Chapter Forty-Four

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"Lady Luna? Would you like some tea?" Magnolia asks.
"No, I'm okay." I sigh, sitting back against my sofa.
I stare up at the ceiling, my chest aching.
"Well, would you like an early dinner then? Please eat something, my lady."
"I will in a bit... I wish to sit here and do nothing for now."
"Yes, my lady... Well, if you'll excuse me..."
Magnolia bows, leaving my bedroom.

Unable to help but sigh constantly, my mind runs with thoughts about Cabel.
I look around my original bedroom in the golden palace—the feeling of distance between us, strongly evident.
Since that night, I was ordered to move back into the golden palace, and haven't spoken or seen Cabel since.

"I haven't even told you." I whisper, feeling my eyes water.
I stand up, attempting to ignore my sadness.

Picking up 'Hayden's' cape, a solemn smile grows on my lips as I place it in the back of my wardrobe.
In the back of the wardrobe, I notice a gold satin fabric peeking out of a box. Taking the box out, I open the lid to hold up the gown I wore at my first ball.

"Cabel... I miss you." I whisper, clutching the gown close to my chest as my tears begin to fall.

My eyes feeling puffy and sore, I wake up from my nap.
Yawning as I sit up, my mind is oddly quiet as I try to process being back in the golden palace again.

A voice calls out.

Glancing over to the balcony, a sigh escapes my lips. I get up exhausted, unable to help but drag my feet.

"What is it now?" I call out, opening the balcony doors.
Cethin jumps off the roof, onto the balcony. A large grin on his lips as he gives a small wave.

"Hey now, don't be so sad." Cethin walks, following me inside.
"I'm not trying to be sad on purpose." I sigh, lying back in bed as I turn my back to him.
"Why? Are you sad for getting banished to the golden palace? It's still a palace, a lot better than the shit-holes I used to live in."
"Cethin, it's not remotely close to that." I sit up, looking at Cethin, "I'm happy being in a place where I'm not constantly scared, I'm happy with a place where I can be free—where I can be me. I found that place, thanks to Cabel, but now it seems like none of it matters because he hates me."
He sits cross legged on the bed as he listens.
"Damn... Where the hell did you used to live?"
"That's not the point of my story." I scoff and roll my eyes, "I felt safe with Cabel. It was the first time in my life, where someone made me feel fully safe. I was thought as an actual person, but I made him hate me." I sigh and leaning against my hand.
"So, why is it that he hates you?" He asks.
"Because you were right. You were right that Hayden had a secret, you were right that Hayden's secret was huge! But how was I supposed to react to find out Cabel was actually Hayden?-"
"Woah, woah, woah. What? Hayden was the emperor?" Cethin's jaw drops.
"Yeah! That's the secret you knew, wasn't it?"
"Hell no! I just knew he had a secret, didn't think it was this! Damn, you're in a pickle."
"Ugh, well he told me the truth and then confessed his feelings... He assumed I didn't love him, and that I loved Hayden."
"He's mad cause he loves you, right?"
"He probably doesn't love me anymore." I sigh, frustrated.
"Oh dear. Chicky, you got a lot of learning to do. Those books you read won't do everything for you."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that you're stupid. He can't stop loving you in a few days. He's heartbroken right now!"
"Cabel? Heartbroken? Are you messing with me?"
"I'm not, I swear!" Cethin lifts his hands, claiming innocence, "He cares about you a lot, Chicky. He's just hurt cause the woman he loves, loves the disguise he uses. How would it make you feel?"
"I... I'd be hurt too, but at the end of the day, it's still me-"
I think back to Cabel's words.
"He's still him... But he's being ridiculous! Even if I did have feelings for Hayden, it would mean I have feelings for him! I couldn't even tell him or comprehend anything he said, I was so blindsided and couldn't speak about his feelings. He went and assumed I loved only Hayden! Ugh, this entire situation's too confusing!" I throw myself back down on the bed, hiding under the blankets.
"And I thought I was dramatic, yeesh. Listen up, Chicky. He loves you and thinks you only love Hayden, but you love him already-"
I shoot up to sit, staring back at Cethin.

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