Chapter Fifty-One

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Time passes since the incident, our lives returning to normal just as they were before anything happened.
Cabel continues his work during the day, and meeting with me in the evenings or during his breaks.
I sit in the library, the day quickly passing. The risen sun gently shining in through the windows.
Admiring the books being illuminated by the sunlight, I sip my tea feeling a strange calmness wash over me.
I look over to see Cethin lounging on a sofa, skimming through a book.
"Ha! Greatest warrior my ass. He couldn't even beat me in a fist fight." Cethin laughs, throwing the book on the table next to him.
"Must you be so loud?" I scoff.
"I can't help it, I'm bored out of my mind."
"Then why not go do something fun? You don't need to stay with me."
"Don't really feel like it. Hey, where's that maid?" Cethin takes out his blade, fiddling with it.
He spins the thin blade between his fingers, amused.
"You mean Maggie?" I cock my head.
"Yeah, her, where's she at?"
"... Why?"
"Cause you're not fun to scare, I might as well try to scare her."
"Don't even think about it. If you do, I will never talk to you again." I glare at Cethin.
"I'm just so bored though!" Cethin stabs a book on the side table with his blade, "Hey, why don't we go do some training?"
"It's not our schedule to train right now." I glare at the poor impaled book, but also slightly impressed he could stab through it.
"Well, I can teach you to use your powers then."
"My powers?"
"Yeah, c'mon!"
Cethin leaps off the sofa, snatching the knife back as he grabs my wrist, dragging me behind him.
My book drops on the ground as he runs, paying no attention to my pleads.

We sit in a private field for the training grounds.
I sit in front of Cethin as he lays down different objects. Multiple sticks, rocks, and metal weapons lay between us.
"Okay, here's what you're gonna do, you're gonna take your powers and woosh it in there, and then bam, it should work." Cethin nods, staring at me, "You got it?"
"Um, no I don't have it. I have no idea what you just said."
"Listen Chicky, it's not that hard. You're going to put your powers in there, and try to ignite it with your aura."
"Huh? What do you mean ignite it?" I exclaim.
"Not blow it up ignite, I just mean make your aura flow through it which will make it glow. Listen, this is the easiest thing to do to get a grasp of your powers. Divinity is all about healing, so if you want to heal someone, you're going to have to learn to send your powers into them without hurting them. For now, just try to woosh it in there."
"How do you know so much details about my powers, yet I don't?"
"Because Chicky, my life is going to be kept in the dark but I used to be from a wealthy family, okay?"
"You were a noble?" I stare at him confused, "Can I ask what happened?"
"Mm no, but anyways yes, I grew up with wealthy noble parents. Anyways, I studied a lot about abilities, souls, and powers once my abilities woke up. Anyways, I know my shit, so just push your powers into the stick."
"O-Okay..." I stare at a stick Cethin picks up from the pile, placing it in front of me.
"Just focus. There's a warm buzzing in your chest where your soul is, and you want to focus that warmth to spread." Cethin explains, sitting back to watch.
I close my eyes taking a deep breath, my fingers begin tingling as my chest grows warm.
I focus on the light buzzing in my chest just as he said, feeling it gradually grow as it flows through my body more.
"Yeah, that's it!" Cethin exclaims.
"Like what?" I look at him confused.
"Focus it, I feel the vibrations from your aura, just focus on calling it when you need to use it."
I take a deep breath, closing my eyes again.
My hands begin to intensely tingle, not so much an unpleasant feeling but rather a warm sensation.
My chest gradually grows light and warm as a pulsing sensation flows through me, radiating through my whole body; from the tips of my fingers down to my toes.
I open my eyes, concentrating on my powers.
I look down at my body as a golden bright haze emits off me.
"A-Am I doing it?" I look back up at Cethin, his eyes widened.
"Y-Yeah! You're doing it! Holy crap you're actually doing this."
"W-What, am I not supposed to be doing this?" I shout, worried.
"No! It's great! I knew your powers were strong, but I didn't expect it to be this much, holy crap!"
"Why, is it bad?" I worry as I look at my hands, and back at Cethin.
"No! I just didn't think you'd get it right away, okay uhh... Right next step, close your eyes again." Cethin thinks, waving his hand at me.
I listen, closing my eyes.
"Okay, let's try this. Listen to my voice. Feel the power flow through you. Feel the vibration and the warmth. Focus on the weight, picture it as if you're in a body of water. The water flowing to wrap around you. Picture the water now beginning to drain, your hands slowly filling with water as you sit on land. Focus the water in your hands, the weight, the feel, the temperature, and hell even the smell I guess." Cethin snickers, "Okay... Good, open our eyes."
I open my eyes slowly.
I stare up at Cethin who smiles excited before glancing down at my body. The gold haze emits off only my hands.
I look back up at Cethin, surprised.
"What the? How did I do this? I did it?" I exclaim, wiggling my fingers as the haze continues burning.
"Hell yeah baby, that's what I'm talking about! You did it! It helps to picture it as an element first, before trying to control it. It's literally like if you tried to feel air, impossible. But if you picture it as a different element, with the sense of feel, and temperature in mind it'll work much better to begin controlling it." Cethin grins, pleased with himself.
"You're incredible! Thank you!" I go to hug Cethin but am stopped.
"Nuh uh! Chicky, you can send a buttload of your freakish powers into me if you touch me. We can celebrate after." Cethin places the stick closer to me, "Okay, now picture the water flowing from your hands, to wrap around the stick. Imagine it surrounding the stick."
I close my eyes.
The water sways, flowing to the stick. It carries it in the body of water as it gently sways, as if I'm watching a lake.
I open my eyes to see the stick glowing, surrounded by the golden haze.
"Oh my god!-"
Instantly the stick begins spinning, gradually spinning faster and faster, until exploding into tiny pieces. The debris flies in all sorts of directions.
"Ah! What happened?" I exclaim, shocked as I look at Cethin.
"Don't worry bout it. You got your powers to surround it, but you forced your aura into it too much and it couldn't handle it. We'll try again."
"Wait, if I touched you, would that have happened to you?" My jaw drops, shocked.
"You're funny Chicky. No, it would have probably just winded me, but the sticks mass is too small to handle it. It's okay, go again!"
We continue practicing.
Each attempt the sticks blow up. Cethin makes me practice with bigger objects like weapons, but they all explode as well.
I sigh, frustrated.
"Jeez, haven't seen that happen before." Cethin snickers, amazed.
"I can't do this anymore, we can practice next time." I stand up, brushing my dress off.

