself-"
"Yes, but I apologize... T-That was my name in my kingdom. I doubt his highness has heard of me, but I am Celestia Avri. My nickname was Celeste. I'll understand if his highness refuses to change my name, but a name that came out of my father and mother's lips to address me, is something I can no longer bear to hear."
Lance looks back at me bewildered, silently thinking to himself as his eyes seem to watch my expression.
"I understand." Lance speaks, taking a deep breath, "I shall send a letter to his highness, but until he writes back with his response, may I ask what to call you by?"

The cold anxious feeling disappears almost instantly. Lance's kind, understanding expression causing a small smile to grow on my lips.
For a second, I stare out the window as different names run through my mind. I gaze at the sunset, and distant stars.

"Luna... Please just call me Luna for now."
Lance smiles, nodding.
"A very beautiful name, Lady Luna. Since you were malnourished when you arrived, we've had doctors come to check your health. Until your strength returns, you should remain in bed until your injuries heal more."
"How long have I been asleep for?" I ask.
"Four days. Luckily, the doctor said you were healing at an incredibly fantastic rate. Some of your cuts have been fully healed, so we shouldn't be too worried about your injuries. Though, to help your digestion return to normal, we were told to slowly give you small amounts of food, based on how long you've gone without food or beverages."
"What day is it?"
"Tonight is day 235 of the year's cycle."
I close my eyes, calculating how many days it's been.

"I was locked away on my birthday. It was day 209... It's been twenty-six days..."
There's an awkward silence as Lance looks back at me; his eyes full of sadness and pain.
"None of the less, I probably were to die in there if it weren't for the emperor. If you don't mind, could you please give my gratitude in the letter?" I smile lightly, ignoring Lance's pitying expression.
"Of course, Lady Luna... Ahem, well, once you grow healthier, shall I bring you on a tour and introduce you to the other residents?"
"Yes, this is the golden palace. It used to be where the previous king's children lived in, but now it's used to house his highness' harem."
"I'll have to think about it." The thought of meeting a group of new people making me feel scared, I take a deep breath to calm down, "So, this was the palace for the king's children?" I glance at him, raising my eyebrows.
"Yes, my lady."
"So, is that suggesting Emperor Cabel had siblings?" I ask.
"Yes, he did."
"He had siblings?"
"Yes, my lady." Lance looks dubiously as he responds.
"I've learned about this kingdom as a child... I know his highness had an older brother, but are you insinuating that his highness had more than one sibling?"
Lance's eyes widen, taken aback.
"N-No my lady, I did not mean it that way-"
"Lance, I won't speak of it again. It was just funny seeing your reaction." I lightly chuckle, "Be rest assured, even if I knew the truth, there's no one I could speak to, or want to speak to about this." I smile, watching Lance grow composed again.
"Thank you, my lady... Between us, he had an older brother, but he had an unknown younger sibling who passed away at a very young age. I'm sure his highness was too young to even remember him. The only members who know about this secret, aside from yourself now, are two noble families. So, I'll be grateful if you kept this a secret."
"Of course."
"Thank you, Lady Luna. Shall I bring you some herbal tea? The doctor created a medicinal tea blend that'll be beneficial for your health."
"Yes, that sounds wonderful. Thank you." I smile.
Lance smiles back lightly, before leaving the room.

A sigh escapes my lips once left alone. Relaxing my muscles, I lie my head back as my ribs begin to ache. I hold my side carefully, slowly breathing out.
Staring at my hands—my wrists and body bandaged up from the injuries.
I gaze at my palm, remembering the powerful gust of wind that saved me in that moment.
"Me, a witch?" My eyes focused on the palm of my hand, I lay my arms to my side, "It's not like it would matter now."
My eyes glaze over the intricate details, and luxurious decorations in the room. A sigh escapes my lips again as I close my eyes, a headache growing as I process the new life I've woken up to.

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