B.2 Chapter Eighteen

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"Your highness! Over here!"
Jax shouts, sprinting through the trees.
Emperor Cabel swiftly rides, following Jax into a glade.
Jax abruptly stops, his jaw dropping.
Cethin sits, crying as he holds Luna in his arms.
The glade filled with dismembered body parts, blood flooding the forest floor.
"Luna!" Emperor Cabel shouts, his eyes widening as he see's the precious golden hair in disarray.
He jumps off his horse, rushing to Cethin and Luna.
Luna lays in Cethin's arms.
Her body burnt and blistered as she lays unconscious. Blood drips down her mouth, and flows out her eyes.
"Get everyone here, now!" Emperor Cabel shouts, his voice thundering.
Jax sprints off, his face horrified.

The carriages, knights, healers, and wizards quickly arrive.
Duke Oslo, Marquess Simone, and Lord Christopher quickly riding to the scene.
Their eyes all widen as they stare at the gruesome scene.
"Your highness! How is she?" Duke Oslo frantically asks.
Luna is laid onto a stretcher, the healers using their powers to help her.
"She's alive." Emperor Cabel speaks, his face full of worry, "We leave this forest now."
"Your highness..." Cethin calls out.
Emperor Cabel turns around to look at the exhausted assassin.
"Board a carriage, a healer will help you on the journey back. You kept her alive, good job." Emperor Cabel speaks.
"N-No, your highness-"
"We move out. We'll talk another time. The trip back will be difficult, so keep your guards up." Emperor Cabel cuts Cethin off, addressing the knights.
He follows the stretcher into a carriage.
Jax approaches Cethin, pulling his arm.
"Come on, the healer's waiting for you." Jax speaks, dragging Cethin.
Cethin watches Luna and Emperor Cabel disappear as the carriage doors close.
He nods, slowly moving to follow Jax.

"How's her condition?" Emperor Cabel asks.
"Lady Luna's injuries are severe, even as we heal her, her soul's wave length is very unstable." A healer calmly speaks.
Emperor Cabel sits, holding Luna's hand.
"Keep healing her, I'll clear a path." Emperor Cabel stands, exiting the carriage.
He jumps onto his horse, heading to the front of the group. He raises his hand, large walls erupt from the ground, creating a pathway.
"Follow down this path. Beasts could be down it, but we won't need to worry of an attack from the sides or back for now." Emperor Cabel calls out.
The group quickly begins advancing down the pathway created, the high walls protecting them.

The group escapes the forest, barely running into any beasts thanks to the emperor.
They continue their journey home, the sun beginning to rise after spending a night in the forest.
The duke's knights return to the dukedom. Marquess Simone, and Lord Christopher returning to their estate with their knights.

Days pass since the emperor and his knights returned home, the investigation put to a halt.
The emperor as well as the people of the palace grow concerned over their future empress.
Luna lays unmoving, her health still weakened.
"Why won't she open her eyes?" Emperor Cabel's deep authoritative voice questions.
The healers jump, growing pale as they watch the emperor's rage grow.
"Your highness, her body has been put through quite a shock. Her soul's wavelength is extremely unstable, and could be keeping her unconscious to stabilize." A healer speaks up, his trembling hands clasped over one another.
"It's been five days. She might not have had a bite to eat or a sip of water since she was taken, are you sure she'll live?"
"Your highness, we're healing her the best we can." A female healer bows her head.
"Your highness, please understand. If her body is keeping her unconscious to stabilize her health, the healers won't be able to bring her back. All we can do is just be hopeful that she'll be okay..." Lance speaks up, standing in front of the healers as he blocks the emperor's murderous glare.
Emperor Cabel waves his hand, turning his eyes back to Luna.
The healers bow.
"We will be back again tonight. May glory of Helios rest upon you." A healer speaks up, quietly leaving the room with his acquaintance.
Emperor Cabel's bedroom grows silent.
Luna lays in bed, her body heavily bandaged up with her complexion pale.
"Your highness, are you okay?" Lance asks.
"I'm far from okay. How bad was she tortured? What if she never opens her eyes?... How do I react if she doesn't forgive me?" Emperor Cabel sits by the bed, a pained looked growing on his face.
"Forgive you? Your highness, we took every precaution we could. Lady Luna is not someone to point blame to others."
"I know..." Emperor Cabel rakes his hand through his hair, "Leave us." He waves off Lance.
"Yes, your highness. May glory of Helios rest upon you..."
Lance quietly exits.
The room doors close, Luna and Emperor Cabel left in the bedroom.
The silence filling the room.
"Damn it!" Emperor Cabel shouts, cursing as he suddenly stands.
He turns, looking out the window.
The sun setting as it dyes the sky with colours of pink, orange, and blue.
Emperor Cabel takes a deep breath, holding his forehead.
The door knocks quietly.
"Who is it?" Emperor Cabel calls out.

"Y-Your highness? It's Petunia..."
Petunia cautiously speaks up.
Emperor Cabel freezes, confused by the sudden arrival of the assassin.
His hand glows as he opens the door with his powers.
"What do you want?" He asks, turning to look back at her.
"Your highness..." Petunia pauses, grasping her gloved hands.
"Spit it out. What? Did Jax or Cethin ask for reimbursement for their injuries? Did someone die?"
"No, your highness... May I share a secret with you?..." Petunia looks back to meet his intimidating gaze.
Her eyes unwavering as she looks up at him. Emperor Cabel's lips curl, amused.
"Oh? Why would an assassin think of sharing a secret with the emperor? We've never spoken alone, yet you stand before me when I'm already pissed off?"
"Because, it'll ease your mind about Lady Luna..." Petunia's expression changes into a determined, sorrowed look.
Emperor Cabel stares, confused.
"... What is it?"
"Firstly, I have signed my life to serve you loyally, and so I'd like your loyal spoken word that you'll keep my secret hidden."
"I swear on my life."
Petunia nods, gesturing for them to sit down at the table.
He pulls out her chair, pushing it in for her as she sits.
His eyes watchfully analyze her as he walks around to sit across her.
"Speak." He says, leaning back in his chair.
"I... I have abilities, your highness..."
Petunia takes a deep breath, her eyes filled with sorrow.
Emperor Cabel patiently waits for her to speak as she gathers her thoughts.
"... I'm able to see one's death."
The room fills with silence as Emperor Cabel looks back at Petunia, stunned.

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