B.2 Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Your highness, in a few weeks the second shipment of Theas Jones' coffee beans will be sent to the Kingdom of Xiao. Mr. Jones has requested to go along with the shipment as there was an issue with the last shipment." Sir Quintan speaks up, handing Lance a few documents.
"What problems happened?" Emperor Cabel asks.
"As you know his son is running the store there, but his son reported that some boxes from the first shipment had been crushed during transit. A majority of the beans have gone bad due to being exposed to air for so long."
"I see. Are they filing for compensation?" Emperor Cabel scans over the documents.
"Not exactly. They've requested for Mr. Jones to be in charge of the deliveries, to ensure no problem like this occurs again. It would mean he would need to be hired under your authority, and paid the same as our shipping managers."
"I'll allow it. If he wishes to be in charge of his own product, than I see no point in rejecting it. Bring the necessary contracts to him, he'll have to begin training soon in order to accompany the upcoming shipment." Emperor Cabel stamps and signs a contract, handing Sir Quintan the form.
"Yes, your highness." Sir Quintan stands, getting his belongings together, "Your highness, how has Lady Luna been?"
"She's well. She should rest a bit longer though."
"I understand. Will she be returning to the advisory department after your trip?"
"She probably would. She seems to enjoy working there, so I'll speak with her about it once we return."
"Yes, your highness. Maybe glory of Helios rest upon you." Sir Quintan bows to the emperor before leaving the office.

"Your highness." Lance speaks up, "You have another meeting with the head of the health research facility, followed by a meeting with his grace and the lord." Lance speaks up, arranging the necessary paperwork on Emperor Cabel's desk.
Emperor Cabel leans back in his chair, taking a deep breath.
"And Luna?" Emperor Cabel asks.
"She'll be meeting her sister, and will be training later today." Lance smiles.
"I see. Is there no time for a short break?" Emperor Cabel asks, a corner of his lips, deviously curling up.
"No, your highness. If you took a short break to meet with Lady Luna, your 'short' break would turn into an hour or longer break. Unfortunately, the head of the health department is already waiting for you in the parlour." Lance bows his head.
"That bastard's punctual as usual." Emperor Cabel scoffs, "Alright. Bring refreshments and tell him to come in."
"Yes, your highness." Lance bows, exiting the office.
Emperor Cabel sighs, staring out the window.
Light rain drizzles down outside, storm clouds beginning to roll in closer to the empire.
"I'll see you soon... I just need to bear with this loneliness for now." Emperor Cabel whispers.

Luna, Cethin, and Xal walk over to the stables.
Their hoods up, blocking the light drizzle of rain.
"Hey." Cethin calls out.
Liam the stable boy turns around.
"Oh, greetings future empress." He bows.
"Listen, could you give us three horses? But keep it a secret again." Cethin speaks up, handing Liam a few gold coins.
"Of course. You'll have to depart quickly though, my boss will be back any minute." Liam speaks up.
"If he asks, tell him we borrowed the horses for training." Cethin playfully grins.
"Yes, Captain!" Liam quickly brings three horses over, "Here's Adonia, Bruno, and this one's Lillian."
Liam hands Luna the reins for Adonia, a black horse she's ridden before.
He gives Xal the reins for Lillian a dark brown horse, and gives Bruno to Cethin.
"I won't have enough time to saddle them, will that be okay?" Liam asks.
"Yes, that's fine. Thank you, Liam." Luna smiles kindly, jumping on Adonia barebacked.
Xal and Cethin jump on their horses. Instantly, they depart from the stables.
"Chicky, we only have a three hour window to get there and back, before his highness has a dinner break." Cethin calls out.
"Got it! Hiya!" Luna snaps the reins as they quickly ride down to the town.

They reach the high district, only a few nobles out walking under their umbrellas.
They tie their horses in an alleyway, down the road from the hospital.
"Is that where they're all at?" Xal asks.
"Yes, the fifth, sixth and eighth floors are all reserved for treating the miners." Luna calls out, walking down the street.
They sneak in through a back door, walking down the quiet hallway into a service staircase.
"Ready?" Cethin calls out, his hand on the door to the fifth floor.
"Yup." Xal nods.
Luna smiles and nods, hiding her face with a cloak.
Cethin opens the door as they enter the floor.
They quietly enter the patients rooms, Luna healing them quickly as most of the patients sleep.
They make their way through the floors, reaching the eighth floor.
Luna's eyes widen as she peeks into the rooms of the patients.
Their bodies heavily wrapped in bandages, some patients even missing some limbs.
"They were injured this badly?..." Luna mutters.
"Luna?" Cethin calls out.
Luna's eyes begin to water, her expression turning pained.
"Cabel didn't say it was this many victims in critical condition. I should have helped them sooner..." Luna wipes her eyes as the patients groans echo though out the floor.
"Luna, I know it's upsetting, but at least you're helping them now." Cethin speaks up.

"Hey! Who are you!-"
A doctor shouts down the hall at them, instantly being cut off as Xal uses his powers to wipe his memory.
The doctor falls asleep, falling into Xal's arms.
Xal gently rests him in a chair.
"Luna we need to hurry, don't get caught up in the moment. You're helping them now, and that's what matters." Cethin sternly speaks.
Luna nods, ignoring her guilt as she focuses on Cethin giving a reassuring nod.
She enters a dim room.

She hovers her hands over the mans body, his hand and leg missing.
Her powers envelope around the man's body as she begins to heal him.
His eyes flinch, opening as they focus on Luna.
"Who are you?..." He mutters in pain.
Luna jumps startled, pulling her hands away.
"H-Hello... I'm a healer. I'm just helping you." Luna speaks up.
"I don't want your help. I've told you damned healers and everyone his highness sent, to leave me the hell alone." The man weakly speaks.
"Pardon?... But why?" Luna asks.
"Because... I just want to die in silence." The man mutters, his expression growing pained.

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