I walk back to the royal library, seeing government officials walk around the palace grounds.
I smile as I make eye contact with them, quickly passing by them.
Walking over to my seat in the library, I bend down to pick up my book I dropped earlier.
Instantly, arms wrap behind me, sweeping me off my feet.
"Ah!" I yelp, looking down to see Cabel, "C-Cabel? What are you doing?" I exclaim as he holds me in his arms.
"I was missing my beautiful concubine, is that a crime?" He smiles, amused.
"Well no..." I mutter, looking away embarrassed.
His gentle fingers cup my cheek, pulling my face back to him. Instantly his lips are on mine, planting a quick kiss.
I look back at him surprised.
"W-What was that for?" I cover my mouth, embarrassed.
"I said I was missing you, didn't I?" Cabel grins arrogantly, looking back at me with his sharp eyes.
His fingers lightly tuck my hair behind my ear as he moves to sit on the sofa. He holds me tight as he makes me sit on his lap.
I wiggle around, trying to get up. Cabel's arms tighten around me more as he hugs me closer.
"Cabel, what if someone sees?"
"What would they dare say to me?" Cabel shows off a victorious, devilish smile.
Cabel nuzzles his face in my shoulder.
My cheeks grow warm as I give into his sweetness. I hesitantly wrap my arms around his neck, resting my cheek on his head.
"I've been busy lately and haven't seen you for days, yet you seem displeased to see me." Cabel mutters, sarcastically.
I roll my eyes and scoff.
"What would you have me say then? Oh great Emperor Cabel, I've been longing for your presence to be by my side, is that what you'd prefer?" I dramatically speak, snickering.
"Hm, no, that doesn't please me." Cabel intensely looks back at me, instantly he kisses me again.
"Ah Cabel-"
He cuts me off with another kiss.
This kiss is long and passionate. He holds me gently as he lays me onto the couch, leaning me against the armrest of the sofa.
My hands on his chest, I feel his body move to hover above me, his hand on the back of my head pulling me in.
He pulls away. I look up at him breathlessly as he slightly grins proudly.
He stands up, grabbing the book on the ground, handing me it.
"I'll have to go, but this was fun." Cabel raises his brow, grinning pleased.
He kisses my forehead, looking deep into my eyes.
I watch as he turns to leave the library.
"Y-You cruel womanizer!" I shout, embarrassed.
I slump into the sofa, wishing to melt away.

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