B.2 Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Esmerelda sits beside Luna and Emperor Cabel as they watch Lady Dulcie play the piano.
A sorrowful and entrancing melody filling the room.
The marquess and marchioness smile with pride as they admire her song.
The song comes to an end.
Luna stands clapping, Emperor Cabel joining her. Lady Dulcie curtsies, her lips formed into a bright smile.

"That was beautiful, Lady Dulcie!" Luna exclaims.
"Thank you, Lady Luna. I worked very hard on writing it, I've named it 'To the sky'." Lady Dulcie smiles.
"It was marvellous! She never let us hear her practice it, she wanted it to be a surprise and I'm so glad she hid it!" Marchioness Adara hugs Lady Dulcie tightly, overjoyed.
"How was it for you, Lady Esmerelda?" Marquess Simone asks, looking over at Esmerelda who stands hidden behind Luna.
"O-Oh, it was really beautiful..." Esmerelda stutters, avoiding to look up.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it! I hope we can become friends!" Lady Dulcie exclaims.
Esmerelda's expression turns surprised as she looks back at Lady Dulcie.
Her face grows bright as she smiles excitedly.
"I'd like that..." Esmerelda smiles, her eyes building up with tears.

Luna and Emperor Cabel stand to the side as they speak with the marquess and marchioness.
Lady Dulcie sits at the piano speaking with Esmerelda as she shows her how to play simple chords.
"Your sister's lovely, Lady Luna. It's undeniable she's related to you, she's got your beautiful eyes!" Marchioness Adara excitedly speaks.
"Thank you, marchioness. I'm grateful you allowed her to attend a private concert." Luna bows her head.
"Of course! She should make more memories, so she's invited anytime if she'd like to play with Dulcie." Marchioness Adara kindly offers.
"I think that'd be best. She should have friends around her age, and be introduced to society if she's to become a citizen here." Emperor Cabel thinks deeply, "If there are any gatherings of young girls around Dulcie's age, I hope the invitations are extended to her."
Marchioness Adara giggles.
"Oh my! It's as though she's your daughter!" Marchioness Adara exclaims joyfully.
"What nonsense are you speaking now? Age aside, she's still meant to be my future sister in law." Emperor Cabel scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"Yes, but do you not picture what your kids would look like? They could look exactly like Lady Esmerelda! And you'd worry about them, just like you're worried about your sister in law, oh how marvellous!" Marchioness Adara gleefully speaks, closing her eyes to picture their future children.
"Seems as though you're exhausted if you're being this delirious, I think it's time for us to leave." Emperor Cabel scoffs.
"Oh don't be like that, I'm just teasing. Come, let's have a drink." Marchioness Adara waves over butlers, who carry drinks on trays as well as hor'deurves.
"I'm glad to see you're healed well, I was so worried." Marchioness Adara sighs a breath of relief as she speaks to Luna.
"Thank you for your concern, I'm honoured to have you as a friend." Luna smiles, clinking her glasses with the marchioness.
"Oh, speaking of which, is the investigation still continuing?" The marchioness asks.
"We've had to put a pause on it due to the survivors needing time to heal, but we'll continue them soon once they're able to speak." Emperor Cabel replies, sipping his champagne.
The night continues as they drink and talk, Esmerelda playing with Lady Dulcie.

They return to the palace in the late night, after spending time at the marquess's estate.
Esmerelda holds Luna's hand as they walk through the hallways.

Cethin calls out.
Luna looks up to see Cethin and Petunia walking down the hallway.
"Good evening-" Luna pauses looking back at Cethin's brief confused expression, "Er, is something the matter?" She asks.
"Oh... It's nothing. You busy tomorrow?" Cethin asks, his expression returning to the normal cheerful look.
"I should be free, did you want to train?" Luna smiles.
"Mhm, be ready in the morning, I'll pick you up." Cethin responds.
Petunia stares at Esmerelda as she hides behind Luna.
"Oh, you haven't officially met but this is Esmerelda, my younger sister." Luna introduces her, "These are my friends Petunia and Cethin."
"H-Hello..." Esmerelda shyly speaks, bowing her head.
"Hm, your sister from your kingdom?" Cethin grins.
"Yes, I'll explain everything another time, but Esmerelda's a bit tired so she needs to go to bed. I'll meet you tomorrow though, excuse us." Luna walks by them.
Cethin's eyes widen, he whips around.
"W-Wait!" He shouts.
Petunia and Luna look at him, confused.
"Cethin? What's the matter?" Luna tilts her head.
"Um... I have something for that one." He speaks, reaching into his pocket, "Here."
He pulls out a piece of candy, smiling as he kneels down.
"I swear it's good. So don't be afraid of us next time." Cethin kindly speaks.
Esmerelda smiles brightly, accepting the wrapped candy.
"Thank you!" She exclaims, holding the candy cautiously close to her chest.
Luna smiles, nodding goodbye to the two as she takes Esmerelda back to her bedroom.
Cethin watches them walk down the hallway, his complexion slightly pale as he gulps.
"Cethin? What's the matter?" Petunia asks.
"N-Nothing... I'm just tired I guess. Let's go." Cethin smiles, composing himself.
They walk down the hallway, Cethin deep in his thoughts.

Magnolia knocks on the doors of Esmerelda's bedroom.
A maid opens the door for her as she pushes a tea cart in.
Magnolia's eyes widen slightly.
Esmerelda stands in a beautiful pastel pink gown.
Magnolia can't help but stare as she finds something amiss as she looks at Esmerelda.
She ignores her concerns as she bows, exiting the room.

She walks down the hallways, pondering to herself.
Her eyes move up to see Lance walking towards her.
"Mr. Lance." She bows.
"Has the young lady woken up?" He asks.
"Yes... Er, Mr. Lance?" She calls out.
"Hm? What is it?" Lance responds.
Magnolia approaches, looking around cautiously.
"This morning I couldn't help but notice, but the miss seems to have grown." Magnolia whispers.
"Grown? She's still a child, so it's natural she'll grow. You two are close in age, so you should remember how much a child can grow." Lance shrugs, remaining calm.
"No... I think it's a rather quick growth spurt... She seems to have grown tremendously taller over night."
"Is that so?"
Magnolia nods.
"I see, I'll check in on her but don't raise too much concern over this."
"Yes, Mr. Lance." Magnolia bows, leaving to Luna's bedroom.

"My lady?" Magnolia calls out.
"Come in." Luna's voice calls out from the other side of the door.
Luna stands in a white tunic blouse and beige pants. Her training boots being tied up by a maid.
"What's the matter?" Luna asks.
"I came to notify you that your sister has woken up."
"Oh perfect. I'll have to see her later. Let her know she can spend today to herself and that she can look around the palace if she likes. Ensure you also ask for knights to accompany her if she goes out." Luna smiles.
"Yes, my lady." Magnolia smiles back, bowing before she leaves.
Luna watches Magnolia hesitate before leaving, as though she has something on her mind.
Luna sits in a chair as she stares at the doors, confused by Magnolia's actions.

Magnolia walks through the palace.
She sighs, confused.

"Why so glum, kid?"
She looks to see Cethin behind her.
"Captain Cethin!" She exclaims, surprised.
"I've told you before, Cethin is just fine." Cethin scoffs.
"Ah, yes. I apologize." Magnolia bows her head.
Cethin tilts his head, watching her expression.
"Hey, what's the matter?" Cethin asks, staring at her face.
Magnolia's eyes widen, surprised.
"Pardon?" She speaks up.
"Why do you look so troubled, hm?"
Magnolia looks around the empty hallway, before turning back to Cethin.
"Actually... I saw Lady Luna's sister this morning..." She whispers.
"So? Did she do anything to you?" He asks, slightly suspicious.
"No, but I couldn't help but notice..."
"Notice what?"
"Er... She grew..."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I mean just that... She seems to have gone through a growth spurt but even so, that much growth over night seems impossible."
"I see... Did you tell anyone else about it?"
"Only Mr. Lance."
"Good, there's no reason to raise suspicions right now. Last I saw, she seemed like this tall I think? Was she a bit taller?" Cethin raises his arm above his waist, trying to remember her height.
"Well, it wasn't a shocking height growth, but her breasts seem to have grown too..." Magnolia whispers, blushing as she grows embarrassed.
"Don't be shy about it, everyone's got chests." Cethin chuckles, amused with her reaction, "I gotta meet up with Luna though, see you later."
Cethin pats Magnolia's head, walking past her.
"Yes, goodbye." Magnolia calls out, her uneasiness growing.
Cethin turns around slightly, watching Magnolia walk down the hallway.
"What a smart little girl." Cethin whispers, watching Magnolia walk away deep in her thoughts.

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