B.2 Chapter Eleven

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Emperor Cabel sighs, untying his cravat.
He enters Luna's bedroom, seeing her sleep soundly in her bed.
He gently brushes her hair back as he smiles, admiring her gentle resting expression.
"How do I love anything as much as I love you? Even if we were to have kids, I could never love them more than you." He bends down, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Luna's eyes flinch as she moves around before waking up.
"Cabel?" She sleepily calls out, rubbing her eyes.
"I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep." He gently whispers, brushing her bangs.
"Mm, but-"
"No, buts. You should sleep." Emperor Cabel tucks the blankets in tightly to prevent her from moving.
"Ah, Cabel but-"
"No buts, I'm going. Go to sleep." He chuckles, watching Luna struggle to be freed from the blankets.
"You'd leave me alone after waking me up? I was so happy to see you when I woke up..." Luna pouts, giving up on freeing herself.
Emperor Cabel freezes in his tracks, momentarily thinking.
He sighs, rubbing his forehead.
"I can't win with you."
He turns back untucking her, instantly she grabs his wrist.
"What?-" Emperor Cabel is cut off as he's taken by surprise.
Luna pulls him down onto the bed, smiling mischievously.
"Hm? What do you think you're doing?" He raises his brows, staring down at her.
"I wanted you closer." Luna leans up, planting a light kiss on his nose.
"What do I do with you? What a brazen fiancée I have." He grins amused, moving closer to her as he kisses her sweetly.
He lies down, pulling Luna to cuddle close to his chest.
"I heard about the mine... How is everything?" She asks, resting against him.
"The marquess is gathering information on the miner's families, and notifying them."
"This soon? Are all of them dead?"
"We have no way of knowing..." Emperor Cabel sighs, raking his fingers through his hair.
He sighs, a troubled expression flashes across his face as he thinks to himself.
"What's wrong?" Luna asks, catching the emperor's momentary expression.
He pauses, sighing.
"I killed possibly hundreds with my own hands or ordered them to be killed... Since meeting you it's all changed. If you were to die, I wouldn't know what to do... It must be the same for their families."
Luna stares wide eyed at Emperor Cabel as he gazes down at her.
"Really?" She asks, surprised.
"Thousands of soldiers have died in war. It was a pity to lose them, but they gave their lives in hopes for a better world for their families, and for the honour. Now that seems ridiculous. They knew they could die in war, and all their families could do is hold a funeral to say goodbye, instead of welcoming them back home."
"Cabel..." Luna pauses, a look of worry on her face, "Are you okay?"
Emperor Cabel pauses, snickering.
"No. This feeling is uncomfortable but I can't avoid it because this will always worry me. If I go to war in the future, I could die and never come back to your loving arms. You could disappear from mine just the same. These feelings are uncomfortably new to me. I hate it."
Luna smiles reassuringly, hugging him tightly.
"I can't put your mind to ease, but all I know is we can worry about it together. It's a feeling you'll have to get used to I'm afraid." Luna shrugs.
"I know... Who would've thought the one to put my uneasiness away would be a frail girl like you?"
"I'll take that as a compliment." Luna giggles, placing her hand on his cheek.
"It's the highest compliment I can give. No one puts my fears and doubts to ease as easily as you." He places his hand over hers, smiling kindly.
His lips slowly move, pressing against hers.
The kiss is gentle and passionate as they pull away for a moment, looking deep into each others eyes.
Their lips meet again as Emperor Cabel hugs her tightly, desperately seeking for her warmth to comfort him.

Luna and Emperor Cabel sit together in his office, both of them working through documents.
The door of his office knocks. Emperor Cabel raises his hand to open the door with his powers.
Lance walks in bowing.
"Your highness, my lady." Lance kindly smiles.
He approaches Luna, handing her a pile of envelopes.
"My lady, these are addressed to you." Lance smiles.
"All of those?" Emperor Cabel raises his brow.
"Yes, Lady Luna has been very popular. She's been sent many invites." Lance responds, handing Emperor Cabel a stack of envelopes and files.
"Hm? Are they admirers?" He stands, walking to Luna before sitting next to her.
"I highly doubt anyone would be fearless enough to send your fiancée, a letter of love." Luna giggles, skimming through the envelope names.
Many nobles names are written on the envelopes until the seal from the marquess appears.
"Oh I wonder why they sent a letter?" Luna shrugs, picking up a letter knife.
She slices the top, sliding out pristine letters.

'Dear Lady Luna,
How have you been? I hope you're safe and healthy. Mother and father have set a date for my recital, but they've informed me you've grown busy and that you would not be able to make it. Regardless, I'd still like to invite you! I'm aware it's short notice, but I hope you'll have some time to come!
From, Dulcie Simone.'

Luna reads the letter sighing.
She looks at the invitation with the date and time.
"I suppose I can't attend." She shows Emperor Cabel the letter.
He skims over it and sighs.
"We could take precautions if you wish to go that much." Emperor Cabel smiles.
"Really?" Luna's eyes light up.
"It's been quiet, we have to be cautious but a visit to the marquess's estate shouldn't be dangerous. Write back and let her know I'll attend as well as our guards."
Luna pauses, her eyes widening.
"Our?" She speaks astonished.
"Of course, you're my fiancée. It's of course known that they'll soon be yours too." Emperor Cabel grins, shrugging.

Lance clears his throat loudly before Luna and Emperor Cabel kiss.
Luna jumps turning red as she realizes Lance was still in the room.
"Your highness, even if the guards attend, there could be an attack." Lance sighs, shaking his head.
"The marquess has guards too. We just need to discreetly get there." Emperor Cabel stands, heading back to his desk to grab a blank envelope and paper.
"Write back, Lance deliver this and tell no one what contents are in it." Emperor Cabel hands the paper to Luna as well as a wax seal stamp.
Luna's cheek warm up as she stares at the gold wax stamp in his hand.
The gold wax stamp, the rarest item of all; the stamp with the emperor's insignia.
"Are you sure I can use this?" She hesitantly asks.
"I told you, everything I have is yours. Oh, I suppose we need another stamp made. Place an order for a second stamp while you go." Emperor Cabel speaks to Lance, until sitting down.
He wraps his arm around Luna's waist, pulling her close.
Lance nods and smiles.
"Yes, your highness."

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