~Chapter 49~ The dry season... yay...

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Season 3

~The next day~

With the attacks Keres has made on the Southlands a few weeks ago, the Southlands and Southlanders have become unstable. With the brand new hyena enemies, rest for the Lion Guard had gotten a lot harder. And with the king now gone... Mom's life of ruling the Southlands has become a LOT harder. I try to help her out as much as I can but with the Lion Guard duties, that's almost impossible. And all of this happened in the worst time for the savanna ever- the dry season. After the Lion Guard and I got done chasing the hyenas out of the Southlands, we all had lots of scars, bruises, cuts, and dirt on us. These hyenas were way stronger and faster than the hyenas we used to deal with. And this clan had way more hyenas than just Chiku, Chandu, and Abedi used to have. I walked up into the den of South Rock and looked for Mom. "Hey, Mom, how's it going?" I asked with cuts, dirt, and bruises all over my body. "Not good! I have so much stuff to do! I have a meeting with the elephant family of the Eastlands in 1 hour, I have to find water for the Southlanders, I have-" Mom panicked then I said,  "Mom, breath. Remember lamazz class. Now, I can take care of all of that while you're gone at that elephant meeting in the Eastlands." I smiled. "I don't know, the Southlanders are so demanding and a little punchy during the dry season." Mom told me. "I can handle that," I smirked closing my eyes proudly. "Well... I guess if you're sure... and if the Lion Guard will help you...-" Mom started sounding unsure then I interuptted, "Yep! Totally! I can handle it! Now go on!" I exclaimed pushing her down to the Southlands. "Byeeee!" I smiled trying to get rid of her. Mom rolled her eyes and left. I felt bad for pushing her out like that, but she needs a break from all of this stuff. I bet the Northlands have more peace and calmness than we do right now!

~In the Northlands~

"WAR! IT'S WAR!!!" Keres yelled. Remember what I just said? Well nevermind. "Mom, just because Bakari left this pride doesn't mean it's the Southlander's fault. Lots of things could get that mind of his to change sides." Luna argued. "The Southlanders have gone to far! We-" Keres started then Luna interrupted sharply, "No! We've gone too far! Do you know how many years we've feuded with them?!" "Too many," a lioness from Keres's pride butted in. Keres and Luna looked at the lioness confused. "I think it's time we stop. This fued has only hurt more and more animals." The lioness said. "YOU'RE WITH HER, AFINA?!?" Keres yelled. "So am I," another lioness said with two others joining her side. Keres growled and Luna said, "It's time to stop, Mom," Keres looked down and snarled.

~Back in the Southlands~

I was sitting on the edge of South Rock looking at the kingdom. Just then, Kabira jumped over and exclaimed excitedly, "Kia, Kia! Guess who just showed up after we forgot what they looked like and attacked them!" I looked over my shoulder and looked at her then saw two lion figures walk up. I noticed the one that looked younger and smiled and ran over to her and said, "Malaika!" "Kia!" She exclaimed back and hugged me by putting her head over and putting her head on my back with me putting my head under her chin onto her chest. "Or should that be... "Queen Kia," she added with a chuckle as she bowed down. She was now a young adult and she still had the same necklace she had on when I first met her. I chuckled and looked at her mom and said, "Hello again, Miele," "Hi, Your Majesty," Miele greeted also bowing down sarcastically. Miele was just a little older. I raised my eyebrow at her sarcastic bow with a mischievous smile and asked Malaika, "What are you two doing here? I thought you were looking for a new place to call home." "We did. But then we remembered you guys and new that home is wherever family and friends are. That is, if it's okay if we live here now and become Southlanders." Malaika smiled. "Well I'm not exactly the queen yet so I can't make that decision but I'm sure my mom will accept when she comes back." I smiled back. "Thank you. What about your dad? Is he here? I don't think I ever got the chance to really meet him." Malaika said. Everyone in South Rock looked down sadly and their facial expressions went from excited to sadness. Malaika looked around confused and asked with a faded small chuckle mixed with a scoff, "What? Was it something I said?" "Kinda..." Naju and Asha both told her sadly. "My father is dead. He, um... he died saving me." I told them. "Oh. Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't know." Malaika stuttered. "It's fine, Malaika. How could you have known? You weren't here." I said with a slight chuckle mixed with a scoff. "Right... So has ruling been kind of hard for Queen... um... what was it?" Malaika asked. "Kamaria," Kesi told her with a bit of annoyance in her voice. "Yeah," Malaika said. "YES! She's doing her best and all the animals want something different from her! She's only one lioness!" I said getting frustrated. I took a breath then said,"Which is why I'm ruling over the Southlands while she's gone at an elephant meeting in the Eastlands." "Sweet. How's ruling so far?" Malaika asked. "I actually haven't started yet. Nothing has been going on yet and no animals need any-" I started to answer her then I heard shouting from down below. "Huh?" I wondered. "I hear something from up above..." Naju said looking up at the sky. "Is that coming from up above..? Or down below..?" Kesi wondered looking down at the ground of South Rock. I walked to the edge of South Rock and looked down. I saw lots of Southlanders surrounding down there shouting something. They were all talking at once I couldn't understand what they were saying. "Ugh, guess I gotta go "queen" now." I said walking down South Rock. "OK. Can my mom, Miele and I look around?" Malaika asked. "Sure, just don't get trampled by all of the animals that are thirsty." I said with a chuckle getting ready to leave. "Well that's the first reason we wanted to come here. Due to it being the dry season, we really had no other place to think of besides here." Malaika explained before I left. "That was your FIRST reason to come here? Ouch. Well that hurts." I joked looking back at her. Malaika chuckled and Miele asked, "Is there anywhere where there's water, Princess Kia?" Miele asked. "Uh, you can try the waterhole at the boarder between the Eastlands and the Southlands." I said running down the stair-like rocks that were made with South Rock. "But, Kia, you know that waterhole is empty." Kabira said. "Yeah, well I was just trying to get them to leave me alone now I gotta go!" I said saying my last words before my voice and me alone faded. Kabira groaned in a sigh-like way and walked off. The rest of the Lion Guard did their own thing.

Thanks for reading! Yay, Malaika is back. Remember she doesn't belong to me.

Malaika's voice: Older Kaitlyn Maher (same voice) (I can't think of another person with a better voice that suits Malaika)

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