B.2 Chapter Sixty-Two

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Esmerelda sits in a room, wearing a wedding dress.
Her makeup being done by maids as they cautiously look at her.
"How's my dear fiancé?" Esmerelda asks.
A maid jumps.
"H-His highness is well. He's currently getting ready." The maid replies.
"I see." Esmerelda stares at the maid, "Why do you seem afraid?"
The maid's expression grows pale.
"I-I'm not afraid." She responds.
"Hm... What's your name?" Esmerelda asks.
"I-I am Jane..."
"Well, Jane... Take a good look at your ruler. You should mind your manners." Esmerelda's eyes glow a vivid neon lime green.
Jane trembles, bowing her head.
"Y-Yes. Forgive me, your ladyship..." Jane speaks, her voice filled with fear.

The sun begins setting, the church filled with an orange glow.
The wedding hall is filled with guests.
Marquess Simone and Duke Oslo sit by each other at the front. Knights lined up the wedding hall, standing by the walls, watching everyone cautiously.
"Your grace... Are you certain with this plan?" Marquess Simone whispers.
"Yes... After the ceremony, we'll follow them to the resting room and exterminate the witch. You've brought your sword?" Duke Oslo asks.
"Yes, your grace."
"Excellent." Duke Oslo gulps, "Let's hope we'll be able to do it."
"Agreed." Marquess Simone whispers.
Marchioness Adara holds his hand, giving a sorrowful smile.
"What about Lady Luna?" She whispers.
Marquess Simone shakes his head.
"The rulers have not gotten back to me... I don't know where she is now."
Marchioness Adara nods, wiping a tear away.
Lady Dulcie looks over at her cautiously.
"Mother?" Lady Dulcie calls out.
"Forgive me sweetheart. I'm just emotional..." Marchioness Adara smiles, holding Lady Dulcie's hand.
Lady Dulcie's hand tightens around her mother's.
They watch on, waiting for the wedding to begin.

The doors open.
"Introducing Ruler Canella, and Queen Ming of Xiao."
An announcer calls out.
Canella and Ming walk down the aisle, accompanied with warriors.
They approach their seats at the front.
"Ruler Canella, Queen Ming." Duke Oslo bows.
"Greetings. Our apologies for being late." Ruler Canella smiles, sitting down.
Marquess Simone looks over at them, growing anxious.

Music begins playing through the church. The gentle violin and piano filling the hall.
Everyone stands, turning to the doors as they bow.
"Introducing his royal highness, Emperor Cabel."
The announcer calls out.
Emperor Cabel enters, walking down the aisle in a white wedding suit.
He takes his place at the alter, standing by a priest.
His devilish handsome appearance, intimidating the guests.
Flower girls walk down the aisle, throwing red flower petals onto the aisle. They bow to Emperor Cabel before standing by him.
Little boys walk down the aisle, carrying gold chalice's, and a jewelled bottle of wine. They bow, placing the chalice on the alter.
Another boy walks down the aisle, carrying a pillow with rings on top. The boys stand to the side of where the bride will be.
The guests watch, uncomfortable as they wait for the bride.

The announcer speaks up.
"Our future empress, Esmerelda Avri."
The guests gulp, looking at the doors.
The music changing to a melodic wedding song.
The doors open.

Esmerelda walks in, a long veil covering her face.
She holds a beautiful bouquet, smiling as she walks down the aisle.
Emperor Cabel's eyes widen.
"Luna?..." He calls out.
Duke Oslo looks back at Emperor Cabel who stares at Esmerelda, entranced.
Guests begin whispering, confused as he calls out for Luna.
"Luna?... Duke Oslo whispers under his breath, "Marquess, did you hear that?..."
Marquess Simone nods, glancing back at Emperor Cabel.
"It's a curse..." Marquess Simone whispers, "She's making him see her instead..."
"Why?... Why would she be making him see Luna?" Duke Oslo whispers.
"I... I'm not sure... If he's marrying her because of a curse, there should be no reason for him to see Luna..." Marquess Simone whispers back.

Esmerelda walks down the aisle, smiling as she steps up the podium.
She stands in front of Emperor Cabel.
"Luna? Is it really you?" Emperor Cabel whispers.
Whispers arise louder from the crowd.
"Your highness. I love you..." She whispers.
"I-I love you too." Emperor Cabel whispers, holding her hand.
The priest watches, confused.
He coughs.
"Erm, we are gathered here today to watch our highness, Emperor Cabel marry Esmerelda Avri. We are being blessed to have an empress guide us, alongside of his highness... Please, sit as I speak the prayers." The priest speaks up.
"We can skip the prayers till after." Esmerelda whispers.
"Oh... Er, I'm afraid I must give a prayer before and after to bless the union." The priest whispers.
Esmerelda's eyes glow brighter than before.
The priests eyes glow slightly too, his body breaking out into a cold sweat.
"Forgive me. I meant the ceremony will occur first. Do you, Lady Esmerelda, future empress, vow to take his highness as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asks.
"Marquess, the priest..." Duke Oslo's eyes widen.
The priests eyes glow vividly, a shade of green in them.
"She took over him too... She's rushing the ceremony... But why?... We can't wait until after, we need to move now." Marquess Simone speaks.
"Dear?" Marchioness Adara looks over, confused.
"Darling, hurry. Take Dulcie out of the church-"
Marquess Simone is cut off.
"I do." Esmerelda speaks, grinning.
"Darling, hurry. I love you." Marquess Simone exclaims, kissing the marchioness.
He rushes to push the marchioness up, taking Lady Dulcie by the hand to escort them out.
Lord Christopher sits, watching his mother and sister leave. His hand on his swords handle, looking back at Duke Oslo giving a nod.
"W-What? What's going on?" Marchioness Adara questions.
"Do you sun of the empire, Emperor Cabel, vow to take Lady Esmerelda as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asks.


A loud shattering echoes throughout the wedding hall.
Guests scream, gasping.
Window remnants shatter, falling to the ground.
A masked warrior flies through the window, dual swords in hand. Knights rush to evacuate the guests, protecting the emperor and bride.
The masked warrior wields the swords, swiftly landing as they kick a knight in front of Esmerelda. The warrior fights against the knights attacking them.
The warrior's swords clashing with the knights swords. The warrior swiftly dodges their attacks, a golden light emitting from their hand.
"Canella! That's!-" Ming calls out, holding Canella's arm.
She's cut off as the masked warrior pushes their hands into the ground, a bright gold light exploding, blasting the knights away.
"Ming, quickly leave the church!" Canella rushes to push Ming to the exit, escorted by their guards.
The warrior swiftly sprints up to Esmerelda, their swords crossed, prepared to strike.

A deep thunderous voice shouts.
Esmerelda's hand raises, quickly swatting the warrior across the wedding hall.
Their back hits against the marble wall, falling to the ground. Winded, they stand to their feet, leaning their hands against their knees.
The headgear crumbles, revealing half of their face.

"Luna!" Canella shouts, standing in front of Ming.
Luna takes deep breaths, undoing the headgear as she throws it to the side.
She wipes her jaw, her eyes glaring back at Esmerelda.

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