B.2 Chapter Sixty-One

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As if lightening strikes through my body, I gasp, my body flinching as I abruptly open my eyes.
Feeling as though I've had my head under water, I take deep breaths desperate for more oxygen in my lungs.
I finally look back at the eyes watching me. I look up as the golden dragon stares down at me.
His snout approaches me.

A deep voice echoes in my mind.
I look back at his golden eyes, matching mine.
"Brother?..." I whisper.
A flashback runs through my mind, causing an intense headache.

A scene of a baby golden dragon running around me.
I look up, Sol standing as he picks me up in his arms, tears dripping down his face.
"Let this child be given another chance. Down the path her soul wanders, guide her to a new life... I give this pitiful child a chance to live."
Sol's voice whispers, the scene cutting off as it turns black.

"D-Deimos." I whisper.
The dragon looks back at me, his eyes slowly blink.
His snout gently touches my forehead.
"Sister... Will you make a contract with me? Father has bound me here for eternity in this mountain, in order to fully absorb the souls of the evil. In order to leave, only father may give me the command to return home. Unless I make a contract to be bound to another."
"Deimos... Will... Will you help me save the land and the people I care about?" I ask.
"It is my duty, just as it is yours."
I nod, leaning against his snout more.
My eyes tear up as my forehead grows warm. Deimos looks down at me, his snout glowing with a symbol.
"Sister, the contract is done." Deimos speaks, his voice escaping his mouth.
I stare back at him, touching my forehead which feels warm.

"Ah! Luna!"
I turn, looking at the mouth of the cave.
Cethin stands, shocked.
"Luna! She's awake!" Cethin shouts.
He runs up to me, frantic.
"Cethin?" I whisper, feeling my emotions rising to my throat.
He jumps, hugging me tightly.
"You idiot! I was so scared!" He shouts, crying.
I pat his back, giggling.
"I'm okay... It's okay." I whisper, consoling him as he cries into my shoulder.
I see Riddle and Petunia running into the cave.
"Luna!" Riddle exclaims, "What the hell happened to you?"
"I met Sol! He explained everything, I have no time to explain, but he told me what I have to do!"
I watch as they look at me worried.
"Luna, you were asleep for too long. The wedding's happening this evening!" Petunia speaks, stunned yet relieved.
"What?" I exclaim, looking outside to see the sunrise, "H-How would we get back?"

