Chapter Ninety-Three

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Cabel and I sit in a parlour room.
I sip traditional green tea sent from Xiao. The mild, slightly bitter and refreshing scent fills my mouth.
I smile, enjoying the tea as I read a letter that was sent alongside of it.
"Ming and Canella seem to be doing well." I call out to Cabel as he reads a document in front of me.
"I see. Any word of the crowning?" Cabel responds.
"Yes, it went well. The citizens were accepting of having female rulers, and found Canella and Ming to be quite adorable and admirable."
"I see. How's those annoying old men doing?"
"Old men?"
"The outdated government officials." Cabel looks up at me, flashing his sly grin.
I scoff, rolling my eyes.
"They aren't that old, but Canella said she fired half the men because they tried to dethrone her the first week."
"I see. Should I exert my powers?"
"Your authority, or those powers?" I glare at him.
"One or the other, I'll keep you in suspense."
"Neither then." I roll my eyes.
"That's no fun."
"Hm, well I won't be apart of any scenario if you decide to exert the powers I believe you're going to use." I ignite my powers, my hand glows gold as I lean over to tap Cabel's nose.
He sneezes from the slight tickle.
"What an annoying power." He rolls his eyes, sniffling.
The window knocks, we look to see Cethin.
He opens the window, jumping into the parlour.

"Heyo" Cethin exclaims.
"What is it?" Cabel fixes his eyes on Cethin.
"Nothing, I wanted to check up on my dear friend." Cethin pets my head.
Cabel glares at Cethin's hand touching my head, until rolling his eyes going back to his documents.
"Chicky, are you not going to be a consultant since you'll be crowned?" Cethin stares at the plate of snacks in front of us, taking a piece of a cookie.
"Oh I suppose I can't. Would it be possible to do the same work while I'm an empress?" I tilt my head looking at Cabel.
"As an empress you'll have audiences with government officials to pass laws or do anything that'll help the empire. Mostly you'll be in charge of ruling everything inside the palace grounds, you'll focus on finance, hiring help, maintaining everything essentially. I doubt there'd be enough time to become a consultant, but you'd do more as an empress."
"Hm, I guess being a consultant was a long shot."
"Not necessarily, you have an insight now of how to rule the palace and empire, it's all the same things that consultants know."
"Cabel... Do you think we could hold off our wedding?" I fiddle my fingers, thinking to myself.
"Why's that?" Cabel raises his brow.
"I want to be a consultant for a year or two, just until I can be confident in taking the throne. I have yet to experience things like working and before I'm supposed to help lead the empire, I want to be more experienced to do better."
Cabel leans back in his chair.
He sighs and nods.
"Fine. I hope you realize that even if you don't feel confident in your intelligence, we'll still be married eventually."
"I know, I'm not breaking off our engagement. Becoming a consultant will help the empire more when we do marry." I smile slightly, staring at Cabel as he smiles sweetly back at me.
"I understand. I'll have it go through, but it won't be easy though."
"That's okay, I'm ready." I hold his hand across the table, reassuring him.
"Ugh gross." Cethin scoffs, "Get a room."
"We can use any room if we wanted." Cabel snickers.
I swat his hand and glare at him.
"Don't say things like that!" I roll my eyes.
"Have fun you two, thanks for the snack." Cethin waves, leaving back out the window.

"My lady, these are the documents with information of working as a consultant. It'll be a trial experience for the first four months in order for you to get used to the job. You'll be given a position depending on which job you're most skilled with, and then it'll become a permanent position." Lance hands me multiple documents, thoroughly explaining.
"I see, will I have a chance to decide which position I prefer or will it be decided by the higher ups?"
"It'll be a mutual decision. If they suggest you become a consultant for the empire's taxes, yet you wish to be someone who works with international affairs then they will allow you to work in both positions to see which you're suited for. If you're exemplary with multiple positions, the choice will be yours to decide."
"Okay, when would I start?"
"As soon as you wish. They could process you to begin work within a few days."
"I see. Thank you."
I lift a pen, signing multiple documents as I read them through with Lance.

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