Chapter Seventeen

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A few days after the celebration, Emperor Cabel sits in his office, thinking to himself as he stares out the window.
Lance pours a glass of red wine for the emperor, before organizing the desk.

"Lance." Emperor Cabel speaks, without turning around.
"Yes, your highness?" Lance stops working and replies.

There's a moment of silence until Emperor Cabel speaks up again.
"What does it mean to have a friend?" He questions.
"P-Pardon me, your highness?"
"A friend." Emperor Cabel turns his chair around.
He rests his elbows on the desk as he thinks to himself.
"Luna called Hayden a friend."
"That's wonderful, your highness!" Lance smiles happily.
Lance's smile slightly falters as he looks back at Emperor Cabel's expression.
"That is good, isn't it, your highness?"
"Who knows, but one thing is certain, her eyes lit up to show she favours Hayden. What is a friend even?" Emperor Cabel scowls, annoyed.
"Your highness, a friend is someone you're close to. You trust them and they trust you. You have fun together by meeting, sharing interests, or talking about anything."
Emperor Cabel is deep in thought as he thinks on Lance's words. He begins reading documents, moving on from the conversation.

Lance goes through some mail as he stands by Emperor Cabel—an envelope with an orange wax flower stamp catches his eye.
"Your highness, was executing Viscount Edward's son necessary?" Lance asks, handing Emperor Cabel the envelope.
Emperor Cabel scoffs as he takes the envelope, cutting it open as he slides out the letter.

"That bastard dared to believe he could lay his hands on my property." Emperor Cabel reads the letter, stabbing his letter opener into his desk.
Lance raises his eyebrows deviously.
"So you would have executed him, if he laid his hands on any other ladies of the harem, correct?"
Emperor Cabel glares at Lance, before ripping up the letter.
"I sincerely hope the feelings that Hayden has, didn't play a role in it." The corner of Lance's mouth curls upwards, amused.
"If you have that much time to run your mouth, use that time to send the viscount thirty-thousand more gold coins, that'll shut that old man up. If he disagrees and complains anymore, tell him he'll be punished for opposing the emperor."
"Right away, your highness. May glory of Helios rest upon you." Lance bows as he leaves.

Emperor Cabel sits back in his chair and sighs.
"Friends, huh?"
He thinks to himself, smiling slightly.
"How interesting. The first time meeting me, yet she showed no fear." Emperor Cabel's lips turn upwards into a small amused grin.
He stares out the window, the distant lights of the golden palace's library in his sight.

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