Chapter Fifty-Two

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"Have you heard? King Shen has been executed by his highness's knights." A palace consultant snickers.
The government official walks alongside of two other male consultants.
"Yes, I heard the news this morning. Seems as though Emperor Cabel's strength to control more land is growing."
"This won't do, a distinguished empire without an empress or queen to be the mother of the land, will surely lose the support of the citizens. We should proceed and determine which princesses would be perfect as empress." Another government official thinks to himself.
"We should devise a list of candidates to invite for the spring ball. His highness should decide on a candidate then."
The men leave down the hall.
Beyond a corner stands Luna, her books dropping out of her hands, crashing to the floor.
She stares around the corner at the men leaving, her complexion growing pale.
"A candidate... How foolish, I forgot my place... Of course he should marry a suitable princess..." Luna takes a deep breath, her hands tremble slightly as she bends down to gather her books.
Her expression, pained yet composed.

Luna rushes through the halls, making her way back to her bedroom. Her thoughts racing as her heart sinks. Unable to pay attention to her surroundings, she bumps into a man.
She falls to the ground, her books scattered around her.
She sits on the ground, unable to process what happened as she stares off into space.

"Are you alright, my lady?"
The man calls out.
She looks up, brought out of her daze to see the man's shining dark blue hair, his tall chiseled figure, with the dukedoms insignia upon his uniform.
Duke Oslo looks down at her worried. He bends down, holding his hand out to her.
"Oh... Yes, forgive me, your grace. I-I must've been lost within my thoughts..." She places her hand on his as he pulls her up.
Duke Oslo bends back down, picking up the books. He hands them to her, catching a glimpse of her expression.
"Lady Luna, are you alright?" Duke Oslo looks at her with eyes of concern.
"Yes, I apologize, I should return to my bedroom."
Luna curtsies, attempting to pass him quickly.
Her eyes begin to water as her heart aches. Her gentle fresh floral scent wafting in the air as she passes by Duke Oslo.
He grabs her arm quickly yet gently.
"Lady Luna-" He calls out.
She looks back confused, her large golden eyes, curiously looking up at him.
"Yes, your grace?" She asks.
"Oh... I wish to give this to you." Duke Oslo reaches into his pocket, pulling out a white crisp handkerchief.
He places it in her hand.
"I hope the next encounter we have, your confined sorrows will have disappeared..." He kindly smiles.
Luna looks up at him confused. His smile warming and genuine, as he looks back into her eyes.
She nods, curtsying again before leaving quickly.
Duke Oslo watches her scurry down the hallway, disappearing around a corner. His eyebrows raise, growing confused as he watches her leave.
He shakes his head, a light feigned smile on his lips as he turns to continue walking.

Luna sits on her bed, reading a book as her fingers delicately turning the pages. Droplets fall onto the pages, muddling the ink of the words.
Luna sniffles, wiping away the tears that heavily fall with Duke Oslo's handkerchief.
She holds back her feelings of anguish from showing on her face, doing her best to remain composed.
"I'm sorry, I ruined you haven't I?" She whispers to the book, gently patting her tears away from the pages.
Her window knocks.
Luna looks over to her balcony.
Petunia stands there, she lowers her hood with her gloved hands, waving slowly as she looks at Luna with eyes of worry.
"Are you alright?" Petunia asks, opening the balcony doors.
"Yes... It's just because of the book, that's all..." Luna smiles, wiping her tears.
Petunia gestures, asking to sit on her bed.
Luna nods.
"... It must be a very tragic story, huh?" Petunia smiles empathetically.
"Yes... It's agonizing..." Luna smiles, her tears continuing to fall again.
She weeps as Petunia sits across her, gently patting Luna's head.

Emperor Cabel sits in his office dazed, listening to the words of his advisors.
He watches them speak about future candidates.
"Even if he were to marry Princess Ming, she's a representative from Xiao. Xiao's already fallen, it won't be accepted if she's given a high status, she'll be best as a queen consort." A man sighs, shaking his head.
"But you forget she's still royalty. His highness plans to allow Xiao to remain an independent kingdom ruled by a suitable king of his choosing, as long as they support his highness and are allies. She'd be a good candidate for the full title of queen." Another advisor argues.
"Enough." Emperor Cabel sighs, "I've decided on Princess Ming's future. Her future will have nothing to do with Cypheler, am I clear?"
"Y-Yes, your highness."
"Understood, your highness... What about the candidates for empress? You must pick one, at least a queen should be decided first in order to prepare the empire for an empress. With how little time we have to search for a suitable candidate, picking an empress without a queen to help her, would damage all work necessary for the empire. There's no lady on this list who will survive the workload for the empress alone." An advisor calmly states.
"I will not decide a candidate for an empress anytime soon, my thoughts are the same for deciding a queen." Emperor Cabel speaks tactfully and firmly.
"But your highness-"
The advisor is cut off as Emperor Cabel glares at them.
"I thought I made myself clear. I'm in no mood for this conversation, leave."
"Y-Yes! May glory of Helios rest upon you!" The advisors exclaim, quickly making their way out of the room.
Emperor Cabel sighs, leaning back into his chair.
"Your highness... I hate to admit it but it is true. Your empire is growing rapidly and with all the new land owned under Cypheler, having a wife to help the work load will be smart. Have you never thought of having a wife?" Lance speaks, topping off Emperor Cabel's teacup.
"Wife? Don't be stupid. A man who was born without love, should never marry."
"What about Lady Luna, your highness?" Lance looks back with a look of realization, "She's from royalty, and she seems to have a substantial amount of intelligence about different cultures and governments to know how to rule the empire. Not only that, but you truly care for her too."
"Yes. You may find love impossible, but you found it with her."
"I've already considered her. But, marrying her is complicated... For now, leave me."
"Yes, your highness. May glory of Helios rest upon you." Lance bows, leaving the office.
Emperor Cabel sits, leaning his head against his hand.
"It's not like I don't want to marry Luna..." Emperor Cabel whispers.
Emperor Cabel closes his eyes, ruminating on their conversation.

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