I turn to Deimos, surprised as his voice rings through my ears instead of my mind.
Cethin, Petunia, and Riddle all jump, startled.
"I-It talked! W-What the hell is happening?" Cethin exclaims.
"Sister, I can fly. We'll make it." Deimos speaks, ignoring Cethin.
"You can fly? Will you be able to fly us all?" I ask.
"Yes, I am a dragon of course. My wings are not for looks. Though... Flying a human on my back can lead to accidents..." Deimos mutters.
"Accidents? Like what?"
"I travel faster than the wind and air. There was a time... I flew with a human... And they fell." Deimos grows embarrassed, looking away.
"Fell?" I exclaim, "Did they die?"
"No, I caught them before they hit the ground... In order to reach the land, I can fly slower than usual, but even if I fly slower there's a chance it'll still be dangerous."
I look back at Cethin, Petunia, and Riddle who stare stunned.
"Am I the only one who's flipping shit about a dragon talking?" Cethin exclaims, confused.
"We'll do it." Petunia speaks up.
I smile, nodding.
"Let's go then-"
"Luna..." I'm cut off as Petunia speaks up, "Luna... You can't come back with us."
"What?" I stare at her, surprised.
"Luna... You were unconscious, and you weren't breathing... I was scared you passed, and so I used my powers again..."
"But, you already know how I'm supposed to die?"
"I did... But at times, deaths change, so I wanted to see if yours changed... It didn't."
"Luna, you are still meant to die by his highness..."
"Yes, but if I can save him, I'll risk it-"
"Luna, you can't go save him... When I saw your death again, I saw the scene... You... You were killed in a church hall, filled with flowers and decorations... The wedding is where you die. I can not let you walk to your death, when I know you're meant to die in that church." Petunia's fists clench, her eyes watering.
"What?... But Petunia-"
"No!" Petunia scolds, "No, you are not allowed to step foot into the church. I have done everything I can to save those I care about, but failed. You are the only one I can save, so you can't go. Please, once we get back, you need to get somewhere safe."
"Petunia, I can't let the empire fall. Sol told me there were witches being revived all over the land, I can't let this happen!"
"Then you can help the empire. The three of us will save his highness, and you can save the town, but I won't let you go and neither will Cethin or Riddle."
I look back at Cethin and Riddle who's expressions seem to agree with her.
"I see..." I whisper, looking up at Deimos, "I understand. We have no time then. Let's hurry."
I stand, grabbing my headgear, clipping it to my armour.
Picking up the dual swords, I place them in Petunia's belt that lies on the ground.
I hand Petunia her belt back.
"Luna, I'm sorry." Petunia speaks.
"It's okay... You have a chance to save a life, and I understand."
Petunia gives me a small smile, nodding.
"Deimos?" I call out.
Deimos lowers his large wing.
I step up, seating myself on his neck.
The others cautiously move to sit, holding onto his scales.
"I suggest you hold on tightly." Deimos speaks, beginning to walk.
His steps cause the ground to rumble. Each step he takes causing sparks to fly from his feet until he exits the cave.
A golden shield at the cave's mouth shatters as Deimos exits the cave. His snout glowing brightly with the symbol.
His wings soon spread out largely. He jumps into the air, spreading his wings.
The wind is strong, blowing violently as he flaps his wings, swiftly gliding through the sky.

Deimos's voice echoes in my mind.
"We can talk like this still?" I reply in my mind.
"But your voice?"
"I'm able to have a voice because I have been bound to a mortal. My purpose is to help mortals, and I must have a voice to communicate."
"I see. Does this mean you can read my thoughts when you telepathically speak like this?"
"Nothing of the sort. Our contract has just bound us together. I may speak telepathically to you like this, and if you wish to communicate to me like this too, you may. But our thoughts are hidden from one another."
"Would this mean you could talk to others like this?"
"Of course, I am great after all."
"I see you're quite arrogant too." I giggle.
"Sister... I'm a damn dragon, and a descendant of father, so I have every right to be arrogant."
"Okay, okay, I understand. Is everything alright?"
"Sister... I will take care of the town. There are too many wicked souls there. If you went, your puny body won't be able to handle it..."
"I'm not a dragon, Deimos. Of course my body's small compared to yours. But why aren't you protesting like the others?"
"You are in control of yourself. No one else has a say, and if this is something you must do, I will support you."
"Even if it's stupid of me?"
"Yes. Sister... I can't be everywhere at once... So do what you need to do, I will handle the weaklings."
I smile, Deimos's words filled with understanding.
"Thank you... I'm counting on you."
I reply, watching the sky fly by us.
"Sister?" He calls out.
"... Can you tell the loud one, to stop digging his hand far into my scale? It's annoying like being pinched."
I snicker, turning around.
The three of them hold on tightly, yet Cethin tightly holds onto Deimos's scale.
He digs his nails into the scale as he closes his eyes.
"Cethin!" I shout.
Cethin opens his eyes, looking at me.
I point at his hands.
"Be more gentle! It's his skin!" I shout, chuckling.
Cethin grows flustered, loosening his grip.
"Better?" I ask Deimos in my mind.
"Much... Oh, he's doing it again..." Deimos grumbles.
I look back at Cethin, his grip tightened again.
"I'm sorry, I don't think he'll be able to stop."
"If you weren't here, I would have thrown him off by now." Deimos speaks, annoyed.
"I'm sorry. He's a good friend of mine, please forgive him."
"Fine. If he vomits on me though, I'm gonna eat him."
I giggle, the wind blowing against us.

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