Chapter Twenty

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I sip my tea, my eyes flickering between Lance and back to the emperor. Emperor Cabel sits on the sofa across from me, reading a document.

"Your highness, would you be okay telling me, why you've been calling me the past week?" I ask, nervous.
"You just need to sit there and enjoy your tea." He replies, without bothering to look up.
A small sigh escapes my lips, I can only gaze out at the sun shining brightly.
The snow settles outside, making it appear as if the trees are glistening with diamonds.

"Are you bothered by coming here?" Emperor Cabel lowers his document, his brow raising as he stares at me.
"No, not at all, your highness. I'm honoured to have tea with you." I smile, reassuring him.

Flashing a quick glance towards Lance, he quickly approaches the emperor.
Emperor Cabel whispers something into Lance's ear—his entrancing eyes still staring back at me.

"I'll be sure to return as quick as I can." Lance bows.
Lance leaves the room, and I'm left alone with the emperor.
I sit awkwardly as I watch him read his documents again. Unable to draw my eyes away, I can't help but to admire his facial features; long thick eyelashes, a chiseled jaw, a sharp nose, and his hair soft and silky.

"Is there a reason for you to burn a hole in my face with your eyes?" His eyes lock with mine.
"N-No, forgive me, your highness. I was just thinking to myself. I didn't mean to stare..." I stammer, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Are you enjoying the golden palace?" Emperor Cabel places his document down, taking a sip of his tea.
"Yes, it's unbelievable how many books are in the library. I always end up reading multiple books, from morning until night." I laugh lightly at myself.
"I see... So, you enjoy reading?" He attempts to smile but it comes out forced and awkward.
I snicker as I watch his expression.
"Yes, I do. I feel like the most I can do in this life, is to learn about the world that I couldn't learn about when I was younger."
Emperor Cabel pauses, thinking to himself.
"Will you share the story of your childhood?" He bluntly asks.
My eyes widen as he speaks, his expression calm as he analyzes me with his gaze.
I stammer, cut off guard.
"I-I suppose I could. Is there anything in particular that you wish to know about?"
"Why you were chained up... And why you were announced dead at a young age." He mumbles making it hard to discern what the last thing he said was.
"Pardon?" I tilt my head.
"Nothing. I'm just curious as to how you ended up locked away."
"It's a bit of a long story, your highness."
"We have time. You don't need to speak about it if you don't wish to, but I grew curious."
We stare back at each other in a moment of silence.

His eyes filled with sincerity and sadness, causing a small ache in my heart. The look in his eyes, making me question why he seems to be in so much pain.
His mind almost seeming to run wild, the expression of sorrow growing more evident.

"I-I don't mind speaking about it..." I quietly answer, lost in the sympathetic emotions I feel for him.

The door opens abruptly.

I jump, startled as I see Lance enter.
Bowing, he approaches me until holding out a book.

"Here you are, Lady Luna. I brought a book you might be interested in." Lance smiles.
Stunned as I see a book I haven't read before, I happily accept it.
"Oh my goodness! I haven't read this one, where was this?" I ask, astonished.
"The royal library. I'll be sure to borrow more for you, if you'd like?"

"Lance." Emperor Cabel speaks coldly, "Our tea has gone cold, ensure you take your time in making some more." His eyes glow dimly as he looks up at Lance.
Lance looks at the emperor and I, until quickly nodding.
"Oh, my apologies. I'll prepare some fresh tea." He bows and exits quietly.

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