Chapter Sixty-Eight

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"Lady Luna!"
Marchioness Adara rushes down the steps to greet me, a butler holding an umbrella over her head.
"Good morning, Lady Adara. I apologize for intruding." I curtsy.
"Not at all, come in!"
She takes my hand, escorting me inside the mansion.

I sit in the parlour room, waiting for her as I look out the window at the rain hitting the glass.
She returns with maids, bringing in a teacart.
"This is quite a surprise you came to visit me, is something the matter?" Marchioness Adara sits across me.
A maid pours tea in our cups, and leaves to stand on the side.
"I actually need to ask you for a favour..." I quietly state.
"If it's in my power to do so, I'd be glad to help."
"Please use your seal on this letter, and have it urgently delivered to his grace." I slide the envelope across the table.
"Is this all?"
"Yes. Unfortunately, there are too many eyes on me in the palace."
"I see. I heard of the Lancaster princess's arrival."
"Yes, this morning there were more luggage and boxes, so more princesses will be there. I'm afraid any movement I have will ignite rumours, so I ask to do my business through you."
"Does this letter for his grace contain anything special?" Marchioness Adara glances at the letter and back at me.
I catch a glimpse of her eyes, looking back at me as his analyzing my every movement. The air around her subtly becoming sharp, showing a wall of authority.
Taking a subtle breath, I calm my nerves, feeling as though any small action I do, she'll make a note of.

'She's testing me... But how is she testing me? If I say the wrong thing, I'll be known as his grace's mistress. If I truthfully admit the letter, it'll show I'm loose lipped and unreliable, and she'll keep her distance... I can't afford to lose her as a possible friend, affiliation with her could make it easier to leave the palace... But she's also someone who greeted me with such warmth...'
The thought quickly enters my mind.
I think back to meeting her in the garden; how she sincerely spoke to me with kindness.
'She's someone who feels like could be a genuine friend... I can't ruin this.'

I smile kindly, and innocently.
"The business I have with his grace, relate to becoming an advisor. It will not affect his highness in any way, shape, or form, but rather it will better his reputation."
"Hm?" She grins, amused, "Better it how?"
"I can only explain if you allow this concubine to borrow your power." I bow my head.
Marchioness Adara tilts her head, staring back at me.
Soon the authoritative air around her disappears as she chuckles, amused.
She turns to a maid.
"Bring me my letter seal." She calls out.
The maid quickly bows, running off to grab it.
I sip the warm tea, taking a deep breath to calm.
"Ensure this quickly gets to Duke Oslo. Bring the reply as soon as he reads it." The marchioness hands the freshly stamped envelope to a butler.
He bows, leaving the parlour.
"Now, what is this business you have?" Marchioness Adara asks.
"To protect the citizens. There's evidence of health being affected, and I've devised a way to prevent their health deteriorating."
"The health? Is it something major?"
"It would have been. It's nothing to be concerned of now, since the solution is in the process of being approved, but his grace is the one getting my plan approved. I will reveal more information later, but I had more evidence to give him."
"I see." She gives a smile, nodding approvingly, "Regardless of your reason being here, it's lovely seeing you. The marquess has been so busy, and I've been unable to hold my gatherings due to the heavy rain. I'm glad you've come to save my boredom."
"Thank you for your hospitality, Lady Adara. How has Lord Christopher and Lady Dulcie been?"
"Very well! Christopher is sword training as always, and our sweet Dulcie has been working extra diligently on her studies. She claims it's to impress you!" Marchioness Adara exclaims, giggling.
"Has she?"
"She wishes to become a proper lady, because you've inspired her. I suppose your help that day has effected her well."
"I'm glad to hear it, but I did nothing. I merely told her, she should never lower her head and should accept her title."
"Regardless, she's very motivated to her studies thanks to you."
Marchioness Adara and I speak for hours, continuing our conversations in catching up.

The butler returns, bowing his head.
"Wonderful, you're back. Is there a response?" Marchioness Adara stands.
"Yes, my lady."
"Well, what is it?"

"It's a secret so I've brought my lips, myself." Duke Oslo calls out, entering the parlour.
"Your grace, welcome!" Marchioness Adara curtsies.
Duke Oslo bows slightly, taking her hand and kissing it.
"I apologize for breaking in without an invitation, but it seems I wouldn't be the first to do that today." Duke Oslo smiles at me.
I stand and curtsy.
"Hello, your grace." I call out.
"Been a while." Duke Oslo grins teasingly.
I avert my eyes, embarrassed.
"May I have a moment of privacy with the lady?" Duke Oslo asks Marchioness Adara.
"Of course! Please call for the butler once you've finished." Marchioness Adara curtsies, leaving the room and taking all the help with her.
"Sit, please." Duke Oslo gestures.
I nod, sitting back down.
"We've met yesterday, is there a reason why you're desperate to meet me so soon?"
"I wished to return this to you." I hand the box of clothes to Duke Oslo.
I open my wristlet, sliding the envelope across the table as well.
"I see... Is there a reason you couldn't wait?" Duke Oslo reads the contents of the envelope, glancing at the names and stores that have been flooded.
"I... Need help." I mutter.
Duke Oslo raises his eyebrow.
"Yes..." I reply, unable to calm my heart.
Tears begin to fall down my face effortlessly. Duke Oslo looks back at me, concerned.
"I need to escape the palace as soon as possible..." I speak up.

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