B.2 Chapter Fifty

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"W-What do you mean he's destined to die?" Luna asks, concerned.
Ming takes a deep breath.
"Luna... My family has lived before, during, and after witches existed. The reason I know about this, is through all the teachings from back then. They're feared because of their strength, and immortality. Back when they wreaked havoc, the reason no one could do much was due to their powers. They used spells to take control multiple humans... They tricked humans into signing a contract with them, only to fully control them. They feed off their victims mana, growing stronger."
"But trick? Why would they need to trick someone, if they casted spells?" Luna looks back at Ming, confused.
"Not entirely... There were a few survivors who were placed under a witch's control. They stated that they saw their worst fears. Traumatic incidents from their lives, their most haunting nightmares that torture them. A witch was feared because they could read people's dreams, their past, and use that to crush a human's spirit."
A look of realization flashes across Luna's expression.
She stays quiet as she thinks to herself.
"The victims all stated they saw their worst nightmares, torturing them until a voice asked if they want to be saved. Once they said yes, the spell would be in effect and they fell asleep. They need consent to enter someone's mind fully, they're still half demons who can only work through contracts. But because they're half human, they knew how to utilize fear, trauma, and despair to trick someone. Someone described that it was as if they fell asleep, lost and floating in darkness." Ming quietly speaks, remaining calm.
"But how did they die?" Luna asks.
"Once a witch drains their souls of any mana they had, they determine if those humans were worth keeping. Most of the times if they had their mana taken, they would be useless and the witches would consume the bodies."
"Cabel... What's going to happen to Cabel? Why did a witch target him?"
"Luna, I don't know why a witch targeted his highness, but anyone who's chosen by them are destined to die. Surviving their curse, surviving having your mana eaten is rare... What I do know is that there are two options possible... He will die or remain a lifeless doll the witch controls."
"I-I need to save him. How do I save him?" Luna's eyes water, growing concerned as she thinks about Emperor Cabel.
"Luna, please be calm. We can't kill a witch when we're only mortal."
"There must be a way though!"
"There was one way we knew, but nothing else would work." Ming holds Luna's hands in hers, "Luna... The gold dragon was a son of Xian. Xian was known to be an immortal who protected the lands, but one day he disappeared. Humanity began to fall apart not having him to rely on. One day beasts rose, attacking kingdoms and villages. Humans should have perished, the beasts were too strong for us to fight against. Until temples, churches, and cathedrals in every territory had their strongest healers all wake up to a dream. The healers said that it was him, Xian. He reached them through their dreams, and told them his children would rise and protect us. Territories around the world had large beast-like animals, protecting them. Ours was Shen-Ling. Shen-Ling was the only entity that could kill the witches, without him we're helpless."
Luna thinks to herself, wiping her eyes as she thinks about Ming's words.
"Then let's find him." Luna speaks, looking back at Ming with a look of determination.
"W-What? Luna, we can't." Ming looks back at her confused, "Shen-Ling disappeared centuries ago. The cave he was found in, disappeared completely, he might not be on earth now."
"So we can look. We don't know if he's on earth still, but he could be and we need to find him."
"Luna, he could have passed ages ago."
"We don't know that either. In books that spoke about dragons, it stated all dragon types were immortal, even if they died their spirits were still immortal. Shen-Ling could be alive, and it's my foolishness speaking but I can't have Cabel be in danger. There's a reason the witch targeted him, there could be multiple reasons, but if there's a possibility Cabel will die, I can't do nothing."
"Luna, I... I don't even know where Shen-Ling would be."
Luna holds Ming's hands, grasping them.
"How did the marquess's ancestors know? How did your family know where he was?" Luna asks.
"We felt his soul..."
"His soul?"
"Yes... I-It said in books, we worked with Cypheler's men to find Shen-Ling. His soul was so strong, even humans with weaker abilities could feel his aura throughout Xiao."
"He was near Xiao?"
"Yes and no. He was found in Siwang Shan, the mountain of death. It's far from Xiao and would be a five day journey just to reach it."
"The mountain of death?" Luna repeats.
"Yes... Many lives were killed by the witches, and so once Shin-Ling killed the last witch, the mountain was said to glow. The people of Xiao believed it was the souls of those who perished by the witches hands, fleeing to the mountain to be protected."
"The mountain of death... Anatos mountain?" Luna asks.
"I believe it has many names."
"Anatos mountain... I read about it. Cypheler deemed it dangerous because of a demonic aura surrounding the mountain. It was called Anatos to warn those to stay away."
"Anatos? It's a familiar name." Ming asks.
"There are known places near Cypheler named Anatos, warning people... I think Shen-Ling is there."
"L-Luna, if it's said a demonic aura surrounds the mountain, it might not be Shen-Ling."
"But that 'demonic' aura could be Shen-Ling. People are afraid of strong auras, and if an aura as strong as Shen-Ling's exists, it could easily be mistaken for a demonic beast."
Ming takes a deep breath, thinking to herself.
She squeezes Luna's hands, looking back into her eyes.

"We're not going to be involved."
Luna and Ming turn to see Canella.
"My dear..." Ming mutters.
"Ming, I know... Luna, I can't send my warriors just to try to find a way to save his highness." Canella speaks, her expression growing sorrowed as she looks at them.
"It's dangerous. Even though in Xiao, Siwang Shan is honoured, there's a reason we respect it and stay away. Deadly beasts have lived there for centuries, and the trip there to investigate could lead to deaths of our people... We care about his highness deeply, he's allowed us to become so happy, but as the rulers of Xiao we have to put our people's sake first. I can't risk their lives to see if there's a small chance to save his highness." Canella speaks, placing her hand on Ming's shoulder.
"I understand. I know your people have to come first." Luna bows her head, apologetic as her eyes water.
Ming hugs Luna, pained as she comforts her.

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