B.2 Chapter Forty-One

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I sit in a chair, reading a book as Abigail helps get me ready early in the morning.
She's finished binding my body quickly, hurrying to clip my wig on.
"Forgive me for waking you up so early, Lady Luna." Abigail whispers.
I shake my head, giving a small smile.
"It's okay, it takes a while to get ready normally. I know it'll take longer if I have to wear a disguise." I whisper back.
Abigail quickly finishes securing the wig, before quickly doing my makeup.
I glance in the mirror every now and then, watching her technique.
I watch as I become Deimos. She finishes, adjusting the glasses until stepping back to look at me.
She smiles, nodding.
"Perfect! You're attractive as both a man and a female, you're very blessed!" She giggles, fixing my hair again.
I change into a white long sleeve shirt as well as black trousers. I slide on a formal black coat, taking one last look at myself.
I turn around to Abigail.
"Is the marquess' family all awake?" I ask.
"Yes. The marchioness is currently getting ready as well as Lady Dulcie." She bows, formally speaking.
"I see. The marquess and Christopher?"
"The lord is currently working in his office. The young lord is also outside training before breakfast."
"Could you guide me to Christopher?"
Abigail smiles, nodding as she gestures for us to leave.
"Of course, Sir Deimos. Please, follow me." She formally speaks.

I follow Abigail outside to the training grounds.
The sky still gloomy, but luckily with no rain.
I watch a figure in the distance train, noticing it's Christopher.
His movements are swift and agile as he practices with his sword and a training figure.
He slashes the training doll, striking a finishing pose.
Abigail curtsies, leaving me as I approach Christopher.
"Good morning." I call out.
Christopher looks around, noticing me.
"You're up early." He says.
"I can't be rude and sleep in when I'm your guest, now can I?"
He wipes his sweat covered face, with the back of his hand as he comes closer.
I reach into my coat pocket, taking out a handkerchief.
I hold it out to him, giving him a small smile. He scoffs, taking the handkerchief.
"You need to be careful. It's not known for men to offer handkerchiefs to other men." He speaks, wiping his face with the handkerchief.
"Oh, I suppose that isn't a manner men usually do, is it?"
"It happens but..."
"People talk that they're lovers when it happens."
"Over a handkerchief?"
"Everyone wants something to talk about. Noblemen sharing a handkerchief would be a 'hot' topic." He snickers, wiping his neck.
Christopher sets the handkerchief on a bench, taking a sip of water from his canteen.
He looks over at me, holding his sword out.
"Have you ever trained?" He asks.
"I mean... I trained for self defence with Cethin and the others, but never with an actual sword."
"Want to try?"
I stare at the knights training in a nearby field, and shrug.
"Sure, seems fun." I slide my coat off, placing it on the bench.
Christopher grabs two wooden swords from a cart, holding one out to me.
I take it from him, feeling the surprising weight of it.
"How come it's so heavy? Aren't wooden swords meant to be light?" I ask.
"We use special wooden swords with a steel centre. We only had fully wooden swords when I was a kid."
"Interesting. Is it hard to train with a sword?"
"Not really. Do you have any experience with using a sword at all?"
"No, all I did was hand to hand combat, and occasionally used rods."
Christopher nods, stretching.
I follow his lead by stretching too.
"It might be hard, but you'll probably find it fun." He shrugs, giving a kind smile.
"Okay, let's get started then." I grin, finishing up my stretching.

Christopher teaches me the basics with a training doll.
The sword heavy and difficult to wield, but eventually grows lighter and easier to use.
Time passes as we become engulfed in training.
Knights, maids, and butlers watching us from afar as we practice.

We sit on the ground, taking deep breaths as we try to cool down.
"So, how was it?" He asks.
"I really liked it! It was hard but you were right, it was really fun!" I exclaim, unable to stop myself from grinning.
Christopher nods, standing up.
He holds his hand out to me, pulling me up.
I wipe my pants from the dirt, lightly stretching again.
He holds out his canteen bottle to me.
"Thanks." I take his canteen, taking a sip of water.
I glance at him out of the peripheral of my eye, watching him wipe his sweat away.
"Um... Thank you..." I speak up.
"You already said that."
"Not for the water... I don't want to be presumptuous, but I feel like you let me train with you, because you're still worried for me..."
Christopher looks at the cloudy sky, thinking to himself.
He looks back at me and shakes his head.
"It's not presumptuous. I did worry about how you felt after speaking with father. Given the circumstances, I thought training could help take out any frustration or distract your mind for a moment."
"Thank you... It helped a lot." I smile, handing back his canteen.
"Come, let's head inside." Christopher hands me my coat.
I nod, following him in.

