Chapter Eighty

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I open my eyes, feeling the sun seeping into the window to hit my eyes .
Birds chirping outside, and the chatter of gardeners outside.
I turn over to see Cabel sleeping soundly.

'Can I really love you?...'
The thought enters my mind as I stare at his calm expression.
I smile, cuddling into his chest, hugging him tightly.

"What do I do when you cling onto me like this?"
I look up to see Cabel, holding back his laughter as he watches me.
"Oh, you're awake?"
"Mhm, shall we continue last night?" Cabel's face grows closer.
My face flushes as I back away.
"No! We did it all night, are you not tired?" I exclaim, shocked.
"How can I be?" Cabel kisses my forehead, grinning, "I would keep going forever if I could. Being with you feels so good, I don't want you to ever leave my bed."
He nibbles my ear, leaving a trial of kisses down my neck.
"S-Stop it, it's embarrassing if you speak like that!" I avert my eyes, embarrassed.
"What was last night about, hm?" Cabel holds me tighter, lying his head down.
"What do you mean?"
"What were your words again? 'It's so big'?" Cabel mockingly mimics, his shoulders shaking from laughter.
"Ah..." I keep my lips closed tightly.
"What is it? Were you comparing me with someone else?" Cabel raises his eyebrow.
I shake my head quickly.
"No! Of course not! You're the only one I've seen to that extent... I just remembered something I heard about you."
"About what?"
"Er, well the previous ladies of the golden palace gossiped about... 'it'..."
"Renesha said it was small... Now that I think about it, she might have been trying to turn the others off and keep you for herself..."
Cabel bursts out loudly laughing.
"Do you think it's like the rumours then?" Cabel kisses me gently.
"No! If it was, I probably wouldn't be this sore..." I frown, pouting as a thought enters my mind.
"What is it, my beautiful flower?"
I glare at him and scoff.
"Hm, she's seen it... Has anyone else?"
Cabel's eyes widen until he breaks out into a laugh I've never heard.
He wipes away the tears forming in his eyes from laughing.
"Forgive me, but no, she's the only one who's seen me like that. Does it disturb you?"
"Well... It shouldn't because it happened before we were even close... But it still bothers me."
"You'll have to forgive me. I suppose we both get jealous." Cabel laughs, caressing my cheek.
"But, I would say your version of jealousy is a lot more intense than mine..." I giggle, hugging him tightly.
"Jealousy is still jealousy, my dear princess." Cabel snickers, kissing my forehead.

I wait in Cabel's office after getting dressed, silently reading to myself.
The door opens and Cabel walks in.
"How annoying." He grumbles, walking up to me.
He kisses me gently.
"Did I keep you waiting for a while?" He asks, smiling lightly.
"Not at all. What's the matter?"
"Those annoying advisors are complaining how I disappeared last night. They're making sure I stay tonight."
"Yes, the spring ball lasts for three days."
"Three days?" I exclaim.
"It's annoying but it's 'tradition'."
"Tradition to... Party?" I giggle.
"It's a legend. It's said in history there was a dragon that purified this land, saving it from wicked witches."
"Witches? They existed?"
"Possibly. They're described in history books, and even some wizards believe that they could still exist, but I don't believe that folk tale. A witch wouldn't describe them well either."
"How come?"
"They had magic and cast spells like witches, but the way they're described is more similar to cannibalistic demons."
"C-Cannibalistic?" My eyes widen, excited.
Cabel laughs, patting my head.
"You've been reading too much." Cabel smiles kindly.
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"You seem more happy than afraid. Probably from these silly stories you've been reading?" Cabel points at the mythology book I hold.
"Oh... I just thought it was fascinating is all."
"I guess in a way they are. It's just a legend though. They're evil beings who ate people and take on their forms, and ate souls to grow stronger. Apparently, they tried to eat everyone in the kingdom long ago. There were rumours of a golden dragon who protected this land, taking it three days to fully kill all the witches. We celebrate each spring to say thanks in a way. The dragon killed them all, and freed an eternal curse of cold on the land the witches placed. The snow instantly melted away, bringing flowers to bloom, so we hold a large ball in spring. Though, all it seems to me is that those bastards just want a reason to get drunk off their minds." Cabel scoffs, sitting on the couch beside me.
Cabel picks me up, placing me on his lap.
"Cabel!" I exclaim.
"What? Can't I have you closer? We were much closer last night." Cabel cheekily grins, kissing me gently.
"I suppose it's fine..." I mumble.
Cabel kisses me again deeply.
His hand works it's way up to hold the back of my head, pulling me in more. The sound of our kissing filling the office.
I pull away, panting heavily.
"Cabel, we shouldn't." I whisper.
"How do I stop when you look at me so seductively?" Cabel pulls me in again for a deeper kiss.
His hand caresses my side as he lowers me onto the sofa.
He moves to hover over me. His fingers hold my chin, making my lips part. His tongue finding it's way into my mouth.

"Your highness?"
The door knocks as Lance calls out.
I jump startled. Cabel pulls away and sighs.
"There's one thing that'll stop you." I whisper.
"Lance." I giggle, sitting up.
"What a shame. I was looking forward to test the acoustics in my office with your sweet moans." Cabel whispers, kissing me again.
My face heats up as I look away, embarrassed. He walks to the door, opening it.

"What is it?"
"I've brought you breakfast, your highness." Lance speaks.
I look over to make eye contact with Lance.
"M-My lady!" Lance rushes into the office, placing the tray on a table as he bends on his knees in front of me.
He bows his head.
"L-Lance?" I exclaim, confused.
"My lady! I apologize for the last time we met! Please come back to his highness, he's been causing me so much trouble!" Lance cries out.
"I can hear you." Cabel scoffs, "There's no point in asking her anyways, she came back to me already."
Cabel kisses my forehead, rubbing his thumb over my cheek.
"Y-You did?" Lance looks at me hopeful.
"Yes... We talked things over... Oh, not about everything, where should I stay?"
"Here, of course." Cabel raises his brow confused.
"I'm not a concubine though... I've also left my belongings at Duke Oslo's estate. What should I do?"
"Lance, send someone to go to his estate and grab all her things. We need to have a talk." Cabel sits beside me.
"Yes, your highness."
Lance stands, bowing as he smiles, leaving the office.
"Talk about what?" I tilt my head slightly.
"I love you. I didn't want to ever marry, but I have someone who I want to stay by my side."
I look at him, confused.
"This isn't an official proposal, I just want to hear your thoughts on if you'd marry me. Your title being returned means you can marry me without as much harm arising to you."
"Marry you?..." I pause thinking, "Won't there still be issues that arise? Princesses came all the way here to become candidates-"
"But I don't want any of them. I want to be only by your side." He cuts me off, shocking me by how easily he speaks such embarrassing words.
"C-Cabel..." I mumble.
"Hm?" He peeks at my face, innocently looking at my reaction.
"You're ridiculous." I chuckle, kissing his cheek.
He stares back at me frozen, his cheek turning a faint shade of pink.
"What a sneaky princess I have." He kisses my hand, his eyes turning mischievous as he looks back at me.
"Cabel, but even still, what if other kingdoms try to attack your empire?"
"Princess, how can you doubt me so much?"
"I'm not doubting you-"
"Even if they called for a war, a kingdom could send all of their knights and I would win alone."
"What?- Even if it's thousands of knights?"
"Well, it wouldn't be the first time. But I have my limits, so imagine my strength and the strength of my army."
I stare back at him, surprised as I realize how intimidating his strength can be.
"My little flower, set aside all your worries. Ignore the backlash, or any damage that could happen and focus on me. Can you honestly think about if you'd want to marry me?"
"It scares me... I don't know how love is supposed to work... But if it's with you, I think we can work through it. As long as you trust me more, and speak to me about everything. I don't want to be kept in the dark anymore."
"I understand. I promise I'll improve to communicate better. If you'll be my unofficial fiancée, you can stay here then. If you don't wish to accept, we can have you stay at my private estate."
"Then yes, I accept... Oh, I'd also like for us to not get married, until we get to know each other better. It seems we have a lot more to learn about each other." I smile happily, my cheeks growing warm.
"If that's what you wish for, we can spend our time learning more about each other, before any marriage happens. I hope you know I trust you fully, my dear consultant." Cabel smirks.
"C-Consultant?... Oh!" I cover my mouth shocked, "How did you know!"
"I know everything in this empire. Did you like the flowers?"
"The flowers?..." I think of the basket of flowers placed in front of my door, "You sent those?"
"Sent? I dropped them off myself." Cabel scoffs.
"I thought you knew? You called out too."
"Because I was afraid someone was going to attack me!"
"For the duke's estate, they did have a rather scarce security system."
"You're the emperor, they couldn't stop you if they tried." I shake my head.
"Either way, it was obvious I should congratulate you. You were bound to pass."
"How were you so certain?"
"Because." He shrugs, grinning playfully.
I glare at him as I feel conflicted with his words. I choose to ignore his wittiness.

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