B.2 Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I wait in a parlour, Lance and Magnolia standing by my side.
Cabel sits beside me, sipping his tea.
The door knocks. Cabel looks over at Lance and nods his head.
Lance approaches the door, opening it to show Esmerelda, bathed and dressed properly. Her dark blonde hair glistening as it's tied into pigtails.
She curtsies wearing a simple baby blue gown.
"G-Greetings, your highness..." Esmerelda stutters, afraid.
"Sit." Cabel calls out.
Esmerelda meets my eyes as she nervously stares at me.
I nod, gesturing her to sit.
She cautiously walks, moving to sit across us.
Lance pours sweet hibiscus tea into her teacup as Esmerelda hesitates before taking a slice of cake.
"How was your night here?" Cabel asks.
Esmerelda jumps, nodding as she averts her eyes.
"I-It was good, your highness." She nervously speaks.
"Esmerelda... Why were you in that cave?" I ask.
Everyone looks back at me as I suddenly ask the question, we all wish to know.
I ignore their stares and continue to look back at Esmerelda as her eyes focus on me.
"W-Well..." She stutters, suddenly growing conscious of the stares placed on her.
"It's okay. You can take your time to explain, but we need to know what happened." I speak up, smiling to reassure her.
She meets my stare and nods.
"T-There was a banquet for my birthday... The castle was thrown into chaos when news of knights from an empire arrived. I-I remember brother quickly grabbing me. Brother grabbed a bag and packed some clothes. I didn't remember most of that night because it happened so fast..."
I sit, listening as memories of being locked in the dungeon come to my mind.
The day I was found and freed, was the day life turned awful for Esmerelda.
"We spent weeks lost in a forest. Eventually brother and I found an abandoned cabin, and we lived there. He would bring back food and water for us, but one day he never returned for me. I waited and waited for him, but he never came back... I went to find him, and stumbled across a kingdom where I begged on the streets for food. A kind man took me in, fed me, and let me stay with him for a short time... But he began hurting me, and eventually tried to sell me as a slave... I escaped and ran... I found a newspaper on the ground with news of a golden haired fiancée for the emperor... Brother always told me you were dead after I met you that day, and to just keep you in my thoughts and prayers... But when I saw the paper, I wanted to believe you could be alive... I couldn't fully remember your face but knew your golden hair. I've never seen anyone with beautiful hair such as yours, and desperately wanted to believe you were alive..."
My eyes tear up as I listen to her story, Cabel holding my hand tightly as he senses my emotions rising.
"I travelled trying to find the empire, I wanted to believe you were the one in the paper and had a goal to find you, but I was chased by a monster. I remember it's black fur, it's red eyes, and it's sharp fangs and claws... I ran until I heard the sounds of men sitting around and eating, but I was scared if they would try hurting me too so I didn't ask for help... I saw a cave nearby them and ran in. There were pretty lights strung in the cave and I went deeper until I found food and water. I took the food and water, and hid in a small hole. The men's voices grew louder as they entered the cave, so I stayed hidden for a while, until I heard screaming... I looked out of the hole to see the same beast, it's glowing red eyes, it's bloodied fangs, and the bodies of men being ripped apart and eaten..." Esmerelda's eyes tear up, her complexion growing pale as she tries to squeeze her words out.
"It's okay..." I gently call out.
She nods, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.
"I stayed hidden for a long time... I-I didn't know how much time had gone by, but then the beast left. I escaped the cave and hid in the trees... I was too scared to leave to the forest incase I saw the monster again, and I was too weak to run anymore, but men with shiny armour appeared. I hid in one of the carriages, afraid of being alone with the beast and was brought here..."
"I see." Cabel looks over at me and takes a deep breath, before looking back at Esmerelda, "You can stay here as Luna's guest then."
Esmerelda's eyes widen.
"Huh? I-Is that okay? I wouldn't want to intrude." She asks.
"It's not like you have anywhere to go, right?" Cabel replies.
"Er, yes..."
"Good. If the bedroom you used last night isn't good for you, you can ask Lance for a different bedroom." Cabel stands, walking over to his desk.
"T-Thank you, your highness." Esmerelda smiles, relieved as she bows.
"Esmerelda, would you like to go on a walk with me?" I ask, watching Cabel sit at his desk and write.
She nods. We leave Cabel's office as he begins going through documents.

"I know we haven't spent any time together, but how did you still remember me after all this time?" I ask, walking beside Esmerelda.
"Because... When you entered the dining room, I thought you were a Goddess... Your hair was shining like real gold, and you had a glow like an angel..." Esmerelda smiles, blushing slightly.
I giggle, and nod.
"Thank you for the compliment... Esmerelda, I'm sorry you went through so much." I speak up.
She shakes her head and smiles.
"It's okay. I'm here with you now, and even if I leave one day, I know I won't regret our time because... Well, because I got to meet my sister again." Esmerelda smiles kindly.
I chuckle, looking back at her eyes filled with innocence.
"I'll make sure we can have happy memories together from now on." I smile, stroking her head.
She gives a bright smile, nodding as she looks back at me with teary eyes.

The Emperor's ConcubineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora