Chapter Sixteen

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I take a deep breath, my body cooling off from the gentle falling snow. Looking down at my wrist, a red bruise lingers where he grabbed me. The cold air sharply hits my wrist, the pain more evident than before.
I sigh, looking up at the falling snow. The stars and moon blocked by the cloudy night sky.
Suddenly, a heavy coat is gently placed over my shoulders.

"It would be troublesome if you caught a cold."
A deep familiar voice whispers from behind.

I turn around, but quickly cut myself off. My eyes widen with shock to see the man standing behind me—the emperor.

"G-Good evening, your highness!" I quickly curtsy, noticing his red cape draped over me.
"Hm? Were you expecting another man?" He raises an eyebrow, a calm expression in his gaze.
"N-No your highness! I apologize, your voice resembled a friend of mine. Please forgive me, I'm Luna from the golden palace."
"Yes, I'm aware of who you are. I'm more curious as to who Hayden is?" The emperor stares with analyzing eyes, anxiousness begins to grow as I look back at him.
"Um... He's a royal guard... I spend my time in the golden palace's library, so whenever I go out for some air, I run into him." I speak quietly as I trail off.
"Hm... What is he to you?"
"Pardon?" My eyes shoot up to see the emperor deep in thought.
"He's just a friend, your highness." I quickly explain.
"A friend?"
"Well, yes."
"Do you... Consider him as more than a friend?"
The deep red shade of his eyes, entrance me as I try calming my heart. The moment almost freezes as we gaze at each other, his expression difficult to grasp what it could mean.

"No, your highness." I whisper, a thought pops into my mind, "Your highness... I hope you know, I'm aware that I'm apart of your harem. Even if tonight is the first time we've spoken and even the last, I'll always be loyal to you."
He furrows his brows as I speak.
Flustered, I quickly try explaining myself.
"I-I didn't mean it in an offensive way, I simply don't wish for there to be a misunderstanding. I meant that I may never meet you again, because I don't think I could bring myself to do the things the other ladies do." I mumble, my cheeks flushing as I think about what the other ladies said.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Lance explained that you weren't keen on visiting the golden palace, and would only go if a lady invited you. Even if I can't bring myself to invite, I'll always be loyal to you. I sincerely hope you believe me when I say Sir Hayden is just a friend." I smile kindly.
Emperor Cabel's face grows softer as he thinks to himself.

Feeling uneasy I look around the balcony, until noticing the emperor's cape still cloaked over my shoulders.
"Oh your highness, please take this back." I slide the cape off, holding it out to Emperor Cabel.
He looks at it before moving his eyes back to look at me.
"Thank you for giving it to me, but your highness should keep warm." I flash a small smile, meeting his gaze.
He takes the cape from my hands.
"It was a pleasure meeting you, your highness." I curtsy before walking past him.

My hand on the door handles, I freeze in my steps until turning around.
"Your highness?" I call out.
He turns around glancing at me.
"I would like to-"
"Your thanks is not necessary." He cuts me off coldly.
Swinging his cape, he hangs it over his shoulders.
"But I have not said anything-"
"It's not necessary to say anything more." He cuts me off again, fixing his clothes.
"Your highness, I'd like to thank you." I persistently speak, "You took me in when you planned to take my life. It might have been out of pity or for some different reason, but you gave me a chance to experience a different life, so thank you... That's all I wanted to say."
He keeps quiet, his expression almost uninterested as his undiscernible eyes continue to watch me.
"Well... May glory of Helios rest upon you." I curtsy again, quickly making my way inside.

Brushing the snow off my dress upon entering the ballroom, I grab a drink from a butler.

"Lady Luna!" Renesha exclaims.
She energetically grabs my arm, playfully.
"I saw the emperor and you talking outside, what was that about?" She kindly asks.
"It was just a greeting. He came out, and I introduced myself is all." I slip out of her grasp and walk away.

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