Chapter Forty Seven

Começar do início

People were milling around, though several turned their attention up towards them.

Kai let the dinner commence with a simple greeting, but as soon as the dishes had been cleared away and the music started, he stood up again at the top of the magnificent stairwell. Cinder joined him and he clasped her hand.

Her metal hand.

Cress melted, her grin intensifying.

"As I'm sure many of you remember, it was just over two years ago that I stood before you to make the announcement of an alliance with Luna. At the time that announcement was brought with mixed feelings and even horror, not just from myself but the entire planet. Now, however, I stand before you with Her Royal Majesty Queen Selene of Luna as my fiancée and couldn't be happier or more excited."

Applause erupted around the ballroom, despite that Kai had released a public statement with Cinder a week ago making the announcement.

Cress joined right in with the applause, abandoning her attempt to remain dignified and wondering how long it would take people to not applaud everytime the engagement was mentioned. At the press conference, Kai and Cinder's security team almost had to whisk him away as the crowd of reporters grew almost violent with their follow up questions.

Kai wrapped an arm around Cinder's waist as people continued to cheer. The music started again and they both started the first dance before Kai invited everyone else to join.


Cress nodded eagerly. The song was slow, which she was grateful for as dancing in the heels made her a little nervous. They danced seven dances straight before Carswell begged for a rest.

Cress laughed. "I was about to ask you the same thing."

Carswell slung an arm over her shoulder as they started back up to their tables. Winter and Jacin, and Scarlet and Wolf all had the same idea. Cinder and Kai joined them shortly as dessert was served.

Cress kept glancing at Cinder, and she couldn't remember ever seeing her smile so much. Or so broadly. At some point during dessert, Cress kicked her shoes off. Her feet started to hurt and if she wanted to dance again she thought she better give them a rest.

"Here." Iko whispered, handing Cress a small little pouch. Inside was a pair of flats, folded in half.

"Thanks." Cress giggled, slipping them on her feet.

An hour later Kai and Cinder walked back onto the dance floor and started the dancing again with a slow waltz. The lights dimmed, letting the candles around the room light the floor with a warm glow.

"Come on," Carswell whispered, quietly sliding his chair out.

Cress lightly frowned. "Where?"


"It's cold outside!"

"I'll give you my jacket." Carswell chuckled softly, tugging on her hand.

Cress, grinning, quickly stood up and trotted after him. They walked just around the corner to a smaller balcony that was completely deserted. Music from the ballroom spilled through the open doorway.

"Why did you want to come outside?"

"Cause I wanted to dance with you."

Cress's grin intensified. Carswell's arm slid around her and he laced his fingers through hers. They gently swayed to the music, the evening air not as cold as Cress was expecting. She could smell some kind flower and wondered what they were. She sighed, so happy it didn't seem possible, and rested her head against his chest. His arms snaked around her.



Carswell was silent, but she heard him swallow.

Cress lifted her head, concerned.

"I love you."

"I love you too," he murmured, her eyebrows barely coming together.

"I... I never thought I would be content—be happy—with one girl." He nervously chuckled. "I don't have to tell you my track record with girls or love or... any of that stuff. But you..." His fingers lightly trailed along her jaw, sending flutters through her chest, "you literally spun my world around and showed me something I didn't even know I was missing."

Heat climbed to Cress's cheeks. She tried to think of something to say back but he started talking before she had the chance.

"There are things I wish I would have done differently in my life, but in a twisted way getting arrested turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me because if that hadn't happened I would have never met you and would have continued on with my selfish and self-serving life." His other hand moved to cradle her jaw and his eyes sparkled with added moisture.

Cress's vision started to blur as well. She had only seen him this close to crying maybe once before.

"I love you so much and I know there's nothing I will ever do that will come anywhere close to expressing just how much I love you."

Cress smiled, biting her lip and afraid if she blinked a tear would fall. Her lips had just parted to ask if everything was okay or if something happened when he brought his head closer to hers. She thought he was going to kiss her, but he kept going down until he was on one knee.

A sob was wrenched from Cress and she slammed a hand over her mouth, though it did little to stifle the onslaught of tears.

Carswell faintly laughed, thrusting his hand into his pocket and pulling out a tiny, velvet box.

Cress crushed her eyes shut, giving up trying to keep herself from crying. She quickly blinked her eyes open, glad that he didn't let go of her hand as she was sure she would have collapsed. "What...?" She sniffed, her heart hammering so hard in her chest she was afraid it would break a rib.

"Crescent Moon..."

Cress was already nodding, wiping her tear-covered hand on her dress and simultaneously laughing. "Yes, yes, yes."

Carswell started to stand but Cress dropped to the ground first. There was no way she could stay standing. Her hands moved to the sides of his face and she kissed him, tears still streaming down her face.

"You didn't let me finish." Carswell whispered, faintly chuckling and brushing his face off with the back of his hand.

"Sorry." Cress giggled, sniffing and wiping her cheeks with her fingers. Her entire body was trembling; shaking in a way that was so wonderful she wished the moment would never end.

Carswell rapidly blinked his eyes. "Will you marry me?"

Cress laughed, even as tears continued to roll down her cheeks. She nodded, glancing down at their entwined hands as he slid a delicate, silver ring on her fourth finger. It was simple, a plain silver band that twisted around itself. It was also the most beautiful ring she had ever seen and she couldn't have dreamed up one that was more perfect.

Carswell kissed her fingers before sweeping her back in a kiss, standing up and lifting her completely off the ground.

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!! I love you all so much and thank you to everyone of you who has ever left me a kind comment, I can't tell you how encouraging it is to hear people I don't know and have never met enjoying my writing (and I know it's fanfiction, so I can't take the majority of the credit, but it still makes me so unbelievably happy that people I don't know are reading my stuff!)

Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora