Chapter Nine

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I sprint outside, terrified to look back incase she's chasing me.
Dashing to the garden, tears drip down my cheeks as I finally look back to see the quiet golden palace.
Standing in the open field between the royal palace and the golden palace, I feel my lungs untighten, finally able to breathe. Wiping my eyes, I attempt to catch my breath through my sobbing.

A deep voice calls out.

I look back to see the guard walking towards me.
Noticeably, his expression changes, taken aback as he sees my state.
I turn my back on him, quickly wiping away my tears.

"You're crying?" He speaks, his footsteps approaching closer.
"N-No, I'm just-" Unable to think of an excuse, I trail off.
Standing in front of me, he peers down at my face.

His orange-golden toned eyes glow intimidatingly, but strikes no fear in me.
I take a deep ragged breath, attempting to compose myself.
"Explain yourself." He speaks deeply yet calmly.
"I-It's a long story-"
"And? If I asked you to explain, I would expect a long story to follow. Are you?... Are you comfortable talking about it?" He cautiously asks.
"It's just... Y-You know how the emperor and his knights found me, right?" I look at his expression.
He makes no emotions as he silently nods.
"Well... When I had turned eight, that's when it began. I was taught lessons about pleasing a husband, my duty as a woman, and being docile... Those lessons taught me to say yes and agree to everything my husband wanted... It was sickening and I eventually convinced a maid to sneak in books for me. She brought me books of other kingdoms and stories... W-When father found out that I filled my head with lies, with nonsense..." Tears trickle down my face as I attempt to hold them back.
"He beat me... Every day I would be hit. The knights hunted me down in the whole castle, just to ensure I was given my punishment. They locked me in that room for long times and starved me. Even after being out of confinement they would hurt me again, all to get rid of my thoughts. All to make me submit to becoming their perfect daughter..." I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
I wipe my eyes with the back of my hands, avoiding to look at the guard.
"And then? What else happened to you?" He questions deeply under his breath.
He stares at the ground, a slight furrow in his brow with his hand tightening into a fist.
"My family's dead, I remember seeing their corpses yet... No matter how hard I try to forget, they come back to haunt me. They hurt me in my dreams, they haunt me when I'm awake... It's as if, no matter where I go or what I do, I'll always be my brother's bride." I give a slight pained smile as tears continue to fall down my cheeks.

The guard lifts his head to meet my eyes. His eyes slightly widened, faintly taken aback.
"You were meant to marry him?" He whispers, his fist loosening as he wears a surprised look.
I nod, giving a small smile of embarrassment. Taking in a deep breath, I look up at the stars to avoid the pain I feel from his stare.

"I have nightmares of my mother being in the golden palace. She hurts me and the pain still lingers to the point where I question if she was actually there. I have nightmares of still being chained up in that horrifying room, and I have nightmares of my brother attacking me, while our father watched..." I cry harder as I hold myself, tightening my grip on my arms.

A cloth is thrown at my direction.
I look to see the guards beige cape, fluttering in the wind as it's placed on my shoulders.

"S-Sir?" I whisper, stunned.
"Hayden... My name is Hayden." He quietly speaks, looking back at my eyes.
The sudden warmth on my shoulders, I muster up the courage to smile through the tears, regaining my composure.
I curtsy towards him.
"Sir Hayden, it's very nice to be acquainted with you." I laugh lightly, wiping my tears away.
I watch him scowl, attempting to be intimidating to my kindness.
"I apologize for sharing such a story." I smile, feeling my heart grow lighter after crying.
"You shared it already, why regret it?" Hayden's eyebrow lifts as he stares at me confidently, "You should sleep tonight, shall I stand guard for you?" He asks.
He makes a slight scowl after speaking.
"I-If the idea disturbs you that much, there's no need-"
"No, my apologies. I didn't mean to act that way, I simply realized I was needed tonight."
"Oh, you could have just said so."

Moving to remove the cape to return it, in a swift instant, I feel a soft breeze on my face.
I look up surprised to see Hayden standing close to me. His eyes look down at me from his remarkable height.
I'm taken aback as the cape tightens around my shoulders.
"Keep this for now. It's been blessed by a priest, and carries powers to protect. Surely, it can provide some protection from nightmares as well." His voice tickles my ears, sending shivers down my spine as he gently speaks.
I stare at his eyes, and notice a slight tone of red under the orange hue.
"H-Have your eyes always been that colour?-" I ask, but am cut off when Hayden quickly turns around.
"See to it that you safely get back to your bedroom. I'll have to part ways from here." Hayden quickly speaks, walking away.
I smile slightly, watching him leave to the royal palace.
"Thank you..." I whisper, my chest feeling lighter as I hold onto the cape.
Hayden quickly disappears beyond the emperor's garden as I remain standing in the garden.

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