Chapter Forty-Eight

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(Trigger warning: Read at your own discretion.)

My insides begin to burn, a sharp unbearable pain in my abdomen and my head spinning from the venom.
I gasp for air as the metal collar chokes me, suspending me an inch off the floor.
I struggle to stand on my toes as my body burns up.
My eyes widen as a flourishing crimson cape flies past my eyes. A warm authoritative aura fills the throne room, as I look to see hair as black as night, and glowing blood red eyes.
An overwhelming wave of relief washes over me.
I watch as Cabel slides off a spike that shoots through the window.
He quickly attempts to slice Micheal. Micheal dodges his attacks, summoning a sword to block Cabel's attack.
Cabel jumps back, his expression almost terrifying as he grits his teeth, glaring coldly at Micheal.

"You... How dare you disturb our wedding?" Micheal growls, the black fog at his feet growing larger.
"What did that bastard do to you?..." Cabel's eyes widen, enraged as he looks back at me.
Unable to control his anger, Cabel instantly charges at Micheal.
Their swords clash against each other, creating a rhythmic beat.
Micheal jumps back, standing behind me. The chains rustle as Micheal pulls them, until the chains instantly throw me up in the air.
I gasp, choking trying to breathe.
The cuffs around my wrists, too heavy for me to pull up to hold the choker. The pressure on my neck unbearable as I tear up, feeling the collar tightly push into my neck.
The pressure of the metal collar soon releases as I hear a loud breaking sound echo through the room. Cabel smashes the chains, freeing me.
I fall to the ground, pieces of the broken chain falling to the ground around me as I catch my breath.
Micheal goes to attack Cabel after distracting him. Their swords clash, creating sparks as Cabel defends himself.
"You must be a fool." Micheal laughs manically.
I turn around to see Cabel and Micheal, standing still as they both push their swords against each others.
The fog surrounding Micheal grows larger. Out of the fog, spears fly out aimed at me.
I close my eyes, prepared for the worst.

"You pest." Cabel's voice thunders above me.
I look up to see him in front of me, his back turned towards me.
He stands with a spear shot through his chest, out his back. The other spears sliced and scattered on the ground in front of him.
My eyes widen as heavy pools of blood drip down from him, noticing his clothes ripped. His shoulder heavily bleeding out, sliced deeply from Micheal's sword.
Cabel spits out blood, taking a deep breath. He reaches for the spear, ripping it out of his body.
I look up at him worried, his eyes glaring back at Micheal.
"How funny, you risked yourself for her. What a shame, I really wanted you to watch her bear my child, but unfortunately I'm tired of your existence." Micheal disappears into the ground.
The black fog disappearing almost instantly.
His heavy, demonic aura appears behind me out of no where.
Instantly, a thick warm wet sensation splatters onto my face and arms.
I look up to see Micheal appear out of the black fog behind me. He stands above me, his hand stabbed through Cabel's back, coming out from the front.
He rips his hand out as Cabel falls to his knees.
"C-Cabel?" I stutter, shocked.
Tears begin falling down my cheeks as I watch his body drop.
"Cabel! No!" I scream attempting to get up.
Micheal grabs me by my hair, pulling me back. He places me in a chokehold as I try to fight to get to Cabel.
The pain through my body disappears as I look back at Cabel's body on the ground, a pool of blood around him.
I scream as I fight to push Micheal off of me.
"Not so strong, are you?" Micheal laughs at Cabel, his grip tightens around my neck.
Cabel lies on the ground, the blood pooling heavily around his motionless body.
"C-Cabel... Cabel! You promised! You can't die! You can't leave me alone!" I scream.
"You'll have me. You won't be alone sister." Micheal pulls my hair back, bringing me face to face with him.
"Cabel... Please, stay with me." I whisper, holding back my tears as my heart begins to ache.
"With this, you'll finally be my bride." Micheal smiles, chuckling lightly.
He leans in to kiss me, forcibly moving me to face him. I close my eyes, unable to find the strength to fight him.

Warm liquid splatters onto my cheek.
I stare up as Micheal spits out black blood, the blood flowing out his mouth, down his chin.
Confused, I look down to see spikes erupted from his shadow, piercing him inside of the rib through his stomach. His grip on me releases as he weakens.
I turn to look at Cabel who takes a sharp breath. He sits up, leaning against the wall. He glares back at Micheal, giving a victorious grin as his fingers clench tightly into his palm.
Instantly, Micheal's stabbed from all sorts of directions with spikes, finally being stabbed through the back of his head out his eye.
I step back, my breath catching in my throat as I drop to the ground, startled as I stare at his skewered lifeless body.
Taking a breath, I return to my senses. I turn to Cabel who struggles to breathe. His body slumps over as he falls onto his forearm to hold himself up.
"Cabel!" I scramble to him, taking him in my arms.
"Cabel! Are you crazy? How could you get yourself killed!" I scream, my eyes filling with tears.
He lies back in my arms, giving a faint smile. His bloodied hand moves up to cup my cheek gently.
"I told you I'd save you." Cabel flashes his usual arrogant grin, his brows furrowing in pain.
"Saving me doesn't mean dying!"
"Luna, I'm sorry... You don't need to love me back but..." Cabel pauses, his eyes fill with tears as he looks up at me, smiling comfortingly, "If I can love you freely as I am now, I'd die again for you if it means I can protect your smile... So don't cry, my beautiful flower..."
Cabel laughs lightly as if mocking his foolishness. He takes a sharp breath struggling to breathe as his skin turns deathly pale.
"C-Cabel!" I call out, my chest aching as I look down at his eyes slowly glossing over.
He gives a small smile, remaining composed as he closes his eyes. His hand drops from my cheek to rest on his stomach.
"C-Cabel! No! You can't die! Please wake up!" I beg, sobbing.
I touch his hand to feel the coldness grow.
"Y-You can't leave me alone! Please come back to me! I-I couldn't even tell you my feelings!" I sob, looking down at his lifeless expression.
My body aches, my heart feeling as if being torn apart.
"He's never going to smile at me... He's never going to cup my cheeks and whisper kind words... H-He's never going to hear my feelings for him..." I whisper, my eyes stinging as they well up with tears.
I scream, sobbing as I grip his shirt tightly, holding him close to me.

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