B.2 Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Lance stands in Emperor Cabel's office, a look of anxiousness growing on his face.
He watches as Emperor Cabel stands, gripping an advisor by his throat.
"You dare tell me what to do?" Emperor Cabel growls, his voice thundering through the office.
"Y-Your highness, p-please calm down!" Another advisor shouts in fear, watching his acquaintance be choked.
Esmerelda stands up from the couch, silently watching.
Her body resembling a grown woman's body rather than a child.
She exudes a mature demeanour as she stands dressed in a revealing red gown.
"Your highness." Esmerelda calmly speaks up, "Please, calm down. It's alright."
Emperor Cabel releases his grip instantly, dropping the man to the ground.
The advisor gasps, holding his neck as he coughs.
"The wedding will happen in six weeks. If I hear another peep out of any of you rats, I'll be sure to show my wrath." Emperor Cabel's eyes glow viciously as he pierces his glare into them.
"Y-Yes, your highness..." The advisors tremble in fear, quickly leaving the office.
Emperor Cabel walks to the sofa with Esmerelda, sitting down. He sips his glass of wine.
Lance bows his head.
"Shall I prepare the invitations, your highness?" Lance asks.
"Do as you please. Do you have anyone you wish to invite?" Emperor Cabel asks.
"No, your highness. Having you there is enough for me." Esmerelda smiles, giggling lightly as she rests her head on his arm.
"Why are you still here?" Emperor Cabel questions, glaring at Lance, "Leave."
Lance bows his head.
"Yes, your highness..."
Lance leaves the office, his hands slightly trembling.

Marquess Simone and Lord Christopher walk through the halls, heading to the front doors.
"Oh, good evening." Lance calls out, bowing.
"Good evening." Marquess Simone replies.
"I'm glad to have run into you. Unfortunately, his highness is busy and has postponed tomorrow's meeting."
"Is that so? I understand. Speak with his highness about sending a letter for the next meeting."
"Yes, my lord..." Lance bows his head, his expression filled with anxiety.
Marquess Simone and Lord Christopher begin walking.
The marquess silently glances back.
"Christopher, I forgot a book in my office. Wait for me in the carriage." Marquess Simone speaks up.
"Yes, father."
Lord Christopher walks on, heading to the entry.
Marquess Simone walks back, quickly stopping Lance.
"Actually, would you mind assisting me? It seems I've misplaced a book." Marquess Simone asks.
"Of course."

Lance enters Marquess Simone's office, looking around.
"What kind of book is it, my lord?" Lance asks.
"Oh I just remembered, I don't need that book."
Lance tilts his head, confused.
"Yes, you must forgive me. Old age seems to be effecting my mind. Maybe you can help me with something else?" Marquess Simone speaks in a joking tone.
"Yes, my lord... Is there something else you've lost?" Lance asks, confused.
"Yes, I've forgotten the order his highness had commanded I do... What was it again?"
"To... Arrest anyone with blonde hair..." Lance whispers.
"Yes... That's right... He did tell his grace and I to do that, didn't he?" Marquess Simone jokes, chuckling to himself.
Lance nods, furrowing his brows with worry.
"Is his highness okay?" Marquess Simone's cheerful tone leaves as he whispers, concerned.
"His highness has become more temperamental."
"That seems to be an overstatement. Has he had more injuries?"
"Well... Actually yes. He's been getting more bruises lately."
"Hm, I see." Marquess Simone mutters, thinking to himself.
"My lord?" Lance speaks up, "Do you know where Lady Luna is?"
Marquess Simone shakes his head.
"No, I'm afraid not." Marquess Simone calmly states, claiming ignorance.
"Ah, I see..."
"Do you believe his highness is acting this way, due to her disappearance?" Marquess Simone asks.
"Well, that's what I'm afraid of. His highness is acting too strange, he seems to be infatuated with Lady Luna's sister."
"This will sound confusing but for now, stay away from her. Avoid any instances where you find yourself alone with her."
"Away from Esmerelda? Is there a reason?"
"No." Marquess Simone smiles, "I merely worry."
"I see. I understand, my lord. His highness is demanding to wed Lady Esmerelda soon though. It may be impossible to stay away from her."
"He's marrying her?"
The marquess takes a deep breath, he sighs.
"Have you made a guest list?" Marquess Simone asks.
"Not yet, his highness just gave me the order to send invitations."
"Hm... I believe you should send an invitation to Xiao. Ruler Canella and Queen Ming would be ecstatic for the invitation, don't you think?" Marquess Simone gives a small smile.
Lance nods, a look of realization growing on his expression.
"Of course, my lord." Lance bows.

Luna sits on the ground of a cave.
She touches the wall, realizing she's unable to escape. Her body flinches as an intense aura spreads through the cave.
She turns, looking around the pitch black cave.
Luna lights her hands, her powers emitting brightly as it lights up the cave. She takes a deep breath before walking through.
The dark cave, with only echoing sounds of water dripping. She walks through, following the aura.
Luna clenches the sword in her belt as she approaches the aura.
She reaches a large cave, unable to see anything. Squinting her eyes, she attempts to look around for another tunnel.
Her foot catches on a bump in the ground, causing her to throw her hands up to a wall to catch herself.

A sound echoes through the cave, resembling rattling metal.
She looks down to the ground to see gold nuggets, bending down to pick one up.
"Ah-" She exclaims, flinching.
She leans her body against the wall, looking down at her ankle.
"I'm stuck in a mountain and now this." She sighs, bending down to grasp her ankle.
Her ankle sore from when she tripped. Her hand lights in a golden haze again, healing her injury.
Her hand slides down the wall as she bends down, yet she suddenly freezes.
The wall begins to rumble a low faint vibration. Her hand slowly strokes the wall, feeling a cold yet rough texture.
She looks up the wall, the texture disappearing a certain point above her as it curls over almost.
Her eyes widen as she looks back down at her hand to see the texture, resembling large jagged scales.
Luna takes a step back, her eyes widening as she stares at the black scales, each one bigger than her hands.
She notices large wings tucked in as her eyes follow the scales, as well as a curve.
Her eyes follow the curves, moving down until noticing a large head tucked into the body; a black dragon.
Luna sweats, holding her breath.
Instantly, the dragons eyes open. Its vivid gold eyes piercing back at Luna.
She freezes, unable to move as she meets the dragon's gaze.
The dragon's eyes move, staring at her neck.
Luna takes a step back, watching in fear.
Its body begins moving, its scales transforming from the pitch black colour, into a bright golden colour.
It screeches a thunderous cry.

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