Chapter Two

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The heartless Emperor Cabel, ruler of the Cypheler Empire.
Rumours of his rise to the throne, sending chills down spines. His empire built from spilling the blood of those who went against him, kingdoms surrounding his land all brought to ruin. A chilling, blood thirsty air surrounding the emperor as he swings his sword, ruthlessly killing those who stand in his way.
The power of his empire increasing, and the untouchable strength of his swordsmanship and abilities causing fear in all.
A majority of the continent, now under his command. Emperor Cabel, the most influential figure in all the land, on a bloodthirsty hunt.

Kingdom Avris, a small yet powerful kingdom holds most of the mines for rare jewels.
What was always seen as a happy kingdom, secretly the rulers of Avris were money hungry, twisted dictators.

"Bring me them."
Emperor Cabel's deep, commanding voice calls out.

The knights throw the tied up king and queen to the floor.
Their eyes slowly move up in horror, the blood draining from their faces as their eyes meet with the emperor's cold gaze.
Emperor Cabel's physique, godly tall with a built agile body. Hair swept back to frame his chiselled face, his hair coloured like black night sky—silky like the fur of a black panther. His vibrant glowing dark wine eyes—sharp and watchful with a predator's gaze.

"King Weslium, Queen Leveanne, you are to be executed for treason against the great Cypheler Empire. For exploiting the empire for gold, and your involvement with the attempt to poison his royal highness, Emperor Cabel." A knight reads out a document.

"No! Please! Emperor Cabel, spare us! We'll give you all of our mines! Please, let us live!" Queen Leveanne pleads as she cries.
In a blink of an eye—Emperor Cabel draws his sleek silver sword, coldly glaring at the queen.
The sword tip pressed against the queen's neck, drawing blood.

"We'll give you our daughter!" King Weslium shouts, panicked.
"Your son and daughter have disappeared. Are you telling me, you know where they disappeared to?" Emperor Cabel adjusts his hold of the sword.
"No, I have no idea where they ran to. B-But we have another daughter, our sons twin! Please, take her instead!" The king sweats in fear.
"Your sons twin? The daughter who died at a young age, is still alive?" Emperor Cabel questions, raising his brow dubiously at their statement.
"Yes! She's alive. W-We lied to protect her. If you wish, you may take her or kill her, but please let us live!" Queen Leveanne begs.

Emperor Cabel's brow twitches, furrowing slightly—unnoticeable to anyone who stares upon him— as his thoughts rush through his mind.
His eyes widen slightly upon the realization of their words, his jaw clenched as he looks at the two devious 'rulers'.
With a corner of his lip curling into a sinister grin, he swiftly swings his sword, slicing the queens throat. Her blood splattering onto the windows and walls, droplets gliding off his sword.

Desperate for air, the queen can only cough and gasp, gripping her throat as the blood seems to fill her lungs.
King Weslium's expression pale and voided of any colour, only able to watch in horror as his wife suffers at his side.

"Tell me where she is, and I'll forgive you for your past crimes." The emperor points his bloodied sword at King Weslium's throat.
"I-I'll tell you!" The king chokes up.
He winces in fear from the edge of the sword, hovering at the base of his neck.
"S-She's in the basement. In the left hall, there's a red bedroom. The left curtain by the bed has a metal door behind it. She's in there."
"Duke Oslo, go with some knights to investigate if it's true. If she's there, kill her and bring her head. If she isn't there, well... We know how this will end for you." A demonic crazed glare in the emperor's eyes, as they look down at King Weslium who's filled with fear.

Knights overrunning the castle; gathering all valuables, ruthlessly executing maids and butlers, and interrogating workers.
Amidst the chaos and panic of screaming servants and the sounds of swords clashing against each other, Duke Oslo brings a group of knights down to the basement on the order of the emperor.
The knights searching each room, until stumbling upon the red bedroom described. Decorated with the maroon furniture and curtains described, they rip down the curtains, revealing the metal door.
Ramming the metal door, it's quickly knocked down from the thick nailed hinges ripping from the cement walls.

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