Chapter Seventy-One

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"I-I don't understand..." I call out.
I look at Cabel as he places a large file on the table.
"This is every certificate and document, from every trade and sale of the crystals we took from Avris. You'll get all the money made from them back. I can't give you back your land or castle, but all I can do is give you the wealth of Avris."
"C-Cabel... I don't understand, what do you mean?"
"It means I have no use for you anymore. You won't sit still when I want you to, you won't be silent and obedient... There's been housing accommodations made, so your possessions will be packed and you'll be moved out of the palace grounds." Cabel looks at me, his eyes unwavering as he speaks.
"Am... Am I that useless to you?" I quietly ask, a lump growing in my throat.
Tears fall down my cheeks as I look back at him.
"You were right... I don't know how to love... Maybe it was all an illusion that never should have happened... So live as if this mirage never existed..." Cabel looks back at me, furrowing his brows.
"This is how it ends?"
Cabel bites his lip, his hands clenched in a tight fist.
"You'll be able to live in the estate prepared, for however long you want, but with the wealth you have now, you'll be able to buy land or an estate whenever you wish. Even your future family will be able to live well off your wealth..." Briefly, Cabel's eyes squint with sorrow.
I grip my chest, my heart aching more.
"A future family?... Is this some joke?" I whisper.
He remains silent, staring at the table.
"That being said, you can keep the name Luna if you don't want your previous name, you'll just have your title back... But, this is where we end things." Cabel stands, averting his eyes.
"Please..." Instinctively I grab his sleeve, stopping him, "Please tell me... Did I mean this little to you, that you can't even give me a better explanation or a proper goodbye?"
Cabel blankly looks down at me without replying. He pulls his arm away, leaving my room without another glance back.
I sob staying in place, unable to move from shock.

I pack my bags with clothes and the documents he gave me. Unable to cry anymore, I get a hold of myself, quickly gathering a few of my possessions.
Throwing my cloak on, I flip the hood up.
I look down the balcony as it hovers far above the ground, the rain pummelling down.
"Staying at another estate? I'd rather live off the streets than to take anymore of his pity." I scoff, feeling my emotions boil inside of me.
I climb up on the balcony, sitting on the railing as I stare down at the far ground.
My heart aches, yet I shake my head trying to ignore these feelings.

The door to my bedroom opens.
I turn to see Duke Oslo as I hear the door slam shut.
"Stop! This isn't something to die over!" Duke Oslo rushes to me, panicked.
"H-Huh?" I exclaim, confused.
Duke Oslo quickly grabs me from the balcony railing, carrying me inside the room.
He throws me on the bed, gripping my shoulders.
"What were you thinking!" Duke Oslo shouts, "How could you just end everything?"
He shouts, shaking me by the shoulders, his expression panicked and angered.
I look up at him, confused.
"P-Pardon? End everything?... Did you think I was going to jump?"
"Were you not?" He questions.
"Oh, no... I was actually just going to climb down to escape..."
Duke Oslo looks down at me, confused.
He releases his grip on my shoulders, sitting on my bed beside me, sighing.
"You gave me a heart attack!" He mutters, holding his chest.
I look over at him.
"W-What are you doing here, your grace?" I ask.
"Didn't I tell you to wait?" Duke Oslo sighs.
"Wait? For what?"
"For me. I left a letter."
"Letter? Oh! You're V.O?"
"But... In history books, your name's Arlen?"
Duke Oslo sighs, covering his eyes with his hand.
"Yes... My lady, do you know the custom for middle names?"
"Middle names? Not the custom for the empire, no."
"Well, here, you share middle names with certain people."
"Certain people?" I tilt my head, confused.
He looks at me from the side of his eye. His cheeks suddenly flush red as he sighs again.
"Y-Your grace?" I stare at him, taken aback by his behaviour.
"Just consider yourself to be someone special. You're the only one outside of my family tree who knows."
"But, I only know the initial."
"Still... No one else knows..." He looks back at me, raising his hand.
His hand freezes a few inches away from my cheek.
"Forgive me... You should dry yourself." He takes out a handkerchief, handing me it.
"Oh, thank you..." I wipe my cheeks from the rain water, confused by his actions.
He stands, grabbing the glass of water on the table.
Suddenly, he throws the water onto his face. The water splashing everywhere as it drips onto the floor.
"Ah! Y-Your grace? Are you okay?" I jump, surprised as I watch him comb his fingers through his wet hair.
"Yes, I am now." He nods, taking a deep breath, "For now, we should go. You'll be staying in my estate."
"Your estate?" I cock my head, confused.
"So you could freely become a consultant, I spoke with his highness of returning your previous title. I was going to bring you to my home so I can ensure you're safely able to become one."
"Did he mean I was going with you then?"
"What do you mean?"
"He said there was housing accommodations arranged for me. Did he arrange it so I'd stay with you?"
Duke Oslo pauses, averting his eyes for a moment as he wears a calm smile.
"Yes, my lady... We need to leave now before the palace gets busy."
I sit dumbfounded.
"So this was your plan?..." I ask, my chest stinging as I think back to how cold Cabel was.
"Lady Luna, I'm sorry if this is a shock, but you asked for my help... It may be painful to leave, but staying by his highness causes you nothing but heartache, doesn't it?..."
I nod, staring at the ground.
Duke Oslo picks up my bags, holding his hand out to me.
"We should leave, I'll answer any questions you have on the ride back."
I look up at him, unable to read his expression.
I nod going along with him, placing my hand on his.
We walk to the bedroom doors.
I glance back at the room, empty and dimmed. I furrow my brows, pained to say goodbye.
I close the door behind us, leaving with Duke Oslo.

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