"I love you two so much." I giggled to myself, trying my hardest to hug both of them back. They pulled away from me at the same time, tightly holding my hand as the three of us wandered out of the bustling cafeteria.

"Let's go shopping! I really need some new clothes." after becoming a pro hero, I guess Ochako fulfilled her dream. She was able to live comfortably, supplying funds to her family and also supporting herself.

"Yeah, me too! Ribbit." Tsuyu smiled, I wondered how she was doing as well. With two younger siblings, I suspected that she was put under a lot of pressure in order to take care of them correctly.

"How's Satsuki?" I asked, the name belonging to her younger sister. She was the cutest, an angel in human form. Though, the kid always found herself zoning away and staring aimlessly up at the sky or ceiling.

"Hmm, well. She's 11 now, but she still looks like a little kid." Tsuyu answered, while Ochako desperately looked for a boutique.

"I heard that's a good thing! Like, if you're 40 you might look 20." Ochako laughed, bumping into my right side on accident.

"Oh, man! Hopefully I look young when I'm that old." I fit into their overlapping voices, tilting my head back and staring at the sunroof.

The mall was gigantic, with four endless floors to explore. I didn't want to overspend on Keigo's credit card, but there were a few materialistic things I had been dreaming to get. Besides, it's somewhat his fault for telling me that I could buy anything I desired.

With towering palm trees and even an indoor playground, the mall was decorated to the maximum. I wondered how much funding went into upholding a place like this, this huge cement dome.

Our connected hands swung back and forth, like little kids scouting around a candy store. With these two, the lonely week without Keigo wouldn't be so boring and dull. I peeked down into my shirt, watching how Keigo's subtle feather flowed so effortlessly off my chest.

Beside me they laughed, talking about the same interests they shared in high-school. Stuff about boys, skincare, those kinds of topics. I was glad to hear their comforting voices, which I had been longing to come across for years now.

I wondered where we would venture next, a boutique or maybe even a shoe store. Ochako and Tsuyu had the brightest grins, which only grew stronger as the sun shone down onto us. "Is there a special someone in your life?" they asked.

"A special someone?" I whispered, the sentimental feather tickling against my bare skin. "Yeah, there's one along the lines."

"Really? Tell us!" Ochako laughed, while Tsuyu awakened her eyelids and showed me an expression of shock.

"Nahh, where's the fun in that?" I hid the secret away, laughing in their faces. It was easy to guess, if you saw the signs.

After all, his feather was the one clinging so dearly to my thumping chest, the man who I referred to as my lover. It wasn't someone from our old high-school class, nor was it a stranger I met after adulthood.
Instead, it was him- and only him.


AN; here's tsuyu's family if you're confused, it was apart of an OVA and i think also apart of the light novel

horikoshi also confirmed ochako's favorite foods to be mochi, LOCUSTS??!!!! and grilled eggplant. but of course i wasn't gonna make her eat mf bugs.. so

credit to: uji_c_m on Twitter
words: 1176

credit to: uji_c_m on Twitterwords: 1176

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