~Chapter 64~ Legend of the Moonstone Wolves Pt. 2

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Season 4 - Special

~Inside the Lion Guard lair~

"Hmm, yes, I've seen this jewel before. Well, not in person but I've seen paintings of it and heard stories about it." Omari said then she continued, "This small opal is known as the Moonstone. Despite its small size, it has great power. It's purpose is to keep the night peaceful and harmonic for as long as the world will float in space." "But another thing happened," I started then paused for a sec. Mom and Kai came in. "Only when I touched it or went near it, it blasted me with a large energy force. It was almost like it didn't want me near it." I told her. "That's stupid," Adira said with a raised eyebrow. "Thank you!" Naju commented. I rolled my eyes and was about to say something else but Asha beat me to it by saying, "What do you think it means?" "I'm not sure... but-" Omari started then a voice said, "It means that your leader doesn't stand a chance!" We all looked over and saw a tiger standing in the entrance of South Rock. "Um, can I help you?" Mom asked with a raised eyebrow.

Tiger's mind

No, act like you're an innocent animal.

"Heh, sorry. I was just... working on lines for my acting career. Anyway, I see you found the Moonstone. You won't believe how far I've had to go to get it. How'd you find it?" The tiger said.

Tiger's mind

Why am I starting a conversation? I just need the Moonstone then I can leave.

The tiger was a female and she had a strange appearance. Her coat was a light celestial colored yellow, orange, and red and her eyes were goldish yellow. Her stripes were light tan, black, and orange. She didn't have any whiskers which worried me. Her tail was longer than other tigers. Her claws weren't unleashed though so I wasn't too cautious. "Um... we... we found it in the middle of the Southlands..." Omari told her with a bit of fear in her voice. "We found it," I corrected her as I looked at the Lion Guard. "Why? What do you want with it?" Asha asked walking up to her a little. I mouthed to Asha "play nice, Asha". Asha looked at me then looked back at the tiger again. The tiger smiled warmly and said, "I'm Hestia. The Moonstone is a royal treasure of my family. Not that important. Just another jewel." "So... it's yours?" I asked, making sure one more time before I allowed Hestia to take it. "Mhm," Hestia nodded. "OK..." I said then looked at Kabira who was standing right next to the opal and finished, "Give it to her," Kabira took the Moonstone and right when she touched it, her eyes changed color. Her eyes turned into an electric blue. "Kabira?" I wondered. Hestia looked over at her then gasped a little. "What..?" Hestia said quietly to herself. Kabira kind of looked hypnotized. Asha cantered over to her and then moved her away from the Moonstone a little and said, "Kabira?" Once Kabira's paw wasn't touching the blue opal, her eyes turned back to her natural eye color, purple. "What happened?!" I asked kind of freaked out. Well I wasn't freaked out. I was just a little confused. "Not sure..." Kabira said looking up at me. Mom nuzzled Kabira then looked at Hestia and said, "Hestia, you can have your moon opal thing back," "Thank you," Hestia said and then walked over to the Moonstone and then looked at all of us who were confused. "Woah, what's that!?" Hestia freaked looking in the back of us which was in the front of her. We all looked back and she smirked, lifted her paw, and black thick smoke almost like magic came out of her paw. The black stuff lifted the opal onto it and then Hestia said really fast once we turned around and looked at her again, "Huh, guess it was nothing. Me and my failing eyesight, ha. Well thanks and bye!" We all looked at her run off. "Is it just me or did she seem strange?" Mom asked. "The second one," we all answered in unsion.

~2 minutes later~

We were all laying on the ground of South Rock on the first "floor" when a.. wolf came in. We all got up besides Kabira and Mom asked again with a little annoyance in her voice this time, "Can I help you?" "WAS A TIGER JUST HERE?!!" "Uh... yeah. Her name was-" I started then the wolf interuptted, "HESTIA?!?!" "Uhhhh, yes..." I told her. "W-WHERE'S THE MOONSTONE?!" The wolf yelled again. "OK. Dude. You need to calm down." Asha said. "Pfft, easy for you to say! You're not the one who's gonna be DEAD if you don't find the Moonstone!" The wolf said. We all just looked at her confused. "H-how long ago did she leave?" The wolf asked still freaking out. "Like, two minutes ago," Kabira and Asha told her. "Ugh, if I leave now I might be able to catch up to her," the wolf said then jumped off. "Wait, I'll try to stop her for whatever reason that's for. I'm the fastest." Kesi said running off. Then the wolf ran off again. "'Guess we better go for mortal support," I said getting up.

"Hey!" Kesi's voice yelled. Hestia looked back and saw her running after her. Then she saw a wolf behind Kesi. "Ugh, the rat must've told them the truth about me!" Hestia snapped and then ran faster. Kesi noticed that and asked quietly to herself with a smirk, "You wanna race, huh?" Kesi then used her back hind legs and pushed them harder. This made her speed up. Once she got close enough, she jumped in the air and landed hard on Hestia. "What's wrong with you?!" Hestia freaked. "I don't actually know. I don't even know why I'm doing this." Kesi said. Just then, the wolf came running up and snarled, "Hestia, you have something that belongs to me!" Hestia growled and said, "It's too bad. You'll never find it." "Oh we'll see about that," the wolf snapped and then pinnee Hestia down and searched her with some kind of power that scanned through bodies and stuff. After she scanned her entire body, she got off of Hestia and said, "Where is it, Hestia!?" "You'll never know," Hestia smirked and then just disappeared in a burst of light. "What just happened??" Kesi asked. "I don't have time to explain. I gotta find the Moonstone." The female wolf said walking away. "Hey, hey, hey! You cane into our kingdom and started yelling at us. I think you can use that loud voice of yours and tell us what's going on." I told her, kind of getting frustrated. The wolf sighed and was about to say something but Asha said, "And maybe tell us your name," the wolf sighed again and then finally said, "I'm Lowella. The name means "moon wolf". I'm a member of the Moonstone Wolves and our job is to protect the Moonstone from those who might try to use its power or try to destroy it. But we can't really do that when we don't know where it is." "Well we can help you find it- if you want." I smiled. "I don't know how much help you would be..." Lowella told us. "Actually, maybe you shouldn't leave, Kia. After all, that opal seems to hate you." Kabira said. "Huh?" Lowell asked. "Ignore her," I said. "No, what did she mean "hate you"?" Lowella asked again. She was pretty nosy. "Oh, all that happened was the jewel blasted me with a glowing energy force. No big deal." I said. "YES! It is a big deal!! A very big deal!" Lowella yelled again. "Here starts the yelling again," Kabira, me, and Asha all said annoyed at the same time. "The Moonstone wouldn't do that unless the Sundrop was nearby! You're the Sundrop...?" Lowella asked looking at me. "Uhhhh..." Was all I said.

Thanks for reading! I haven't updated for TWO days! That's a long time to be away from my fans. Lol. And like I said, the few upcoming chapters will be related to Tangled: The Series. Love y'all! Stay safe!

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα