~Chapter 84~ The Santa Cubs Pt. 2

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Season 6 - Movie

Cadance laughed and she played in the snow with River, Aurora, Misty, and Flower. Louis popped his head out from under the snowy ground when Cadance exclaimed, "Come on, Louis!" "Cade, it's freezing up here!" Louis whined. "Well it's Winter sooooo," Cadance paused. Louis grumbled as he walked up to Cadance, stepping paw by paw on the cold, powdery snow. Cadance chuckled and then threw a snowball at River. River spit out the snow that was in his mouth and gave a mischievous/dirty smirk to Cadance.

~Up at the North Pole~

Frosty walked through the workshop looking for something to do. And that's when he saw it. The naughty and nice list. He wasn't allowed to do anything with it because if he did something wrong with it like marking the wrong animal on the naughty list, there could be chaos in the whole world. He couldn't take his eyes off of it and then he said to himself but out loud, "A little peak wouldn't hurt right?" He walked over to it then stood on his hind legs so he could see it. He looked at it and saw River on the naughty list. "River eats the Thanksgiving turkey"." Frosty read. He thought and said, "He seems like someone who can teach me about being an ordinary cub," he ripped the page out of the book and walked through the workshop.

~That night at the North Pole~

Frosty walked through the snow as it made a crunchy sound. He jumped into the sleigh and took a deep breath as his magic crystal, which was a mini version of the Great Christmas Icicle, let out some of the magic and a big glow made the sleigh float. He smiled as the reindeer tack tacked up the reindeer and moved them towards the sleigh. Comet looked back at him with a glare and asked with his ears folded back violently, "Frosty, what are you up to this time?" "Oh, uh... Mom and Dad want me to mail this to the Southlands," Frosty lied, looking up trying to come up with a lie first. "What about the mailbox here?" Comet asked jerking his head to the candy caned-themed mailbox. "It's broken," Frosty smiled. "Mailboxes can't break," Comet argued folding his ears back violently again. "It just won't open," Frosty said. "Oh, really?" Comet started then said, "Go try to open it," Frosty grumbled as he got out of the sleigh walking over to the perfectly fine mailbox. Once he was there, he looked at Comet who was watching. Frosty sighed annoyed and pretended to touch it and using all his might to open it. He whistled once as he walked over to the reindeer and got in the sleigh again. "Welp, couldn't open the mailbox," Frosty said with a fake disappointed sigh. "Couldn't? Or wouldn't?" Comet said wisely. "Just shut up and fly, reindeer!" Frosty yelled, finally losing his temper. Comet rolled his eyes and groaned out loud big and then took off with the other reindeer, with the sleigh behind the other 7.

~A few minutes later~

"Now easy, guys," Frosty told the reindeer. The reindeer made a smooth landing and Frosty jumped out of the sleigh and said turning to them, "OK, guys, just chill here and I'll... be right back," Comet rolled his eyes and laid down on the forest ground along with the other reindeer.

Frosty walked through the forest and then saw an opening that was filled with light. He walked through the exit of the forest and realized that he was standing on snow. He looked down at the snow then looked back up at South Rock and said, "Great, I thought I came here to get away from the snow," he walked through the Southlands looking for River.

I sat in the den of South Rock and smiled at Bakari who walked over and said, "My second Christmas here in the Southlands. Yay." I chuckled and said, "I can't believe it snows more here than it does in the Northlands. That doesn't make sense." Bakari nodded and asked as his facial expression turned to concern, "Hey, any idea where the cubs are?" I shook my head silently and then Cosmos came running past us freaking, "WHAT?!? YOU GUYS DON'T KNOW WHERE THE CUBS ARE!?!! KESI'S GONNA KILL ME, SHE TOLD ME TO WATCH RIVER AND HIS SISTERS!!!" He then ran off. I looked at Bakari confused and he just shrugged.

Frosty walked through the Southlands and then saw Cadance, River, Aurora, Misty, and Flower. He didn't care about the others but he smiled when he saw River. He walked over and then said, "Hey, uh... are you River," the cubs stopped what they were doing and looked over at him with confused looks. "Uh........... yeah?" River answered. Frosty sighed happily and relieved and said, "Good," they all exchanged confused looks agSanta Paws of the North Pole as in my dad's Santa Paws. Nice to meetcha." Frosty introduced himself. The cubs were silent for a second and then burst out laughing. Frosty watched themain and then Cadance said, "And you are.......?" "I'm Frosty. Future laugh in confusion. "W...what's so funny?" Frosty asked. "Oh, you're serious," Flower said sitting down. "Seriously? You expect us to believe your dad is Santa Paws?" Cadance asked looking at Frosty. "W...why wouldn't you?" Frosty asked again. "Who put you up to this?" Cadance asked with a raised eyebrow. "No one. My dad and all the elves want me to be this noble king-like leader but I just want to be an ordinary cub. I was looking on the naughty list and River seemed like a fun cub to be around." Frosty explained. "What'd you say!? I'm on the naughty list?!!?" River freaked. "Well-" Frosty started and then River interuptted, "It was just a little turkey!!!" "No worries. You can get off the naughty list by doing good things for others." Frosty smiled. "Like?" River asked raising an eyebrow. "Well... like... helping me be an ordinary cub," Frosty said trying to think of something first. "K, well I'll show you what I like to do. I'll catch ya guys later." River said and then jumped and ran off with Frosty.

~In the North Pole~

Santa Paws and Mrs. Paws walked through the workshop asking everyone if they've seen Frosty. As he was talking to an elf, Holly stood behind a huge present listening. She couldn't hear much a whispered to herself, "Frosty's missing..?" The elf shook his head with a sad but a "I gotta get back to work" face and left. Santa Paws looked at Mrs. Paws sadly and she gave a sad look, too. "I gotta find him," Holly said running off.

Holly ran to the stables and got ready to jump in the sleigh but just landed hard in the snow. "What?" She said to herself. She popped her head into each stall but didn't find any of the reindeer. "This doesn't make sense. Where are the reindeer?" She asked herself again. She sighed and looked at the Northern lighted sky.

A/N: I have NO idea if Northern lights is capitalized or not

Holly walked over to the reindeer in training and grabbed their tack. Her magic crystal's magic put the reindeer tack on four of them and she pushed a backup sleigh over to the reindeer and hooked them up. She climbed in the sleigh and said to herself again, "Alright, let's do this," the reindeer ran to the edge of the North Pole and Holly was saying in her head:

Holly's mind

Please work, please work, please work, I don't wanna die!

The four reindeer jumped and flew into the North Star.

Thanks for reading! What do you think Holly is doing? Love you guys and have a great early Christmas!


~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Where stories live. Discover now