The night quickly approaches.
I bathe, rinsing the sweat off my body. I bind my body again, remembering exactly how Abigail did it.
Quickly getting ready, I change into an all black outfit before pinning the wig on.
I step downstairs to see the marquess and Christopher waiting for me.
Maids and butlers are lined up at front of the entrance.
I bow my head, noticing the marchioness and Lady Dulcie.
"I'll be back." Marquess Simone smiles, kissing the marchioness' forehead.
"Hurry home, my love." Marchioness Adara smiles, fixing the marquess' cravat.
"Of course, my dear." Marquess Simone kisses her hand, turning to leave.
"We're off." He announces.
The maids and butlers bow their heads.

My hands tremble slightly as I look out the carriage.
The sun beginning to disappear as the gloomy clouds move in more. Light rain begins drizzling down, causing my anxiousness to grow.
"Are you alright, Deimos?" Marquess Simone asks.
"Yes, my lord... I can't help but feel nervous, it is the imperial palace after all." I speak, pretending to show Deimos's excitement.
"We'll be there only for a moment. We could return another day if you'd like to look around more." Marquess Simone smiles, pretending too.
I nod.
"Yes, my lord."

I watch as the imperial palace comes into view as we ride up the road.
Knights stationed at the gates stop us.
They look inside the carriage, noticing me.
"This young man is my son's friend. He's visiting for a few days." Marquess Simone speaks up.
"Name?" The knight asks.
"Deimos Blanche." I answer.
"Identification card?"
"Yes." I reach into my pockets, fumbling, "Oh no... I apologize, it seems I left it at the marquess' estate..."
"Guests without identification aren't allowed-"
"He's with me. We're only here to gather my documents, so isn't that enough pestering the young boy, when we're not staying for long?" Marquess Simone cuts the knight off.
The knight pauses, looking at the marquess and back at me.
"A-As you say, my lord." The knight bows, giving the other knights a signal to let us pass.
I steal my nerves as we ride through the gates.

We walk down the halls, my anxiousness causing my stomach to stir.
We step into the marquess' office, a wave of relief washing over me.
"Seems as though there are more knights on patrol." Christopher says.
"I believe after a certain incident, his highness requested it. Change of plans, the knights will be suspicious if only you two are seen roaming the palace. Instead, we'll head to his highness' office to make our greetings, and Deimos can do what he has to do." Marquess Simone whispers.
"Yes, father." Christopher nods.

I follow them through the hallways, pretending to be excited about seeing the palace as a 'first time guest'.
My eyes widen as I notice in front of us, a group of advisors with Sir Quintan approaching us.
"Oh, my lord, young lord." Sir Quintan bows his head, noticing us.
He peaks over, looking at me.
I bow my head.
"Hello, I'm Deimos Blanche." I introduce myself.
"I've never seen you around, are you a visitor?" He asks.
"Yes. He's my friend from the academy. He finally had time to visit." Christopher calmly speaks.
"I see. Well, I hope you're enjoying your time here." Sir Quintan kindly smiles.
"Yes, thank you." I bow my head.
"Oh! Young lord, since you're here, do you have time to help with reviewing some documents?" An advisor asks.
Christopher and the marquess glance at each other.
"Yes, I believe I have a moment. Deimos follow my father, I'll meet up with you both soon." Christopher speaks.
"Take your time. We'll meet at my office." Marquess Simone walks by the group of advisors, gesturing me to follow.
I glance back at Christopher who's dragged along by the advisors.

I follow the marquess through the halls.
"We couldn't decline them, but it's best as long as you're accompanied with me." Marquess Simone whispers.
"I understand-" I whisper back, cutting myself off.
I feel a vibration in the air.
An aura seeping through the hallway, nauseatingly heavy.
I snap my head to look up at the marquess who grows pale.
He looks back at me and nods.
"Come, we're almost there." He speaks, ignoring the fearsome aura.
I nod, following him.
The dense aura grows heavier with each step we take closer to Cabel's office.
Instantly, I throw my hand out, stopping the marquess from knocking.
He looks down at me, confused.
A whisper reaches my ears, repeating the same words in an eerie voice.

"Take your breath, and fall asleep. Take your breath, and fall asleep."
The chanting repeats.
I look up at the marquess, softly placing my hand on the door knob.
I gently crack open the door.
My eyes widen as lightening strikes outside, illuminating the room to show a horrifying figure.

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