B.2 Chapter Thirty-Nine

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We stand in front of the dining room doors, butlers bow before opening the doors for us.
Inside is a bright dining room, Lady Dulcie, Marchioness Adara, and Marquess Simone sit at the table.
My eyes widen as I notice another figure sitting beside the marquess; Duke Oslo.
"Ahem." Christopher clears his throat, entering the room, "Apologies, I was showing Deimos around the estate."
I follow him in, avoiding to look at Duke Oslo.
"Deimos! Welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay with us." Marchioness Adara smiles, standing up.
"I'm honoured you've invited me into your home, Marchioness Adara." I bow, just as a nobleman would.
"You're welcome any time! Deimos, this is Duke Oslo." Marchioness Adara smiles.
I bow my head to Duke Oslo.
"It's an honour to meet you, your grace." I speak lowly.
Duke Oslo smiles and nods.
"Please, sit." Marchioness Adara smiles, gesturing for me to sit beside Lady Dulcie.
I take my seat beside Lady Dulcie, doing my best to remain composed.
I look up to see Christopher sitting beside Duke Oslo, until meeting eyes with the duke.
"So you're a friend of Christopher's?" Duke Oslo asks.
"Yes, I knew him in the academy. It's been a while since I saw him, and decided to visit." I reply, doing my best to remain calm.
"I see." Duke Oslo smiles, lifting his glass of wine.
Soon, maids push carts of food into the dining room.
They serve the appetizers as well as pour wine and water into the glasses.
I sit quietly through dinner as the marquess speaks to his children.
I barely taste any flavour of the fine cuisine as I try to calm my nerves, afraid of Duke Oslo recognizing me.

Soon the desserts come out.
I take a deep breath, growing relieved as the dinner comes to an end.
"Why couldn't you meet with his highness today?" Duke Oslo speaks up.
I freeze, glancing over at Marquess Simone.
The marquess takes a sip of his wine, sitting back.
"I had problems arise in my squadron, and with Deimos arriving a few days sooner than anticipated, I believed it would be best to stay." Marquess Simone calmly speaks.
Duke Oslo nods, setting his dessert fork down.
"I know you have a guest, but after dinner I'd like to speak with you privately." Duke Oslo speaks up.
Marquess Simone nods.
"Make it quick, I'd like to spend time with my family."
"Of course." Duke Oslo sips his wine, his eyes soon moving to glance at me.
I avert my eyes, taking a bite of the dessert.

The dinner ends, Christopher and I excusing ourselves early.
We get back to his room.
Instantly, I take a deep breath, collapsing to the ground.
"I didn't think his grace would be here." I whisper, rubbing my forehead.
"I didn't think he would be either. I'm guessing since father missed the meeting, his grace came to check on him."
"Do you think he knew it was me?" I ask.
"I'm not sure. Surprisingly, you're very good at acting, so you fooled the servants. His grace on the other hand is very perceptive, and has a sharp eye. We'll need to be more cautious to keep him away from you." Christopher smiles, holding his hand out to me.
I take his hand as he pulls me up.
"What do you think they're talking about?" I ask.
"I'm not sure... I'll ask father about it later tonight. We just need to hide you until his grace leaves."
"Agreed." I sigh, fixing my wig.
"Are you..." Christopher mutters, trailing off.
I look up at him, tilting my head.
"Am I, what?" I ask, waiting for him to talk.
"Are you okay?" He asks, concerned.
I can't help feel surprised as Christopher shows his worry for me.
"I think I am... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hurt by this, but I'm more confused than hurt. Though, things haven't calmed down yet, so I could be too occupied to react to this situation."
"I see... Would you want to see father?" Christopher asks.
"The marquess? About what?" I reply, taken aback.
"About this situation. If his grace heard the news about you, he could be here to talk to father about it."
I pause, thinking to myself.
The mention of Cabel causing my heart to sting as I think about everything that's happened.
I nod.
"Okay." I agree.
Christopher smiles, nodding back at me.
"Thank you..." I whisper.
"For being worried about me... For helping me... Thank you."
"I have emotions somewhere inside of me. It's not like I could turn a blind eye to someone in need of help."
I nod, chuckling at his serious tone to the sarcastic joke of his.

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