B.2 Chapter Forty-Nine

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I finish explaining everything that's happened, once Canella and Ming calm down from the shock of my sudden appearance.
"A witch?... Those have always been myths." Canella sighs, thinking to herself.
"I thought so too, until the marquess told me his family's history. His family was asked to find a descendant of Sol's, eventually fighting alongside of the descendant." I explain, taking a deep breath, "The beast that was drawn in the victims sketches too, were all the same as the beast we saw in his highness's office. The marquess showed us a book that had information of the witches, as well as the exact same illustration."
"Luna, we'll protect you. Stay here, and we can send our warriors to help kill the witch." Canella speaks.
"That's not a good idea." Ming speaks up, sighing, "I have no problem with keeping Luna safe, but Xiao has always believed witches were real. If they are as fearsome as how they were described in our books, sending warriors to kill the witch would never work."
"Ming, do you know more details about witches?" I ask.
"Yes. I'll have to dig up our old books, but I know that no mere mortal can kill a witch. Their souls were known to be immortal." Ming explains, standing up, "I'll have our maids search for the books. Until then, we'll show you to your room."
I nod, standing up as I follow them.
"While you're here, you don't need to wear a disguise." Ming smiles, holding onto Canella's arm.
"Are you certain? If people recognize me, they could report it back to the empire."
"It's okay. The wing that houses guests and our bedrooms are private. Only maids are allowed there, and all our maids are trustworthy. They would never betray our privacy, especially a guests privacy." Ming reassuringly speaks.
We walk through the corridors, passing through a large garden. Ahead of us stands a beautiful gated building.
Maids open the gate as they bow their heads.
We walk through the building, surrounded with stunning gardens.
"Luna, this is where you'll be staying." Ming speaks, opening a room.
I walk into the oriental style bedroom, a sweet scent hitting my nose.
"We use pomegranate flowers to decorate the bedrooms. It's believed to ward off evil, but if the scent is too strong, let us know." Canella speaks, pointing to a beautiful vibrant red flower.
"No, it's okay. It smells wonderful. Thank you for letting me stay here." I bow my head.
"Of course. So, would you like to invite your friends in?" Canella smiles.
I look back at her, surprised.
"How did you know?" I ask.
"I felt their auras when we were walking. They're very good at concealing themselves though." Canella lightly chuckles.
"Are you sure it's okay?"
"Of course. A few guests are never an issue."
I nod, walking towards the window.
I whistle a small melody.
Instantly Cethin, Riddle, and Petunia appear by the window. They wear their masks as they enter.
"Hello, you all work for his highness, correct?" Canella asks.
"Yeah, but honestly now that we're protecting a 'criminal', who knows if we even have our jobs." Cethin snickers.
"If you need employment, I'll gladly hire you all." Canella shrugs.
Cethin's brow raises as he glances at the other two.
"We'll think about it, but we want to stay near this one." He roughly ruffles my hair.
"If you change your minds, let me know. With your talent, I'll gladly steal you from his highness." Canella giggles, her eyes examining the others.
"Please, follow us. We'll show you to your guest rooms." Ming smiles, pausing as she looks back at us, "Do you need any clothes?"
I look down at my little duffle bag, and back at the others to notice they didn't bring any bags.
"I have a few clothes... But mostly training clothes and for disguising myself..." I speak up, "I'm not too sure about them either..."
"That's alright. We'll provide everything you will need, we'll just need your measurements." Ming smiles, gesturing for the others to follow.
I watch as they leave my room, sliding the door closed behind them.
My knees tremble as the silence washes over me. I stumble to the ground, taking deep breaths.
"It's okay..." I whisper to myself, my anxiousness washing over me as I think about the last few weeks.

Maids help me bathe, after I quickly hide my wig and body wraps.
They kindly help me get dressed, dressing me in a light pink hanfu. Expertly doing my hair, they pin traditional hair accessories on.
I look in the mirror at myself, the traditional clothing taking my breath away.
I bow my head to the maids, thanking them. They bow back, smiling kindly as they exit.

Ming calls out, peeking into the room as the maids leave.
"Your majesty, hello." I bow my head.
"Call me Ming! We're friends, aren't we?" She giggles.
"Yes, we are, but it's insulting to address you as your name, since you're the queen now." I laugh, walking closer.
"I don't care about formalities. We're friends, please address me by my name, and I'll do the same to you."
"If that's what you'd prefer, I'm honoured Ming."
"Thank you. Oh, Luna please come with me. I'll give you a tour of the housing palace."
I nod, following Ming out of my room.
We walk down the corridors, the gardens quiet and peaceful.
"Your palace is beautiful." I comment, admiring the building and gardens.
"Thank you. My father loved architecture and gardening. He loved the flowers so much, he would take time from his schedule to ensure they were properly cared for. I'm happy I can tend to them now in his place."
"I'm sure he's smiling upon you from the heavens."
"I hope so. He may be a bit angry with me though." Ming giggles, fanning herself.
"Why's that?"
"Well... When Canella and I came back... I tried to garden but I ended up killing some plants. It was a scene I know my father would cry at." Ming shyly looks away, embarrassed.
"Your father knows you tried your best, don't fret too much." I giggle, amused by her reaction.
We cross bridges that hover over the ponds, walking to a gazebo at the end.
Ming sits down at the stone table, over looking the pond. I sit beside her as we look out, admiring the brightly coloured fish.
"Luna... How are you?" Ming asks.
I shrug, giving a smile.
"I'm okay... I was hurt and confused before, but now I'm just concerned. I want to help Cabel, but it seems like I can't do anything in this situation."
"Yes... It's best that you stay away for now. I know you're worried for him, but the stories told to us as I was growing up were... Er, Luna... I need to be honest and tell you, because it's unfair for me to pretend it's okay..."
"What is it?"
"If it's true about the witch... His highness is destined to die."
"What?..." I whisper, my eyes widening in shock.
Ming takes a deep breath, holding my hand.

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