Chapter Twenty-One

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"That bitch! That wretched whore!" Renesha screams, staring out the window.
Between her fingers, she grips a handkerchief until tearing it into two. Two maids stand behind her, attempting to calm her.

"Lady Renesha, how can we make you feel better?" A maid asks.

They watch as Luna rushes through the royal garden—trudging through the snow. Her footprints making a pathway from the emperor's palace until she disappears into the golden palace library.

"That viper! From the moment she pretended to be uninterested at the tea party, I knew she was plotting to get the crown. Playing that insufferable innocent role, just to gain information about the emperor. Now he ignores me, while she's personally invited to spend the day in the palace!" Renesha huffs, her hands tightly balled up into fists.
"My lady, how can you be sure she's after the crown?-"


Renesha grits her teeth, her hand held up as she strikes a maid.
The maid simply holds her stinging cheek and with teary eyes, she looks back at the lady.

"I know when someone covets over what's mine. How dare you question me." Renesha coldly speaks, her eyes filled with a crazed anger, "If you wish to continue to serve the future empress, I suggest you start using that ill-bred head of yours to keep your manners in check."
"I'm sorry, my lady... I've forgotten myself." The maid bows, her quiet voice attempting to remain calm.
"Forget them again and you'll have to beg on the streets for the rest of your life."

The other maid coughs, clearing her throat as she silently watches.
"My lady, I believe what she meant to say was, how would you like us to help?" She speaks, bowing her head.
Renesha thinks for a moment, glaring at the two of them.
"And just how do you think, you can help me?" She scoffs.
"We can speak with the others and inform them of Lady Luna's intention." The maid smiles, taking a quick glance at the other girl, she approaches Renesha.

Renesha stands still as the maid whispers into her ear.
Suddenly, the lady breaks out into a cackle.
Taking a seat at the table, she gives a sweet grin as she rests her chin against the back of her hand.
"Yes... That sounds like a splendid plan." Renesha kindly speaks, "Proceed. Make sure to find out every little detail about that whore."

The maids bow, until quickly leaving the room.

"Luna... Just how many dirty little secrets do you have?" Renesha giggles, her eyes filled with malice as she stares at the library tower.

Emperor Cabel sits in his bedroom.
Lounging on a chair, he wears a loosely tucked white dress-shirt with his long-muscular legs, fitted into slim black trousers. His vest and jacket slung over the armrest as he stares out the window.

"Your highness... Won't you explain what happened? Lady Luna barely had any of her appetizer before she returned." Lance asks, pouring some wine.
"It's none of your concern." Emperor Cabel's brows furrowing upon hearing Lance's question, his irritation growing larger as his eyes rest on the golden palace's library.

Lance purses his lips, remaining quiet as Emperor Cabel clicks his tongue.
"That woman..." Emperor Cabel mutters under his breath, closing his eyes.

Laying in bed, Luna restlessly tosses and turns.
Succumbing to the insomnia, she sits up, releasing a feigned sigh. Staring at the dying fireplace in her room, her eyes glaze over—lost in her thoughts.
Her expression troubled, her eyes water at the haunting memories of her family.

"Just how long will this haunt me for?" Luna whispers, closing her eyes to prevent any tears from falling, "I need to move on."
Hugging her knees, she takes deep trembling breaths.

"Your highness, may I speak freely?" Lance cautiously asks, watching Emperor Cabel blow through paperwork.
"You better say something useful, unless you want me to take that tongue of yours." Emperor Cabel growls, glaring at Lance.
"Your highness, I understand something happened between you two, but it's been over a week since the incident with Lady Luna... Whatever happened with Lady Luna, it's evident you're still upset by it, but you're taking it out on those who serve you."
"Oh? Have people cried about being scared? Why not let them come complain to me then?" Emperor Cabel flashes a cold-sly grin.
"Your highness... You've exiled the servants who openly spoke of you and Lady Luna dining together, naturally people would be afraid. I won't question your decisions, but there could be a revolt against you, should you continue like this."
"I told them to ignore what they heard, and yet I caught wind of their ceaseless whispers. Are you telling me that my word is less than their childish desires to 'gossip'?" The emperor scoffs, his eyes sharply analyzing Lance's movements.
"No, your highness. However, I don't believe that's the cause of you exiling them."
"And just what assumptions are going around in that funny mind of yours, pray tell?"
"They were exiled because you were reminded of her, weren't they?"
Emperor Cabel raises a brow, an amused grin on his lips.
"Not bad." He chuckles, his jaw clenching as he looks back at Lance who remains calm, "Since you're speaking so well, tell me just how I should get rid of my anger?"
"I can call for Lady Luna."
"How would calling for that abominable concubine, help?"

Emperor Cabel's grin drops. A stone cold expression on his face as stands.

"Your highness, your emotions have mixed with how you rule your empire." Lance states, an anxious expression hidden behind his resolute look.
"When she's the reason for my anger, how can that help?" Emperor Cabel coldly speaks, his pupils dilated as he watches Lance.
"Or are you angry because you can't meet with her?"
"Is that your assumption, that I want to see her?"
"No, your highness, it's the truth. I've been serving you for many years and know how indifferent you are towards arguments and after this long—that fight wouldn't be the cause of your anger. 'Childish gossip' doesn't faze you either, except when you heard her name, you were reminded that she was upset."
"If she's angry, it'll continue into another argument if we meet."
"Not unless you calmly talk about what happened. As your loyal servant, I'm begging you, please meet her and calm your rage." Lance bows, placing his hand over his heart.

The emperor thinks to himself. Raking his hand through his hair, he rolls his eyes before staring at Lance.

"You've become more bold." Emperor Cabel scoffs, his expression softened.
"Thank you, your highness." Lance smiles politely.
"Send her an invitation." Emperor Cabel reluctantly orders, sitting down at his desk.
Watching Lance leave his office, Emperor Cabel sighs.

"Did I want to see her?" Emperor Cabel mutters under his breath.
Emperor Cabel closes his eyes, leaning back into his chair.
"How can you affect me this much?" Emperor Cabel furrows his brows.

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