Chapter Eighty-One

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Luna stands in the middle of a bedroom, her arms out as maids and seamstresses run around the room preparing.
"How did things end up like this?" She sighs, whispering under her breath as she watches the room in utter chaos.

An hour before; Luna and Emperor Cabel sit in his office, enjoying their breakfast tea.
The door knocks.
"Your highness, I've returned." Lance calls out.
Emperor Cabel flicks his hand, opening the door.
"Your highness, maids will prepare Luna for this evening's ball." Lance enters, bowing.
"The ball?" Luna looks at Emperor Cabel and Lance.
"Yes, you were going to attend for the three days, correct?" Emperor Cabel cocks his head.
"I didn't think I would be attending again. I mean, I just found out it was three days."
"That duke didn't tell you anything?" Emperor Cabel scoffs.
"No, his grace didn't say anything. Would it be alright to attend still?"
"Why wouldn't it be?"
"Well, he got me only one formal gown for the ball."
"Oh-ho? So that duke even chose your dress for you?" Emperor Cabel scowls, raising his brow with a look of jealousy.
"Calm yourself. I chose it myself, there's no need to be bitter over one dress." Luna gently takes his hand in hers, giving him a gentle smile.
His irritation slowly subsides, his fingers lacing with hers as he scoffs defeatedly.
"I tried purchasing it myself, but he insisted it be billed to him." Luna chuckles tightening her hold on his hand.
"Well then, I'll just buy you a million gowns so his little gift will mean nothing."
"Don't say that, it's not a competition. I love the gown, and if it's a gift you shouldn't be trying to dismiss it."
Emperor Cabel sighs, looking back at her with confident look.
"Would you accept a gift from another man, but not me?"
"Cabel... I would have to accept any gift, but you out of everyone should know it's overwhelming to be spoiled to that extent."
"Then why did you accept that gown?"
"Because I chose it myself. It means something to me, and he insisted to pay for it and I couldn't be stubborn when he was trying to be kind."
"Means something to you?"
"Yes." Luna smiles as Emperor Cabel's hand raises to cup her cheek.

They look over at Lance as he mutters.
"One... One dress?" He exclaims.
"Er, yes?"
"M-My lady... You mean to tell me, you only have one formal gown?"
"I mean, I have other gowns that would be acceptable-"
Lance's jaw drops, shocked and panicked.
"Call the seamstresses! Get the beauticians here now!" Lance runs out, shouting out the hall.
"W-What's happening?" Luna exclaims.
"You're going to get dolled up it seems." Emperor Cabel scoffs, helping Luna stand as he plants a kiss on her forehead.
"Dolled up?"
"Yes... You know I'll do everything in my power to protect you, right?"
"Er, yes? Why? What's the matter?" Luna tilts her head, cautious as she looks back at him.
"Well... I apologize in advance, but I won't be able to protect you right now, no matter what happens..." Emperor Cabel smiles awkwardly, averting his eyes from her stare.
"My lady! Hurry! We have to get you to the fitting instantly!" Lance runs back into the room, frantic.
"W-Woah, wait! Why?" Luna shouts, shocked.
"My lady, it's the spring ball! You can not wear a dress that's not meant for a formal event!"
"Can't I wear the gown from yesterday?-"
"Oh sweet heavens, no! Hurry, we must get you to the fitting instantly!"
"W-What?" Luna exclaims, confused.
"We have no time to waste!" Lance takes her by the hand, quickly dragging her out of the office.
Luna looks back at Emperor Cabel as he waves guiltily.

Within seconds of entering her bedroom, Luna's bathed, massaged, bathed again, and her hair treated with essences and oils.
Her eyes spin as she's hurried around the room.
the chaos soon dies down as she stands in an extravagant pale pink gown with a corset of gold leaves hugging her waist.
The gown flows out largely with off the shoulder sleeves, all accented with gold leaves.
Seamstresses quickly sew the dress, fitting it to her body.
"How did things end up like this?" Luna sighs.

The door knocks.
"Come in." She calls out.
Lance enters, smiling brightly.
"My lady! You look gorgeous!" Lance exclaims.
"Hm..." Luna glares at him, her eyes screaming out, 'You did this to me'.
Lance smiles awkwardly.
"I apologize, but it's been planned that we're announcing your candidacy. We must make sure you're dressed appropriately."
"I see... Wait, candidacy?" Luna exclaims.
"Yes. His highness said he was tired by the 'noises' the princesses are making." Lance chuckles, quoting the emperor.
"I-I see... Isn't it too soon to announce?"
"Don't fret too much, my lady. He's not announcing you as an official fiancée, just as a candidate. He's announcing it so that you'll be able to live in the palace, and to scare off the other ladies trying to curry his favour."
"I see... May I ask where this dress came from?" Luna looks back in the mirror.
"It was his highness's great grandmother's gown. We had to adjust it since we have no proper dresses made for you, but we're adding more details to it."
"Will his highness be okay with it, regarding the past?"
"Yes. He's burned every belonging of the previous king and queen, but kept the heirlooms of his other family members."
"I see..."
"Now quickly get her ready! We have no time to waste!" Lance's tone changes as he claps his hands.
The help all nod, rushing their duties.

"Your highness, Lady Luna is almost finished." Lance bows his head.
Emperor Cabel stands, butlers and maids helping him get dressed in a formal white suit with red and gold accenting.
"Don't scare her just yet. She might run away if you act like this." Emperor Cabel snickers, fixing his hair.
"I assure you, she's fine." Lance enunciates, bowing his head.
Emperor Cabel glances at him and scoffs.
"I highly doubt that. Make sure she drinks water, she's probably exhausted because of you."
"We can not give her water. The massages will be ruined if she drinks or eats anything within the first hour."
"You really are uncontrollable when it comes to this." Emperor Cabel scoffs, waving everyone in the room to leave.
He sits down, adjusting his cravat.
"Your highness, are you certain you wish to announce her as the candidate?"
"If I wasn't, I wouldn't have decided on it. We both know what'll happen if anyone slips their tongue." A corner of Emperor Cabel's lips curl upwards.
Lance flinches, a shiver running down his spine as he catches a glimpse of the emperor's cold subtle gaze.
"Y-Your highness, with the candidates here, they'd be hostile. I don't wish for anyone to speak ill of Lady Luna either, but the princesses won't be able to help themselves."
"Then their parents will get them back with sewn lips."
"Your highness... Lady Luna may be forgiving, but I'm sure she wouldn't forgive you if you harm someone because of her."
Emperor Cabel pauses, looking back at Lance as he thinks to himself.
He scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"I know she won't... It's better to be prepared, unless of course you'd prefer me without a plan, going head first guided by my emotions."
"Y-Your highness... For the first time, I will have to agree with your mercilessness."
"What a shock. You don't want me to go on a mindless massacre?"
"Not at all your highness." Lance sighs, exhaustedly.
Emperor Cabel grins, snickering as he thinks to himself.

"Lady Luna!"
The door opens, Magnolia stands shocked.
"Stop. How dare you enter her bedroom without knocking!" An older maid scolds.
"Enough. She's my personal maid. Maggie, come here!" Luna stands up from a chair.
"My lady!" Magnolia cries, hugging her, "You disappeared! I heard you were sent away, I was so worried!"
"I'm sorry, it must have been difficult." Luna smiles, wiping her tears.
"Mr. Lance told me you came back and that I could come visit you. I'm so relieved you're okay!"
"I'm glad you came. I've missed you too." Luna smiles sweetly, bending down to look into Magnolia's eyes.

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